

Scientific Reports Chemistry Table of Contents e-alert: 4 August 2015

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  04 August 2015   
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Chemical Sciences

Engineering Cyclodextrin Clicked Chiral Stationary Phase for High-Efficiency Enantiomer Separation


Jian Tang, Shapopeng Zhang, Yuzhou Lin et al.


The separation of racemic molecules is of crucial significance not only for fundamental research but also for technical application. Enantiomers remain challenging to be …


Ultra-high-performance core–shell structured Ru@Pt/C catalyst prepared by a facile pulse electrochemical deposition method


Dan Chen, Yuexia Li, Shijun Liao et al.


Core–shell structured catalysts, made by placing either a monolayer or a thin layer of a noble metal on relatively cheap core-metal nanoparticles, are fascinating and promising …


Suppressed N2O formation during NH3 selective catalytic reduction using vanadium on zeolitic microporous TiO2


Seung Gwan Lee, Hyun Jeong Lee, Inhak Song et al.


Emission of N2O from mobile and off-road engine is now being currently regulated because of its high impact compared to that of CO2, thereby implying that N2O formation from the …


Simultaneous morphology manipulation and upconversion luminescence enhancement of β-NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+ microcrystals by simply tuning the KF dosage


Mingye Ding, Daqin Chen, Shilong Yin et al.


A strategy has been adopted for simultaneous morphology manipulation and upconversion luminescence enhancement of β-NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+ microcrystals by simply tuning the KF dosage. …


How Properties of Solid Surfaces Modulate the Nucleation of Gas Hydrate


Dongsheng Bai, Guangjin Chen, Xianren Zhang et al.


Molecular dynamics simulations were performed for CO2 dissolved in water near silica surfaces to investigate how the hydrophilicity and crystallinity of solid surfaces modulate …


Rechargeable magnesium-ion battery based on a TiSe2-cathode with d-p orbital hybridized electronic structure


Yunpeng Gu, Yukari Katsura, Takafumi Yoshino et al.


Rechargeable ion-batteries, in which ions such as Li+ carry charges between electrodes, have been contributing to the improvement of power-source performance in a wide variety of …


Development of bright fluorescent quadracyclic adenine analogues: TDDFT-calculation supported rational design


Anders Foller Larsen, Blaise Dumat, Moa S. Wranne et al.


Fluorescent base analogues (FBAs) comprise a family of increasingly important molecules for the investigation of nucleic acid structure and dynamics. We recently reported the …


Nanoscale Nitrogen Doping in Silicon by Self-Assembled Monolayers


Bin Guan, Hamidreza Siampour, Zhao Fan et al.


This Report presents a nitrogen-doping method by chemically forming self-assembled monolayers on silicon. Van der Pauw technique, secondary-ion mass spectroscopy and low …


Corrigendum: An embryo of protocells: The capsule of graphene with selective ion channels


Zhan Li, Chunmei Wang, Longlong Tian et al.



Nuclear volume effects in equilibrium stable isotope fractionations of mercury, thallium and lead


Sha Yang, Yun Liu


The nuclear volume effects (NVEs) of Hg, Tl and Pb isotope systems are investigated with careful evaluation on quantum relativistic effects via the Dirac’s formalism of …


Exploring bubble oscillation and mass transfer enhancement in acoustic-assisted liquid-liquid extraction with a microfluidic device


Yuliang Xie, Chandraprakash Chindam, Nitesh Nama et al.


We investigated bubble oscillation and its induced enhancement of mass transfer in a liquid-liquid extraction process with an acoustically-driven, bubble-based microfluidic …


Graphene with outstanding anti-irradiation capacity as multialkylated cyclopentanes additive toward space application


Xiaoqiang Fan, Liping Wang


Multialkylated cyclopentanes (MACs), a class of synthetic hydrocarbon fluid have attracted intensive interest as possible space lubricants due to a series of unique physical and …


Hydroxyproline Ring Pucker Causes Frustration of Helix Parameters in the Collagen Triple Helix


W. Ying Chow, Dominique Bihan, Chris J. Forman et al.


Collagens, the most abundant proteins in mammals, are defined by their triple-helical structures and distinctive Gly-Xaa-Yaa repeating sequence, where Xaa is often proline and …


Facile and Scalable Preparation of Graphene Oxide-Based Magnetic Hybrids for Fast and Highly Efficient Removal of Organic Dyes


Tifeng Jiao, Yazhou Liu, Yitian Wu et al.


This study reports the facile preparation and the dye removal efficiency of nanohybrids composed of graphene oxide (GO) and Fe3O4 nanoparticles with various geometrical …


Study of the Binding Energies between Unnatural Amino Acids and Engineered Orthogonal Tyrosyl-tRNA Synthetases


Wei Ren, Tan M. Truong, Hui-wang Ai


We utilized several computational approaches to evaluate the binding energies of tyrosine (Tyr) and several unnatural Tyr analogs, to several orthogonal aaRSes derived from


Exfoliated MoS2 Sheets and Reduced Graphene Oxide-An Excellent and Fast Anode for Sodium-ion Battery


Tuhin Subhra Sahu, Sagar Mitra


Three dimensional (3D) MoS2 nanoflowers are successfully synthesized by hydrothermal method. Further, a composite of as prepared MoS2 nanoflowers and rGO is constructed by simple …


Effect of proton-conduction in electrolyte on electric efficiency of multi-stage solid oxide fuel cells


Yoshio Matsuzaki, Yuya Tachikawa, Takaaki Somekawa et al.


Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are promising electrochemical devices that enable the highest fuel-to-electricity conversion efficiencies under high operating temperatures. The …


Potentiometric detection of chemical vapors using molecularly imprinted polymers as receptors


Rongning Liang, Lusi Chen, Wei Qin


Ion-selective electrode (ISE) based potentiometric gas sensors have shown to be promising analytical tools for detection of chemical vapors. However, such sensors are only …


BaFe12O19-chitosan Schiff-base Ag (I) complexes embedded in carbon nanotube networks for high-performance electromagnetic materials


Jie Zhao, Yu Xie, Dongsheng Guan et al.


The multiwalled carbon nanotubes/BaFe12O19-chitosan (MCNTs/BF-CS) Schiff base Ag (I) complex composites were synthesized successfully by a chemical bonding method. The morphology …

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