

Scientific Reports Earth Sciences Table of Contents e-alert: 4 August 2015

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  04 August 2015   
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Earth & Environmental Sciences

The role of silicon in physiology of the medicinal plant (Lonicera japonica L.) under salt stress


Zhao Gengmao, Li Shihui, Sun Xing et al.


Silicon(Si) is the only element which can enhance the resistance to multiple stresses. However, the role of silicon in medicinal plants under salt stress is not yet understood. …


An invisible soil acidification: Critical role of soil carbonate and its impact on heavy metal bioavailability


Cheng Wang, Wei Li, Zhongfang Yang et al.


It is well known that carbonates inhibit heavy metals transferring from soil to plants, yet the mechanism is poorly understood. Based on the Yangtze River delta area, we …


Marine Sediments Remotely Unveil Long-Term Climatic Variability Over Northern Italy


Carla Taricco, Silvia Alessio, Sara Rubinetti et al.


A deep understanding of natural decadal variability is pivotal to discuss recently observed climate trends. Paleoclimate proxies allow reconstructing natural variations before …


An indica rice genotype showed a similar yield enhancement to that of hybrid rice under free air carbon dioxide enrichment


Chunwu Zhu, Xi Xu, Dan Wang et al.


Although the rice growth response to FACE (free-air CO2 enrichment) has been widely studied and is considered important within the scientific community, few studies have …


The role of dynamically induced variability in the recent warming trend slowdown over the Northern Hemisphere


Xiaodan Guan, Jianping Huang, Ruixia Guo et al.


Since the slowing of the trend of increasing surface air temperature (SAT) in the late 1990 s, intense interest and debate have arisen concerning the contribution of human …


Grazer-induced morphological defense in Scenedesmus obliquus is affected by competition against Microcystis aeruginosa


Xuexia Zhu, Jun Wang, Yichun Lu et al.


The green alga Scenedesmus is known for its phenotypic plasticity in response to grazing risk. However, the benefits of colony formation induced by infochemicals from zooplankton …


Enhanced cuticular penetration as the mechanism for synergy of insecticidal constituents of rosemary essential oil in Trichoplusia ni


Jun-Hyung Tak, Murray B. Isman


Synergistic interactions between constituents of essential oils have been reported for several areas of research. In the present study, mechanisms that could explain the …


Nuclear volume effects in equilibrium stable isotope fractionations of mercury, thallium and lead


Sha Yang, Yun Liu


The nuclear volume effects (NVEs) of Hg, Tl and Pb isotope systems are investigated with careful evaluation on quantum relativistic effects via the Dirac’s formalism of …


Increasing impact of urban fine particles (PM2.5) on areas surrounding Chinese cities


Lijian Han, Weiqi Zhou, Weifeng Li


The negative impacts of rapid urbanization in developing countries have led to a deterioration in urban air quality, which brings increasing negative impact to its surrounding …


Efficient removal of crystal violet using Fe3O4-coated biochar: the role of the Fe3O4 nanoparticles and modeling study their adsorption behavior


Pengfei Sun, Cai Hui, Rashid Azim Khan et al.


Biochar shows great promise for use in adsorbing pollutants. However, a process for enhancing its adsorption capacity and re-collection efficiency is yet to be further developed. …


Productivity depends more on the rate than the frequency of N addition in a temperate grassland


Yunhai Zhang, Jinchao Feng, Forest Isbell et al.


Nitrogen (N) is a key limiting resource for aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) in diverse terrestrial ecosystems. The relative roles of the rate and frequency (additions …


Haloarchaea Endowed with Phosphorus Solubilization Attribute Implicated in Phosphorus Cycle


Ajar Nath Yadav, Divya Sharma, Sneha Gulati et al.


Archaea are unique microorganisms that are present in ecological niches of high temperature, pH and salinity. A total of 157 archaea were obtained from thirteen sediment, water …


Potentiometric detection of chemical vapors using molecularly imprinted polymers as receptors


Rongning Liang, Lusi Chen, Wei Qin


Ion-selective electrode (ISE) based potentiometric gas sensors have shown to be promising analytical tools for detection of chemical vapors. However, such sensors are only …


BaFe12O19-chitosan Schiff-base Ag (I) complexes embedded in carbon nanotube networks for high-performance electromagnetic materials


Jie Zhao, Yu Xie, Dongsheng Guan et al.


The multiwalled carbon nanotubes/BaFe12O19-chitosan (MCNTs/BF-CS) Schiff base Ag (I) complex composites were synthesized successfully by a chemical bonding method. The morphology …


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