

Scientific Reports Table of Contents e-alert: 4 August 2015

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  04 August 2015   
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  Presented by Nature Medicine and the Volkswagen Foundation

September 29-30, 2015 | Hanover, Germany 

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Corrigendum: 3D-Printed Microfluidic Device for the Detection of Pathogenic Bacteria Using Size-based Separation in Helical Channel with Trapezoid Cross-Section


Wonjae Lee, Donghoon Kwon, Woong Choi et al.



Bioluminescent imaging of vaccinia virus infection in immunocompetent and immunodeficient rats as a model for human smallpox


Qiang Liu, Changfa Fan, Shuya Zhou et al.


Due to the increasing concern of using smallpox virus as biological weapons for terrorist attack, there is renewed interest in studying the pathogenesis of human smallpox and …


Self-assembled Messenger RNA Nanoparticles (mRNA-NPs) for Efficient Gene Expression


Hyejin Kim, Yongkuk Park, Jong Bum Lee


Although mRNA has several advantages over plasmid DNA when delivered into cells for gene expression, mRNA transfection is a very rare occurrence in gene delivery. This is mainly …


Corrigendum: A method for human teratogen detection by geometrically confined cell differentiation and migration


Jiangwa Xing, Yi-Chin Toh, Shuoyu Xu et al.



Chemokine polyreactivity of IL7Rα+CSF-1R+ lympho-myeloid progenitors in the developing fetal liver


Katja Kajikhina, Fritz Melchers, Motokazu Tsuneto


In murine ontogeny, fetal liver is the major hemato- and B-lymphopoietic site until birth. Hematopoiesis develops in largely non-hematopoietic niches, which provide contacts, …


Improved canine exome designs, featuring ncRNAs and increased coverage of protein coding genes


Bart J.G. Broeckx, Christophe Hitte, Frank Coopman et al.


By limiting sequencing to those sequences transcribed as mRNA, whole exome sequencing is a cost-efficient technique often used in disease-association studies. We developed two …


Corrigendum: Epidermal growth factor receptor subunit locations determined in hydrated cells with environmental scanning electron microscopy


Diana B. Peckys, Jean-Pierre Baudoin, Magdalena Eder et al.



Lack of Correlation Between Liver Tests Abnormalities and Trabectedin Efficacy in the Treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcoma: a Retrospective Study


Bruno Vincenzi, Luciano Stumbo, Giuseppina Maltese et al.


Elevation in liver transaminases is common in patients treated with the marine antitumor agent trabectedin. However, the impact of trabectedin-related transaminase elevations on …


Copy number variation-based genome wide association study reveals additional variants contributing to meat quality in Swine


Ligang Wang, Lingyang Xu, Xin Liu et al.


Pork quality is important both to the meat processing industry and consumers’ purchasing attitude. Copy number variation (CNV) is a burgeoning kind of variants that may influence …


Corrigendum: Diosgenin-induced cognitive enhancement in normal mice is mediated by 1,25D3-MARRS


Chihiro Tohda, Young-A. Lee, Yukiori Goto et al.



Corrigendum: Direct Identification of On-Bead Peptides Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopic Barcoding System for High-Throughput Bioanalysis


Homan Kang, Sinyoung Jeong, Yul Koh et al.



Molecular architecture of silk fibroin of Indian golden silkmoth, Antheraea assama


Adarsh Gupta K, Kazuei Mita, Kallare P. Arunkumar et al.


The golden silk spun by Indian golden silkmoth Antheraea assama, is regarded for its shimmering golden luster, tenacity and value as biomaterial. This report describes the gene …


The role of silicon in physiology of the medicinal plant (Lonicera japonica L.) under salt stress


Zhao Gengmao, Li Shihui, Sun Xing et al.


Silicon(Si) is the only element which can enhance the resistance to multiple stresses. However, the role of silicon in medicinal plants under salt stress is not yet understood. …


Protease recognition sites in Bet v 1a are cryptic, explaining its slow processing relevant to its allergenicity


Regina Freier, Elfriede Dall, Hans Brandstetter


Despite a high similarity with homologous protein families, only few proteins trigger an allergic immune response with characteristic TH2 polarization. This puzzling observation …


Density-dependent adjustment of inducible defenses


Ralph Tollrian, Sonja Duggen, Linda C. Weiss et al.


Predation is a major factor driving evolution, and organisms have evolved adaptations increasing their survival chances. However, most defenses incur trade-offs between benefits …


Local-scale Partitioning of Functional and Phylogenetic Beta Diversity in a Tropical Tree Assemblage


Jie Yang, Nathan G. Swenson, Guocheng Zhang et al.


The relative degree to which stochastic and deterministic processes underpin community assembly is a central problem in ecology. Quantifying local-scale phylogenetic and …


Potential Role of Acetyl-CoA Synthetase (acs) and Malate Dehydrogenase (mae) in the Evolution of the Acetate Switch in Bacteria and Archaea


Elliott P. Barnhart, Marcella A. McClure, Kiki Johnson et al.


Although many Archaea have AMP-Acs (acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase) and ADP-Acs, the extant methanogenic genus Methanosarcina is the only identified Archaeal genus that can utilize …


Adaptation of the human aryl hydrocarbon receptor to sense microbiota-derived indoles


Troy D. Hubbard, Iain A. Murray, William H. Bisson et al.


Ligand activation of the aryl hydrocarbon (AHR) has profound effects upon the immunological status of the gastrointestinal tract, establishing and maintaining signaling networks, …


Eyes on words: A fixation-related fMRI study of the left occipito-temporal cortex during self-paced silent reading of words and pseudowords


Sarah Schuster, Stefan Hawelka, Fabio Richlan et al.


The predominant finding of studies assessing the response of the left ventral occipito-temporal cortex (vOT) to familiar words and to unfamiliar, but pronounceable letter strings …


Sodium butyrate alleviates adipocyte inflammation by inhibiting NLRP3 pathway


Xukai Wang, Gang He, Yan Peng et al.


Insulin resistance (IR) is a common feature of Type II diabetes, metabolic disorders, hypertension and other vascular diseases. Recent studies showed that obesity-induced …


Identification of a DYRK1A Inhibitor that Induces Degradation of the Target Kinase using Co-chaperone CDC37 fused with Luciferase nanoKAZ


Rie Sonamoto, Isao Kii, Yuka Koike et al.


The protein kinase family includes attractive targets for drug development. Methods for screening of kinase inhibitors remain largely limited to in vitro catalytic assays. It has …


Performance comparison of four commercial human whole-exome capture platforms


Daichi Shigemizu, Yukihide Momozawa, Testuo Abe et al.


Whole exome sequencing (WXS) is widely used to identify causative genetic mutations of diseases. However, not only have several commercial human exome capture platforms been …


Label-free single-cell protein quantification using a drop-based mix-and-read system


Alireza Abbaspourrad, Huidan Zhang, Ye Tao et al.


Quantitative protein analysis of single cells is rarely achieved due to technical difficulties of detecting minute amounts of proteins present in one cell. We develop a …


Generation of a Homozygous Transgenic Rat Strain Stably Expressing a Calcium Sensor Protein for Direct Examination of Calcium Signaling


Kornélia Szebényi, András Füredi, Orsolya Kolacsek et al.


In drug discovery, prediction of selectivity and toxicity require the evaluation of cellular calcium homeostasis. The rat is a preferred laboratory animal for pharmacology and …


Innate positive chemotaxis to pollen from crops and banker plants in predaceous biological control agents: towards new field lures?


Shu Li, Xiaoling Tan, Nicolas Desneux et al.


Predator-prey interactions form the core of biological control of arthropod pests. Which tools can be used to monitor and collect carnivorous arthropods in natural habitats and …


Csk-Induced Phosphorylation of Src at Tyrosine 530 is Essential for H2O2-Mediated Suppression of ERK1/2 in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells


Bo Kyung Jeon, Kihwan Kwon, Jihee Lee Kang et al.


Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are key signal transducers involved in various cellular events such as growth, proliferation, and differentiation. Previous studies have …


Unsaturated fatty acids as high-affinity ligands of the C-terminal Per-ARNT-Sim domain from the Hypoxia-inducible factor 3α


Angela M. Fala, Juliana F. Oliveira, Douglas Adamoski et al.


Hypoxia-inducible transcription factors (HIF) form heterodimeric complexes that mediate cell responses to hypoxia. The oxygen-dependent stability and activity of the HIF-α …


Detection and Differentiation of Threonine- and Tyrosine-Monophosphorylated Forms of ERK1/2 by Capillary Isoelectric Focusing-Immunoassay


Inga Kraus, Daniela Besong Agbo, Markus Otto et al.


The extracellular signal regulated kinases ERK1/2 play important roles in the regulation of diverse cellular functions and have been implicated in several human diseases. In …


BCRP and P-gp relay overexpression in triple negative basal-like breast cancer cell line: a prospective role in resistance to Olaparib


Robin Dufour, Pierre Daumar, Emmanuelle Mounetou et al.


The triple negative basal-like (TNBL) breast carcinoma is an aggressive and unfavorable prognosis disease. Inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase such as Olaparib could …


Erratum: Identification of the gene defect responsible for severe hypercholesterolaemia using whole-exome sequencing


Li-Yuan Sun, Yong-Biao Zhang, Long Jiang et al.



Akt2 knock-down reveals its contribution to human lung cancer cell proliferation, growth, motility, invasion and endothelial cell tube formation


Samir Attoub, Kholoud Arafat, Nasseredine Kamel Hammadi et al.


The Akt/PKB serine/threonine protein kinase consists of three isoforms: Akt-1, −2 and −3. Their overexpression has been detected in human cancers, but their roles in cancer …


Corrigendum: DW-F5: A novel formulation against malignant melanoma from Wrightia tinctoria


Jayesh Antony, Minakshi Saikia, Vinod. V et al.



Erratum: Effects of time delay and space on herbivore dynamics: linking inducible defenses of plants to herbivore outbreak


Gui-Quan Sun, Su-Lan Wang, Qian Ren et al.



Corrigendum: Simultaneous submicrometric 3D imaging of the micro-vascular network and the neuronal system in a mouse spinal cord


Michela Fratini, Inna Bukreeva, Gaetano Campi et al.



A computer-designed scaffold for bone regeneration within cranial defect using human dental pulp stem cells


Doo Yeon Kwon, Jin Seon Kwon, Seung Hun Park et al.


A computer-designed, solvent-free scaffold offer several potential advantages such as ease of customized manufacture and in vivo safety. In this work, we firstly used a …


The de novo synthesis of ubiquitin: identification of deubiquitinases acting on ubiquitin precursors


Cláudia P. Grou, Manuel P. Pinto, Andreia V. Mendes et al.


Protein ubiquitination, a major post-translational modification in eukaryotes, requires an adequate pool of free ubiquitin. Cells maintain this pool by two pathways, both …


YIP1 family member 4 (YIPF4) is a novel cellular binding partner of the papillomavirus E5 proteins


Marietta Müller, Christopher W. Wasson, Ramya Bhatia et al.


E5 proteins are amongst the least understood of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) encoded gene products. They are small, membrane-integrated proteins known to modulate a number of …


Ion channel gene expression predicts survival in glioma patients


Rong Wang, Christopher I. Gurguis, Wanjun Gu et al.


Ion channels are important regulators in cell proliferation, migration, and apoptosis. The malfunction and/or aberrant expression of ion channels may disrupt these important …


Tailored delivery of analgesic ziconotide across a blood brain barrier model using viral nanocontainers


Prachi Anand, Alison O’Neil, Emily Lin et al.


The blood brain barrier (BBB) is often an insurmountable obstacle for a large number of candidate drugs, including peptides, antibiotics, and chemotherapeutic agents. Devising an …


The heat shock response restricts virus infection in Drosophila


Sarah H. Merkling, Gijs J. Overheul, Joël T. van Mierlo et al.


Innate immunity is the first line of defence against pathogens and is essential for survival of the infected host. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is an emerging model to …


Establishment of a new OSCC cell line derived from OLK and identification of malignant transformation-related proteins by differential proteomics approach


Yan Dong, Qun Zhao, Xiaoyan Ma et al.


Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is usually preceded by the oral premalignant lesions, mainly oral leukoplakia (OLK) after repeated insults of carcinogens, tobacco. B(a)P and …


Coarse-grained molecular dynamics studies of the translocation mechanism of polyarginines across asymmetric membrane under tension


XiaoCong He, Min Lin, BaoYong Sha et al.


Understanding interactions between cell-penetrating peptides and biomembrane under tension can help improve drug delivery and elucidate mechanisms underlying fundamental cellular …


Formulation of Biologically-Inspired Silk-Based Drug Carriers for Pulmonary Delivery Targeted for Lung Cancer


Sally Yunsun Kim, Deboki Naskar, Subhas C. Kundu et al.


The benefits of using silk fibroin, a major protein in silk, are widely established in many biomedical applications including tissue regeneration, bioactive coating and in vitro


Erratum: The up-scaling of ecosystem functions in a heterogeneous world


Andrew M. Lohrer, Simon F. Thrush, Judi E. Hewitt et al.



The relationship between nociceptive brain activity, spinal reflex withdrawal and behaviour in newborn infants


Caroline Hartley, Sezgi Goksan, Ravi Poorun et al.


Measuring infant pain is complicated by their inability to describe the experience. While nociceptive brain activity, reflex withdrawal and facial grimacing have been …


Stochasticity and Spatial Interaction Govern Stem Cell Differentiation Dynamics


Quinton Smith, Evgeny Stukalin, Sravanti Kusuma et al.


Stem cell differentiation underlies many fundamental processes such as development, tissue growth and regeneration, as well as disease progression. Understanding how stem cell …


Trade-off between allocation to reproductive ramets and rhizome buds in Carex brevicuspis populations along a small-scale elevational gradient


Xin-sheng Chen, Ya-fang Li, Yong-hong Xie et al.


The trade-off between allocation to sexual and clonal reproduction in clonal plants is influenced by a variety of environmental factors; however, it has rarely been examined …


Glass is a Viable Substrate for Precision Force Microscopy of Membrane Proteins


Nagaraju Chada, Krishna P. Sigdel, Raghavendar Reddy Sanganna Gari et al.


Though ubiquitous in optical microscopy, glass has long been overlooked as a specimen supporting surface for high resolution atomic force microscopy (AFM) investigations due to …


Erratum: A sensitised RNAi screen reveals a ch-TOG genetic interaction network required for spindle assembly


Alexis R. Barr, Chris Bakal



Erratum: Structural and Dynamic Features of F-recruitment Site Driven Substrate Phosphorylation by ERK2


Andrea Piserchio, Venkatesh Ramakrishan, Hsin Wang et al.



Invasion Expansion: Time since introduction best predicts global ranges of marine invaders


James E. Byers, Rachel S. Smith, James M. Pringle et al.


Strategies for managing biological invasions are often based on the premise that characteristics of invading species and the invaded environment are key predictors of the …


Insulin-degrading enzyme prevents α-synuclein fibril formation in a nonproteolytical manner


Sandeep K. Sharma, Erik Chorell, Pär Steneberg et al.


The insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) degrades amyloidogenic proteins such as Amyloid β (Αβ) and Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (IAPP), i.e. peptides associated with Alzheimer’s disease …


Generation-based life table analysis reveals manifold effects of inbreeding on the population fitness in Plutella xylostella


Lu Peng, Mingmin Zou, Nana Ren et al.


Understanding how inbreeding affects fitness is biologically important for conservation and pest management. Despite being a worldwide pest of many economically important …


A Computational Model of Innate Directional Selectivity Refined by Visual Experience


Samantha V. Adams, Christopher M. Harris


The mammalian visual system has been extensively studied since Hubel and Wiesel’s work on cortical feature maps in the 1960s. Feature maps representing the cortical neurons’ …


γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) administration improves action selection processes: a randomised controlled trial


Laura Steenbergen, Roberta Sellaro, Ann-Kathrin Stock et al.


In order to accomplish a task goal, real-life environments require us to develop different action control strategies in order to rapidly react to fast-moving visual and auditory …


Discovery of Novel Inhibitors and Fluorescent Probe Targeting NAMPT


Xia Wang, Tian-Ying Xu, Xin-Zhu Liu et al.


Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) is a promising antitumor target. Novel NAMPT inhibitors with diverse chemotypes are highly desirable for development of antitumor …


miR-628, a microRNA that is induced by Toll-like receptor stimulation, regulates porcine innate immune responses


He Jun, He Ying, Chen Daiwen et al.


Mammalian innate and acquired immune responses involve a coordinated, sequential, and self limiting sequence of events controlled by positive and negative regulatory mechanism. …


The Folding process of Human Profilin-1, a novel protein associated with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis


Edoardo Del Poggetto, Fabrizio Chiti, Francesco Bemporad


Human profilin-1 is a novel protein associated with a recently discovered form of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This urges the characterization of possible …


Genome-wide whole blood microRNAome and transcriptome analyses reveal miRNA-mRNA regulated host response to foodborne pathogen Salmonella infection in swine


Hua Bao, Arun Kommadath, Guanxiang Liang et al.


To understand the role of miRNAs in regulating genes involved in host response to bacterial infection and shedding of foodborne pathogens, a systematic profiling of miRNAs and …


Molecular Signatures of Reduced Nerve Toxicity by CeCl3 in Phoxim-exposed Silkworm Brains


Binbin Wang, Fanchi Li, Min Ni et al.


CeCl3 can reduce the damage caused by OP pesticides, in this study we used the brain of silkworms to investigate the mechanism of CeCl3 effects on pesticide resistance. The …


RD-1 encoded EspJ protein gets phosphorylated prior to affect the growth and intracellular survival of mycobacteria


Pramod K Singh, Richa Saxena, Sameer Tiwari et al.


Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) synchronizes a number of processes and controls a series of events to subvert host defense mechanisms for the sake of residing inside …


E-cadherin expression in macrophages dampens their inflammatory responsiveness in vitro, but does not modulate M2-regulated pathologies in vivo


Jan Van den Bossche, Damya Laoui, Thomas Naessens et al.


IL-4/IL-13-induced alternatively activated macrophages (M(IL-4/IL-13), AAMs or M2) are known to express E-cadherin, enabling them to engage in heterotypic cellular interactions …


TRPA1 mediates the hypothermic action of acetaminophen


Clive Gentry, David A. Andersson, Stuart Bevan


Acetaminophen (APAP) is an effective antipyretic and one of the most commonly used analgesic drugs. Unlike antipyretic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, APAP elicits …


MicroRNA-320a acts as a tumor suppressor by targeting BCR/ABL oncogene in chronic myeloid leukemia


Zhu Xishan, Lin Ziying, Du Jing et al.


Accumulating evidences demonstrated that the induction of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and aberrant expression of microRNAs (miRNAs) are associated with tumorigenesis, …


Corrigendum: An embryo of protocells: The capsule of graphene with selective ion channels


Zhan Li, Chunmei Wang, Longlong Tian et al.



Draft genome of the most devastating insect pest of coffee worldwide: the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei


Fernando E. Vega, Stuart M. Brown, Hao Chen et al.


The coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei, is the most economically important insect pest of coffee worldwide. We present an analysis of the draft genome of the coffee berry …


An indica rice genotype showed a similar yield enhancement to that of hybrid rice under free air carbon dioxide enrichment


Chunwu Zhu, Xi Xu, Dan Wang et al.


Although the rice growth response to FACE (free-air CO2 enrichment) has been widely studied and is considered important within the scientific community, few studies have …


Simultaneously targeting inflammatory response and parasite sequestration in brain to treat Experimental Cerebral Malaria


Chaitanya Dende, Jairam Meena, Perumal Nagarajan et al.


Malaria afflicts around 200 million people annually, with a mortality number close to 600,000. The mortality rate in Human Cerebral Malaria (HCM) is unacceptably high (15–20%), …


White butterflies as solar photovoltaic concentrators


Katie Shanks, S. Senthilarasu, Richard H. ffrench-Constant et al.


Man’s harvesting of photovoltaic energy requires the deployment of extensive arrays of solar panels. To improve both the gathering of thermal and photovoltaic energy from the sun …


PPARγ stimulates expression of L-type amino acid and taurine transporters in human placentas: the evidence of PPARγ regulating fetal growth


Zhaoguang Chen, Ping He, Xiaoying Ding et al.


Placental amino acid transporters and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) have been implicated to placental development and therefore regulation of fetal growth. …


Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Doxorubicin Hydrochloride Drug-Doped Salmon DNA Thin Films


Bramaramba Gnapareddy, Sreekantha Reddy Dugasani, Taewoo Ha et al.


Double-stranded salmon DNA (SDNA) was doped with doxorubicin hydrochloride drug molecules (DOX) to determine the binding between DOX and SDNA, and DOX optimum doping …


Gnathostoma spinigerum Mitochondrial Genome Sequence: a Novel Gene Arrangement and its Phylogenetic Position within the Class Chromadorea


Guo-Hua Liu, Renfu Shao, Xian-Quan Cai et al.


Human gnathostomiasis is an emerging food-borne parasitic disease caused by nematodes in the genus Gnathostoma. In spite of their significance as pathogens, these parasites …


Modulation of influenza vaccine immune responses using an epidermal growth factor receptor kinase inhibitor


Joanna A. Pulit-Penaloza, Bishu Sapkota, E. Stein Esser et al.


Systemic use of epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors (EGFRIs) has been shown to alter MHC expression and that of several chemokines, and to enhance immune cell recruitment …


Prognostic role of the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in pancreatic cancer: a meta-analysis


Hao Cheng, Feiwu Long, Mukesh Jaiswar et al.


The relationship between the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and tumours as a prognostic factor has been reported in many studies. In this meta-analysis, we evaluated the …


Dual attenuation of proteasomal and autophagic BMAL1 degradation in Clock/+Δ19/+ mice contributes to improved glucose homeostasis


Kwon Jeong, Baokun He, Kazunari Nohara et al.


Circadian clocks orchestrate essential physiology in response to various cues, yet their mechanistic and functional plasticity remains unclear. Here, we investigated ClockΔ19/+


Discriminative Learning for Automatic Staging of Placental Maturity via Multi-layer Fisher Vector


Baiying Lei, Yuan Yao, Siping Chen et al.


Currently, placental maturity is performed using subjective evaluation, which can be unreliable as it is highly dependent on the observations and experiences of clinicians. To …


Transcriptional profiling of macrophages derived from monocytes and iPS cells identifies a conserved response to LPS and novel alternative transcription


Kaur Alasoo, Fernando O. Martinez, Christine Hale et al.


Macrophages differentiated from human induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSDMs) are a potentially valuable new tool for linking genotype to phenotype in functional studies. …


Increased Acetylcholinesterase Expression in Bumble Bees During Neonicotinoid-Coated Corn Sowing


Olivier Samson-Robert, Geneviève Labrie, Pierre-Luc Mercier et al.


While honey bee exposure to systemic insecticides has received much attention, impacts on wild pollinators have not been as widely studied. Neonicotinoids have been shown to …


Corrigendum: Differential gene retention as an evolutionary mechanism to generate biodiversity and adaptation in yeasts


Guillaume Morel, Lieven Sterck, Dominique Swennen et al.



Mixed Linear Model Approaches of Association Mapping for Complex Traits Based on Omics Variants


Fu-Tao Zhang, Zhi-Hong Zhu, Xiao-Ran Tong et al.


Precise prediction for genetic architecture of complex traits is impeded by the limited understanding on genetic effects of complex traits, especially on gene-by-gene (GxG) and …


Rapid Column-Free Enrichment of Mononuclear Cells from Solid Tissues


Steven D. Scoville, Karen A. Keller, Stephanie Cheng et al.


We have developed a rapid negative selection method to enrich rare mononuclear cells from human tissues. Unwanted and antibody-tethered cells are selectively depleted during a …


Histone H4 acetylation required for chromatin decompaction during DNA replication


Kun Ruan, Takaharu G. Yamamoto, Haruhiko Asakawa et al.


Faithful DNA replication is a prerequisite for cell proliferation. Several cytological studies have shown that chromosome structures alter in the S-phase of the cell cycle. …


Corrigendum: Single Fluorescence Channel-based Multiplex Detection of Avian Influenza Virus by Quantitative PCR with Intercalating Dye


Christian D. Ahrberg, Andreas Manz, Pavel Neuzil



Erratum: Tumor Invasion Optimization by Mesenchymal-Amoeboid Heterogeneity


Inbal Hecht, Yasmin Bar-El, Frederic Balmer et al.



Erratum: Unraveling novel TF-miRNA regulatory crosstalk in metastasis of Soft Tissue Sarcoma


Devyani Samantarrai, Mousumi Sahu, Jyoti Roy et al.



First mitochondrial genome for the red crab (Charybdis feriata) with implication of phylogenomics and population genetics


Hongyu Ma, Chunyan Ma, Chenhong Li et al.


In this study, we first described the complete mitochondrial genome for the red crab (Charybdis feriata), elucidated its phylogenetic relationship among 20 species within …


Genome-wide construction of a series of designed segmental aneuploids in Saccharomyces cerevisiae


Waranya Natesuntorn, Kotaro Iwami, Yuki Matsubara et al.


Segmental aneuploidy can play an important role in environmental adaptation. However, study of segmental aneuploids is severely hampered by the difficulty of creating them in a …


Biochemical nature of Russell Bodies


Maria Francesca Mossuto, Diletta Ami, Tiziana Anelli et al.


Professional secretory cells produce and release abundant proteins. Particularly in case of mutations and/or insufficient chaperoning, these can aggregate and become toxic within …


Temporal processing in the auditory brainstem response by full-term 6-week- and 9-month-old infants


Xiaoqin Mai, Twila Tardif, Lin Xu et al.


Early auditory temporal processing abilities are important for language acquisition and for later reading abilities. In the present study, auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) …


Comparative analysis of essential genes in prokaryotic genomic islands


Xi Zhang, Chong Peng, Ge Zhang et al.


Essential genes are thought to encode proteins that carry out the basic functions to sustain a cellular life, and genomic islands (GIs) usually contain clusters of horizontally …


Selective Generation of Dopaminergic Precursors from Mouse Fibroblasts by Direct Lineage Conversion


Changhai Tian, Yuju Li, Yunlong Huang et al.


Degeneration of midbrain dopaminergic (DA) neurons is a key pathological event of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Limited adult dopaminergic neurogenesis has led to novel therapeutic …


Orexin receptors exert a neuroprotective effect in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) via heterodimerization with GPR103


Julie Davies, Jing Chen, Ryan Pink et al.


Orexins are neuropeptides that regulate the sleep-wake cycle and feeding behaviour. QRFP is a newly discovered neuropeptide which exerts similar orexigenic activity, thus playing …


Identification and characterization of a novel ISG15-ubiquitin mixed chain and its role in regulating protein homeostasis


Jun-Bao Fan, Kei-lchiro Arimoto, Khatereh Motamedchaboki et al.


As a ubiquitin-like modifier, ISG15 is conjugated to many cellular proteins in a process termed protein ISGylation. However, the crosstalk between protein ISGylation and the …


Activation of TRESK channels by the inflammatory mediator lysophosphatidic acid balances nociceptive signalling


Sina Kollert, Benjamin Dombert, Frank Döring et al.


In dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons TRESK channels constitute a major current component of the standing outward current IKSO. A prominent physiological role of TRESK has been …


Small molecule and RNAi induced phenotype transition of expanded and primary colonic epithelial cells


Jutta Sharbati, Carlos Hanisch, Robert Pieper et al.


Recent progress in mammalian intestinal epithelial cell culture led to novel concepts of tissue modeling. Especially the development of phenotypically stable cell lines from …


Antiviral Phosphorodiamidate Morpholino Oligomers are Protective against Chikungunya Virus Infection on Cell-based and Murine Models


Shirley Lam, Huixin Chen, Caiyun Karen Chen et al.


Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) infection in human is associated with debilitating and persistent arthralgia and arthritis. Currently, there is no specific vaccine or effective …


Functional diversity and properties of multiple xylanases from Penicillium oxalicum GZ-2


Hanpeng Liao, Haiping Zheng, Shuixian Li et al.


A multiple xylanase system with high levels of xylanase activity produced from Penicillium oxalicum GZ-2 using agricultural waste as a substrate has been previously reported. …


Volatile organic compounds in truffle (Tuber magnatum Pico): comparison of samples from different regions of Italy and from different seasons


Vita Federico, Taiti Cosimo, Pompeiano Antonio et al.


In this paper volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from Tuber magnatum fruiting bodies were analyzed using a PTR-TOF-MS instrument. The aim was to characterize the VOC's profile of …


Interleukin-35 administration counteracts established murine type 1 diabetes – possible involvement of regulatory T cells


Kailash Singh, Erik Kadesjö, Julia Lindroos et al.


The anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-35 is produced by regulatory T (Treg) cells to suppress autoimmune and inflammatory responses. The role of IL-35 in type 1 diabetes (T1D) …


Decrease of mRNA Editing after Spinal Cord Injury is Caused by Down-regulation of ADAR2 that is Triggered by Inflammatory Response


Antonio Fabio Di Narzo, Alexey Kozlenkov, Yongchao Ge et al.


We recently showed that spinal cord injury (SCI) leads to a decrease in mRNA editing of serotonin receptor 2C (5-HT2CR) contributing to post-SCI spasticity. Here we study …


Grazer-induced morphological defense in Scenedesmus obliquus is affected by competition against Microcystis aeruginosa


Xuexia Zhu, Jun Wang, Yichun Lu et al.


The green alga Scenedesmus is known for its phenotypic plasticity in response to grazing risk. However, the benefits of colony formation induced by infochemicals from zooplankton …


Disinhibition-induced transitions between absence and tonic-clonic epileptic seizures


Denggui Fan, Qingyun Wang, Matjaž Perc


Electrophysiological experiments have long revealed the existence of two-way transitions between absence and tonic-clonic epileptic seizures in the cerebral cortex. Based on a …


miRNA-133 augments coelomocyte phagocytosis in bacteria-challenged Apostichopus japonicus via targeting the TLR component of IRAK-1 in vitro and in vivo


Meng Lu, Peng-Juan Zhang, Cheng-Hua Li et al.


In this study, we explored the potential roles of miRNA-133 in regulating TLR pathways in the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Target screening of RNA-Seq data successfully …


Mutant p53 promotes ovarian cancer cell adhesion to mesothelial cells via integrin β4 and Akt signals


Jong-Gyu Lee, Ji-Hye Ahn, Tae Jin Kim et al.


Missense mutations in the TP53 gene resulting in the accumulation of mutant proteins are extremely common in advanced ovarian cancer, which is characterised by peritoneal …


Enhanced cuticular penetration as the mechanism for synergy of insecticidal constituents of rosemary essential oil in Trichoplusia ni


Jun-Hyung Tak, Murray B. Isman


Synergistic interactions between constituents of essential oils have been reported for several areas of research. In the present study, mechanisms that could explain the …


Identification of a novel lymphoid population in the murine epidermis


Francisca F. Almeida, Mari Tenno, Joanna Brzostek et al.


T cell progenitors are known to arise from the foetal liver in embryos and the bone marrow in adults; however different studies have shown that a pool of T cell progenitors may …


Dual roles of endogenous and exogenous galectin-1 in the control of testicular immunopathology


Cecilia V. Pérez, Leticia G. Gómez, Gisela S. Gualdoni et al.


Galectin-1 (Gal-1), a proto-type member of galectin family, is highly expressed in immune privileged sites, including the testis. However, in spite of considerable progress the …


Ant trophallactic networks: simultaneous measurement of interaction patterns and food dissemination


Efrat Greenwald, Enrico Segre, Ofer Feinerman


Eusocial societies and ants, in particular, maintain tight nutritional regulation at both individual and collective levels. The mechanisms that underlie this control are far from …


Toll-like receptor 4 signaling in neurons of trigeminal ganglion contributes to nociception induced by acute pulpitis in rats


Jia-Ji Lin, Yi Du, Wen-Ke Cai et al.


Pain caused by acute pulpitis (AP) is a common symptom in clinical settings. However, its underlying mechanisms have largely remained unknown. Using AP model, we demonstrated …


Genome-wide analysis of enhancer RNA in gene regulation across 12 mouse tissues


Jen-Hao Cheng, David Zhi-Chao Pan, Zing Tsung-Yeh Tsai et al.


Enhancers play a crucial role in gene regulation but the participation of enhancer transcripts (i.e. enhancer RNA, eRNAs) in regulatory systems remains unclear. We provide a …


Protection against dengue disease by synthetic nucleic acid antibody prophylaxis/immunotherapy


Seleeke Flingai, Emily M. Plummer, Ami Patel et al.


Dengue virus (DENV) is the most important mosquito-borne viral infection in humans. In recent years, the number of cases and outbreaks has dramatically increased worldwide. While …


Polymerase Spiral Reaction (PSR): A novel isothermal nucleic acid amplification method


Wei Liu, Derong Dong, Zhan Yang et al.


In this study, we report a novel isothermal nucleic acid amplification method only requires one pair of primers and one enzyme, termed Polymerase Spiral Reaction (PSR) with high …


DYVIPAC: an integrated analysis and visualisation framework to probe multi-dimensional biological networks


Lan K. Nguyen, Andrea Degasperi, Philip Cotter et al.


Biochemical networks are dynamic and multi-dimensional systems, consisting of tens or hundreds of molecular components. Diseases such as cancer commonly arise due to changes in …


Neuronal Representation of Ultraviolet Visual Stimuli in Mouse Primary Visual Cortex


Zhongchao Tan, Wenzhi Sun, Tsai-Wen Chen et al.


The mouse has become an important model for understanding the neural basis of visual perception. Although it has long been known that mouse lens transmits ultraviolet (UV) light …


Corrigendum: “Turn on” and label-free core−shell Ag@SiO2 nanoparticles-based metal-enhanced fluorescent (MEF) aptasensor for Hg2+


Yuanfeng Pang, Zhen Rong, Rui Xiao et al.



Weak Interactions and Instability Cascades


Taku Kadoya, Kevin S. McCann


Food web theory states that a weak interactor which is positioned in the food web such that it tends to deflect, or mute, energy away from a potentially oscillating …


Safety Evaluation of Hemoglobin-Albumin Cluster “HemoAct” as a Red Blood Cell Substitute


Risa Haruki, Takuya Kimura, Hitomi Iwasaki et al.


A hemoglobin (Hb) wrapped covalently by human serum albumins (HSAs), a core–shell structured hemoglobin-albumin cluster designated as “HemoAct”, is an O2-carrier designed for use …


Three-dimensional imaging of microvasculature in the rat spinal cord following injury


Yong Cao, Tianding Wu, Zhou yuan et al.


Research studies on the three-dimensional (3D) morphological alterations of the spinal cord microvasculature after injury provide insight into the pathology of spinal cord injury …


GSTM1 polymorphism contribute to colorectal cancer in Asian populations: a prospective meta-analysis


Jing Li, Wen Xu, Fang Liu et al.


Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are enzymes which expressed in many tissues and play important roles in neutralization of toxic compounds, and protecting hosts against cancer. …


Enhanced anti-ischemic stroke of ZL006 by T7-conjugated PEGylated liposomes drug delivery system


Zhongyuan Wang, Yue Zhao, Yan Jiang et al.


The treatment for ischemic stroke is one of the most challenging problems and the therapeutic effect remains unsatisfied due to the poor permeation of drugs across the blood …


LK6/Mnk2a is a new kinase of alpha synuclein phosphorylation mediating neurodegeneration


Shiqing Zhang, Jiang Xie, Ying Xia et al.


Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a movement disorder due to the loss of dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the substantia nigra. Alpha-synuclein phosphorylation and α-synuclein inclusion …


Identification of Estrogen Response Element in Aquaporin-3 Gene that Mediates Estrogen-induced Cell Migration and Invasion in Estrogen Receptor-positive Breast Cancer


Yi-Ting Huang, Jun Zhou, Shuai Shi et al.


Accumulating evidence suggests that aquaporins (AQPs) may facilitate tumor development. The molecular pathways connecting the pathological functions of AQPs are unclear and need …


Study of the Binding Energies between Unnatural Amino Acids and Engineered Orthogonal Tyrosyl-tRNA Synthetases


Wei Ren, Tan M. Truong, Hui-wang Ai


We utilized several computational approaches to evaluate the binding energies of tyrosine (Tyr) and several unnatural Tyr analogs, to several orthogonal aaRSes derived from


Induction of p53-independent apoptosis by ectopic expression of HOXA5 in human liposarcomas


Dhong Hyun Lee, Charles Forscher, Dolores Di Vizio et al.


Dedifferentiated liposarcoma (DDLPS) is a highly malignant subtype of human liposarcoma (LPS), whose genomic profile is characterized by chromosomal amplification at 12q13-q22. …


Isoliensinine induces apoptosis in triple-negative human breast cancer cells through ROS generation and p38 MAPK/JNK activation


Xiyu Zhang, Xiyao Wang, Tingting Wu et al.


Isoliensinine, liensinine and neferine are major bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids in the seed embryo of lotus (Nelumbo nucifera), and exhibit potential anti-cancer activity. Here, …


Bone morphogenetic protein 2 promotes primordial follicle formation in the ovary


Prabuddha Chakraborty, Shyamal K. Roy


Primordial follicles (PF) are formed when somatic cells differentiate into flattened pregranulosa cells, invaginate into the oocyte nests and encircle individual oocytes. We …


Cyclin Y inhibits plasticity-induced AMPA receptor exocytosis and LTP


Eunsil Cho, Dong-Hyun Kim, Young-Na Hur et al.


Cyclin Y (CCNY) is a member of the cyclin protein family, known to regulate cell division in proliferating cells. Interestingly, CCNY is expressed in neurons that do not undergo …


Sirt1-deficiency causes defective protein quality control


Takuya Tomita, Jun Hamazaki, Shoshiro Hirayama et al.


Protein quality control is an important mechanism to maintain cellular homeostasis. Damaged proteins have to be restored or eliminated by degradation, which is mainly achieved by …


Central blockade of salusin β attenuates hypertension and hypothalamic inflammation in spontaneously hypertensive rats


Hong-Bao Li, Da-Nian Qin, Kang Cheng et al.


Salusin β is a multifunctional bioactive peptide and is considered as a promising candidate biomarker for predicting atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. The present study …


The Plasmodium berghei translocon of exported proteins reveals spatiotemporal dynamics of tubular extensions


Joachim M. Matz, Christian Goosmann, Volker Brinkmann et al.


The erythrocyte is an extraordinary host cell for intracellular pathogens and requires extensive remodelling to become permissive for infection. Malaria parasites modify their …


Theme and variations: evolutionary diversification of the HET-s functional amyloid motif


Asen Daskalov, Witold Dyrka, Sven J. Saupe


In mammals and fungi, Nod-like receptors (NLR) activate downstream cell death execution proteins by a prion-like mechanism. In Podospora anserina, the NWD2 NLR activates the …


Hydroxyproline Ring Pucker Causes Frustration of Helix Parameters in the Collagen Triple Helix


W. Ying Chow, Dominique Bihan, Chris J. Forman et al.


Collagens, the most abundant proteins in mammals, are defined by their triple-helical structures and distinctive Gly-Xaa-Yaa repeating sequence, where Xaa is often proline and …


7α-Hydroxypregnenolone, a key neuronal modulator of locomotion, stimulates upstream migration by means of the dopaminergic system in salmon


Shogo Haraguchi, Yuzo Yamamoto, Yuko Suzuki et al.


Salmon migrate upstream against an opposing current in their natal river. However, the molecular mechanisms that stimulate upstream migratory behavior are poorly understood. …


A Comparison of Intravenous plus Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy with Intravenous Chemotherapy Alone for the Treatment of Gastric Cancer: A Meta-Analysis


Sheng Yang, Rui Feng, Zhang-Chi Pan et al.


We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of intravenous (IV) plus intraperitoneal (IP) chemotherapy compared to intravenous (IV) chemotherapy alone for patients with …


In vitro and in vivo host range of Anopheles gambiae densovirus (AgDNV)


Yasutsugu Suzuki, Tapan K. Barik, Rebecca M. Johnson et al.


AgDNV is a powerful gene transduction tool and potential biological control agent for Anopheles mosquitoes. Using a GFP reporter virus system, we investigated AgDNV host range …


RCF1-dependent respiratory supercomplexes are integral for lifespan-maintenance in a fungal ageing model


Fabian Fischer, Christodoulos Filippis, Heinz D. Osiewacz


Mitochondrial respiratory supercomplexes (mtRSCs) are stoichiometric assemblies of electron transport chain (ETC) complexes in the inner mitochondrial membrane. They are …


The temporary and accumulated effects of transcranial direct current stimulation for the treatment of advanced Parkinson’s disease monkeys


Hao Li, Xiaoguang Lei, Ting Yan et al.


Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a useful noninvasive technique of cortical brain stimulation for the treatment of neurological disorders. Clinical research has …


Biomechanical tactics of chiral growth in emergent aquatic macrophytes


Zi-Long Zhao, Hong-Ping Zhao, Bing-Wei Li et al.


Through natural selection, many plant organs have evolved optimal morphologies at different length scales. However, the biomechanical strategies for different plant species to …


Corrigendum: Retrophylogenomics Place Tarsiers on the Evolutionary Branch of Anthropoids


Gerrit Hartig, Gennady Churakov, Wesley C. Warren et al.



Key innovation or adaptive change? A test of leaf traits using Triodiinae in Australia


A. Toon, M. D. Crisp, H. Gamage et al.


The evolution of novel traits (“key innovations”) allows some lineages to move into new environments or adapt to changing climates, whereas other lineages may track suitable …


Double strand break repair by capture of retrotransposon sequences and reverse-transcribed spliced mRNA sequences in mouse zygotes


Ryuichi Ono, Masayuki Ishii, Yoshitaka Fujihara et al.


The CRISPR/Cas system efficiently introduces double strand breaks (DSBs) at a genomic locus specified by a single guide RNA (sgRNA). The DSBs are subsequently repaired through …


The Cipher Code of Simple Sequence Repeats in “Vampire Pathogens”


Geng Zou, Bernardo Bello-Orti, Virginia Aragon et al.


Blood inside mammals is a forbidden area for the majority of prokaryotic microbes; however, red blood cells tropism microbes, like “vampire pathogens” (VP), succeed in matching …


Brain plasticity in aphasic patients: intra- and inter-hemispheric reorganisation of the whole linguistic network probed by N150 and N350 components


Chiara Spironelli, Alessandro Angrilli


The present study examined linguistic plastic reorganization of language through Evoked Potentials in a group of 17 non-fluent aphasic patients who had suffered left perisylvian …


One-step biosynthesis of α-ketoisocaproate from l-leucine by an Escherichia coli whole-cell biocatalyst expressing an l-amino acid deaminase from Proteus vulgaris


Yang Song, Jianghua Li, Hyun-dong Shin et al.


This work aimed to develop a whole-cell biotransformation process for the production of α-ketoisocaproate from L-leucine. A recombinant Escherichia coli strain was constructed by …


Analysis of IS6110 insertion sites provide a glimpse into genome evolution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis


Tanmoy Roychowdhury, Saurav Mandal, Alok Bhattacharya


Insertion sequence (IS) 6110 is found at multiple sites in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome and displays a high degree of polymorphism with respect to copy number and …


Nuclear retention of full-length HTT RNA is mediated by splicing factors MBNL1 and U2AF65


Xin Sun, Pan P. Li, Shanshan Zhu et al.


Huntington’s disease (HD) is caused by a CAG repeat expansion in the huntingtin (HTT) gene. Recent evidence suggests that HD is a consequence of multimodal, non-mutually …


Identification of the miRNA targetome in hippocampal neurons using RIP-seq


Josephine Malmevik, Rebecca Petri, Thies Klussendorf et al.


MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are key players in the regulation of neuronal processes by targeting a large network of target messenger RNAs (mRNAs). However, the identity and function of …


[NiFe]-hydrogenase is essential for cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 aerobic growth in the dark


Edith De Rosa, Vanessa Checchetto, Cinzia Franchin et al.


The cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 has a bidirectional [NiFe]-hydrogenase (Hox hydrogenase) which reversibly reduces protons to H2. This enzyme is composed of a …


Single fluoxetine treatment before but not after stress prevents stress-induced hippocampal long-term depression and spatial memory retrieval impairment in rats


Huili Han, Chunfang Dai, Zhifang Dong


A growing body of evidence has shown that chronic treatment with fluoxetine, a widely prescribed medication for treatment of depression, can affect synaptic plasticity in the …


Transmembrane protein 106a activates mouse peritoneal macrophages via the MAPK and NF-κB signaling pathways


Hui Dai, Dong Xu, Jing Su et al.


The M1 and M2 states of macrophage are the two extremes of a physiologic/phenotypic continuum that is dynamically influenced by environmental signals. Molecular mechanism …


Comparison of stimulus-evoked cerebral hemodynamics in the awake mouse and under a novel anesthetic regime


Paul S. Sharp, Kira Shaw, Luke Boorman et al.


Neural activity is closely followed by a localised change in cerebral blood flow, a process termed neurovascular coupling. These hemodynamic changes form the basis of contrast in …


A TLR9 agonist enhances the anti-tumor immunity of peptide and lipopeptide vaccines via different mechanisms


Ying-Chyi Song, Shih-Jen Liu


The toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) agonists CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG ODNs) have been recognized as promising adjuvants for vaccines against infectious diseases and cancer. …


Haloarchaea Endowed with Phosphorus Solubilization Attribute Implicated in Phosphorus Cycle


Ajar Nath Yadav, Divya Sharma, Sneha Gulati et al.


Archaea are unique microorganisms that are present in ecological niches of high temperature, pH and salinity. A total of 157 archaea were obtained from thirteen sediment, water …


Environmentally Driven Migration in a Social Network Game


Masanori Takano, Kazuya Wada, Ichiro Fukuda


Cooperative behaviors are common in humans, and they are the fundamental basis of our society. Theoretical and experimental studies have modeled environments where the behaviors …


Rapid parallel measurements of macroautophagy and mitophagy in mammalian cells using a single fluorescent biosensor


A. Sargsyan, J. Cai, L. B. Fandino et al.


Mitochondrial dysfunction is implicated in many human diseases and occurs in normal aging. Mitochondrial health is maintained through organelle biogenesis and repair or turnover …


Opening the conformation is a master switch for the dual localization and phosphatase activity of PTEN


Hoai-Nghia Nguyen, Jr-Ming Yang, Takafumi Miyamoto et al.


Tumor suppressor PTEN mainly functions at two subcellular locations, the plasma membrane and the nucleus. At the plasma membrane, PTEN dephosphorylates the tumorigenic second …


Mieap suppresses murine intestinal tumor via its mitochondrial quality control


Masayuki Tsuneki, Yasuyuki Nakamura, Takao Kinjo et al.


Mieap, a novel p53-inducible protein, plays a key role in maintaining healthy mitochondria in various pathophysiological states. Here, we show that Mieap deficiency in ApcMin/+


Different gap junction-propagated effects on cisplatin transfer result in opposite responses to cisplatin in normal cells versus tumor cells


Yuan Zhang, Liang Tao, Lixia Fan et al.


Previous work has shown that gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC) enhances cisplatin (Pt) toxicity in testicular tumor cells but decreases it in non-tumor testicular …


Developmental and evolutionary novelty in the serrated teeth of theropod dinosaurs


K. S. Brink, R. R. Reisz, A. R. H. LeBlanc et al.


Tooth morphology and development can provide valuable insights into the feeding behaviour and evolution of extinct organisms. The teeth of Theropoda, the only clade of …


Seagrass meadows (Posidonia oceanica) distribution and trajectories of change


Luca Telesca, Andrea Belluscio, Alessandro Criscoli et al.


Posidonia oceanica meadows are declining at alarming rates due to climate change and human activities. Although P. oceanica is considered the most important and well-studied …


Mitochondrial CB1 receptor is involved in ACEA-induced protective effects on neurons and mitochondrial functions


Lei Ma, Ji Jia, Wen Niu et al.


Mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to cell death after cerebral ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. Cannabinoid CB1 receptor is expressed in neuronal mitochondrial membranes …


Anti-angiogenesis therapy and gap junction inhibition reduce MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell invasion and metastasis in vitro and in vivo


Kazem Zibara, Zahraa Awada, Leila Dib et al.


Cancer cells secrete VEGF, which plays a key role in their growth, invasion, extravasation and metastasis. Direct cancer cell-endothelial cell interaction, mediated by gap …


PKCζ Promotes Breast Cancer Invasion by Regulating Expression of E-cadherin and Zonula Occludens-1 (ZO-1) via NFκB-p65


Arindam Paul, Marsha Danley, Biswarup Saha et al.


Atypical Protein Kinase C zeta (PKCζ) forms Partitioning-defective (PAR) polarity complex for apico-basal distribution of membrane proteins essential to maintain normal cellular …


Productivity depends more on the rate than the frequency of N addition in a temperate grassland


Yunhai Zhang, Jinchao Feng, Forest Isbell et al.


Nitrogen (N) is a key limiting resource for aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) in diverse terrestrial ecosystems. The relative roles of the rate and frequency (additions …


Transactivation of human osteoprotegerin promoter by GATA-3


Shyan-Yuan Kao, Konstantina M. Stankovic


Osteoprotegerin (OPG) is a key regulator of bone remodeling. Mutations in OPG are involved in a variety of human diseases. We have shown that cochlear spiral ganglion cells …


Colokinetic effect of noradrenaline in the spinal defecation center: implication for motility disorders


Kiyotada Naitou, Takahiko Shiina, Kurumi Kato et al.


Chronic abdominal pain in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) usually appears in combination with disturbed bowel habits, but the etiological relationship between these symptoms …


High-resolution high-speed dynamic mechanical spectroscopy of cells and other soft materials with the help of atomic force microscopy


M. Dokukin, I. Sokolov


Dynamic mechanical spectroscopy (DMS), which allows measuring frequency-dependent viscoelastic properties, is important to study soft materials, tissues, biomaterials, polymers. …


Mechanisms of hypervirulent Clostridium difficile ribotype 027 displacement of endemic strains: an epidemiological model


Laith Yakob, Thomas V. Riley, David L. Paterson et al.


Following rapid, global clonal dominance of hypervirulent ribotypes, Clostridium difficile now constitutes the primary infectious cause of nosocomial diarrhoea. Evidence …


Human xylosyltransferases – mediators of arthrofibrosis? New pathomechanistic insights into arthrofibrotic remodeling after knee replacement therapy


Isabel Faust, Philipp Traut, Frank Nolting et al.


Total knee replacement (TKR) is a common therapeutic option to restore joint functionality in chronic inflammatory joint diseases. Subsequent arthrofibrotic remodeling occurs in …

Chemical Sciences top

Engineering Cyclodextrin Clicked Chiral Stationary Phase for High-Efficiency Enantiomer Separation


Jian Tang, Shapopeng Zhang, Yuzhou Lin et al.


The separation of racemic molecules is of crucial significance not only for fundamental research but also for technical application. Enantiomers remain challenging to be …


Ultra-high-performance core–shell structured Ru@Pt/C catalyst prepared by a facile pulse electrochemical deposition method


Dan Chen, Yuexia Li, Shijun Liao et al.


Core–shell structured catalysts, made by placing either a monolayer or a thin layer of a noble metal on relatively cheap core-metal nanoparticles, are fascinating and promising …


Suppressed N2O formation during NH3 selective catalytic reduction using vanadium on zeolitic microporous TiO2


Seung Gwan Lee, Hyun Jeong Lee, Inhak Song et al.


Emission of N2O from mobile and off-road engine is now being currently regulated because of its high impact compared to that of CO2, thereby implying that N2O formation from the …


Simultaneous morphology manipulation and upconversion luminescence enhancement of β-NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+ microcrystals by simply tuning the KF dosage


Mingye Ding, Daqin Chen, Shilong Yin et al.


A strategy has been adopted for simultaneous morphology manipulation and upconversion luminescence enhancement of β-NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+ microcrystals by simply tuning the KF dosage. …


How Properties of Solid Surfaces Modulate the Nucleation of Gas Hydrate


Dongsheng Bai, Guangjin Chen, Xianren Zhang et al.


Molecular dynamics simulations were performed for CO2 dissolved in water near silica surfaces to investigate how the hydrophilicity and crystallinity of solid surfaces modulate …


Rechargeable magnesium-ion battery based on a TiSe2-cathode with d-p orbital hybridized electronic structure


Yunpeng Gu, Yukari Katsura, Takafumi Yoshino et al.


Rechargeable ion-batteries, in which ions such as Li+ carry charges between electrodes, have been contributing to the improvement of power-source performance in a wide variety of …


Development of bright fluorescent quadracyclic adenine analogues: TDDFT-calculation supported rational design


Anders Foller Larsen, Blaise Dumat, Moa S. Wranne et al.


Fluorescent base analogues (FBAs) comprise a family of increasingly important molecules for the investigation of nucleic acid structure and dynamics. We recently reported the …


Nanoscale Nitrogen Doping in Silicon by Self-Assembled Monolayers


Bin Guan, Hamidreza Siampour, Zhao Fan et al.


This Report presents a nitrogen-doping method by chemically forming self-assembled monolayers on silicon. Van der Pauw technique, secondary-ion mass spectroscopy and low …


Corrigendum: An embryo of protocells: The capsule of graphene with selective ion channels


Zhan Li, Chunmei Wang, Longlong Tian et al.



Nuclear volume effects in equilibrium stable isotope fractionations of mercury, thallium and lead


Sha Yang, Yun Liu


The nuclear volume effects (NVEs) of Hg, Tl and Pb isotope systems are investigated with careful evaluation on quantum relativistic effects via the Dirac’s formalism of …


Exploring bubble oscillation and mass transfer enhancement in acoustic-assisted liquid-liquid extraction with a microfluidic device


Yuliang Xie, Chandraprakash Chindam, Nitesh Nama et al.


We investigated bubble oscillation and its induced enhancement of mass transfer in a liquid-liquid extraction process with an acoustically-driven, bubble-based microfluidic …


Graphene with outstanding anti-irradiation capacity as multialkylated cyclopentanes additive toward space application


Xiaoqiang Fan, Liping Wang


Multialkylated cyclopentanes (MACs), a class of synthetic hydrocarbon fluid have attracted intensive interest as possible space lubricants due to a series of unique physical and …


Hydroxyproline Ring Pucker Causes Frustration of Helix Parameters in the Collagen Triple Helix


W. Ying Chow, Dominique Bihan, Chris J. Forman et al.


Collagens, the most abundant proteins in mammals, are defined by their triple-helical structures and distinctive Gly-Xaa-Yaa repeating sequence, where Xaa is often proline and …


Facile and Scalable Preparation of Graphene Oxide-Based Magnetic Hybrids for Fast and Highly Efficient Removal of Organic Dyes


Tifeng Jiao, Yazhou Liu, Yitian Wu et al.


This study reports the facile preparation and the dye removal efficiency of nanohybrids composed of graphene oxide (GO) and Fe3O4 nanoparticles with various geometrical …


Study of the Binding Energies between Unnatural Amino Acids and Engineered Orthogonal Tyrosyl-tRNA Synthetases


Wei Ren, Tan M. Truong, Hui-wang Ai


We utilized several computational approaches to evaluate the binding energies of tyrosine (Tyr) and several unnatural Tyr analogs, to several orthogonal aaRSes derived from


Exfoliated MoS2 Sheets and Reduced Graphene Oxide-An Excellent and Fast Anode for Sodium-ion Battery


Tuhin Subhra Sahu, Sagar Mitra


Three dimensional (3D) MoS2 nanoflowers are successfully synthesized by hydrothermal method. Further, a composite of as prepared MoS2 nanoflowers and rGO is constructed by simple …


Effect of proton-conduction in electrolyte on electric efficiency of multi-stage solid oxide fuel cells


Yoshio Matsuzaki, Yuya Tachikawa, Takaaki Somekawa et al.


Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are promising electrochemical devices that enable the highest fuel-to-electricity conversion efficiencies under high operating temperatures. The …


Potentiometric detection of chemical vapors using molecularly imprinted polymers as receptors


Rongning Liang, Lusi Chen, Wei Qin


Ion-selective electrode (ISE) based potentiometric gas sensors have shown to be promising analytical tools for detection of chemical vapors. However, such sensors are only …


BaFe12O19-chitosan Schiff-base Ag (I) complexes embedded in carbon nanotube networks for high-performance electromagnetic materials


Jie Zhao, Yu Xie, Dongsheng Guan et al.


The multiwalled carbon nanotubes/BaFe12O19-chitosan (MCNTs/BF-CS) Schiff base Ag (I) complex composites were synthesized successfully by a chemical bonding method. The morphology …

A new open access, multi-and interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing the finest research on both microbial biofilms and microbiomes, the journal is now open for submissions.
Physical Sciences top

Erratum: The reduction of surface plasmon losses in quasi-suspended graphene


Alexander M. Dubrovkin, Jin Tao, Xue Chao Yu et al.



Residual Defect Density in Random Disks Deposits


Nikola Topic, Thorsten Pöschel, Jason A. C. Gallas


We investigate the residual distribution of structural defects in very tall packings of disks deposited randomly in large channels. By performing simulations involving the …


Proximity-induced magnetism in transition-metal substituted graphene


Charles B. Crook, Costel Constantin, Towfiq Ahmed et al.


We investigate the interactions between two identical magnetic impurities substituted into a graphene superlattice. Using a first-principles approach, we calculate the electronic …


Superconductivity Series in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides by Ionic Gating


Wu Shi, Jianting Ye, Yijin Zhang et al.


Functionalities of two-dimensional (2D) crystals based on semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have now stemmed from simple field effect transistors (FETs) to a …


Charge carrier mobility in hybrid halide perovskites


Carlo Motta, Fedwa El-Mellouhi, Stefano Sanvito


The charge transport properties of hybrid halide perovskites are investigated with a combination of density functional theory including van der Waals interaction and the …


Reformulating the Quantum Uncertainty Relation


Jun-Li Li, Cong-Feng Qiao


Uncertainty principle is one of the cornerstones of quantum theory. In the literature, there are two types of uncertainty relations, the operator form concerning the variances of …


Erratum: Parity effect of bipolar quantum Hall edge transport around graphene antidots


Sadashige Matsuo, Shu Nakaharai, Katsuyoshi Komatsu et al.



Engineering Cyclodextrin Clicked Chiral Stationary Phase for High-Efficiency Enantiomer Separation


Jian Tang, Shapopeng Zhang, Yuzhou Lin et al.


The separation of racemic molecules is of crucial significance not only for fundamental research but also for technical application. Enantiomers remain challenging to be …


Theory of Kerr and Faraday rotations and linear dichroism in Topological Weyl Semimetals


Mehdi Kargarian, Mohit Randeria, Nandini Trivedi


We consider the electromagnetic response of a topological Weyl semimetal (TWS) with a pair of Weyl nodes in the bulk and corresponding Fermi arcs in the surface Brillouin zone. …


Three-Dimensional Porous Copper-Graphene Heterostructures with Durability and High Heat Dissipation Performance


Hokyun Rho, Seungmin Lee, Sukang Bae et al.


Porous materials have historically been of interest for a wide range of applications in thermal management, for example, in heat exchangers and thermal barriers. Rapid progress …


Ultra-high-performance core–shell structured Ru@Pt/C catalyst prepared by a facile pulse electrochemical deposition method


Dan Chen, Yuexia Li, Shijun Liao et al.


Core–shell structured catalysts, made by placing either a monolayer or a thin layer of a noble metal on relatively cheap core-metal nanoparticles, are fascinating and promising …


Suppressed N2O formation during NH3 selective catalytic reduction using vanadium on zeolitic microporous TiO2


Seung Gwan Lee, Hyun Jeong Lee, Inhak Song et al.


Emission of N2O from mobile and off-road engine is now being currently regulated because of its high impact compared to that of CO2, thereby implying that N2O formation from the …


Simultaneous morphology manipulation and upconversion luminescence enhancement of β-NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+ microcrystals by simply tuning the KF dosage


Mingye Ding, Daqin Chen, Shilong Yin et al.


A strategy has been adopted for simultaneous morphology manipulation and upconversion luminescence enhancement of β-NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+ microcrystals by simply tuning the KF dosage. …


Advances in nowcasting influenza-like illness rates using search query logs


Vasileios Lampos, Andrew C. Miller, Steve Crossan et al.


User-generated content can assist epidemiological surveillance in the early detection and prevalence estimation of infectious diseases, such as influenza. Google Flu Trends …


The electronic properties of impurities (N, C, F, Cl, and S) in Ag3PO4: A hybrid functional method study


Yang Huang, Tai Ma, Qing-yuan Chen et al.


The transition energies and formation energies of N, C, F, Cl, and S as substitutional dopants in Ag3PO4 are studied using first-principles calculations based on the hybrid …


Quasi-Static Magnetic Field Shielding Using Longitudinal Mu-Near-Zero Metamaterials


Guy Lipworth, Joshua Ensworth, Kushal Seetharam et al.


The control of quasi-static magnetic fields is of considerable interest in applications including the reduction of electromagnetic interference (EMI), wireless power transfer …


Corrigendum: Direct Identification of On-Bead Peptides Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopic Barcoding System for High-Throughput Bioanalysis


Homan Kang, Sinyoung Jeong, Yul Koh et al.



Erratum: Effects of time delay and space on herbivore dynamics: linking inducible defenses of plants to herbivore outbreak


Gui-Quan Sun, Su-Lan Wang, Qian Ren et al.



Corrigendum: Simultaneous submicrometric 3D imaging of the micro-vascular network and the neuronal system in a mouse spinal cord


Michela Fratini, Inna Bukreeva, Gaetano Campi et al.



Coarse-grained molecular dynamics studies of the translocation mechanism of polyarginines across asymmetric membrane under tension


XiaoCong He, Min Lin, BaoYong Sha et al.


Understanding interactions between cell-penetrating peptides and biomembrane under tension can help improve drug delivery and elucidate mechanisms underlying fundamental cellular …


Tailored delivery of analgesic ziconotide across a blood brain barrier model using viral nanocontainers


Prachi Anand, Alison O’Neil, Emily Lin et al.


The blood brain barrier (BBB) is often an insurmountable obstacle for a large number of candidate drugs, including peptides, antibiotics, and chemotherapeutic agents. Devising an …


Formulation of Biologically-Inspired Silk-Based Drug Carriers for Pulmonary Delivery Targeted for Lung Cancer


Sally Yunsun Kim, Deboki Naskar, Subhas C. Kundu et al.


The benefits of using silk fibroin, a major protein in silk, are widely established in many biomedical applications including tissue regeneration, bioactive coating and in vitro


Corrigendum: Exciton and core-level electron confinement effects in transparent ZnO thin films


Adolfo A. Mosquera, David Horwat, Alexandr Rashkovskiy et al.



How Properties of Solid Surfaces Modulate the Nucleation of Gas Hydrate


Dongsheng Bai, Guangjin Chen, Xianren Zhang et al.


Molecular dynamics simulations were performed for CO2 dissolved in water near silica surfaces to investigate how the hydrophilicity and crystallinity of solid surfaces modulate …


Rechargeable magnesium-ion battery based on a TiSe2-cathode with d-p orbital hybridized electronic structure


Yunpeng Gu, Yukari Katsura, Takafumi Yoshino et al.


Rechargeable ion-batteries, in which ions such as Li+ carry charges between electrodes, have been contributing to the improvement of power-source performance in a wide variety of …


Corrigendum: An embryo of protocells: The capsule of graphene with selective ion channels


Zhan Li, Chunmei Wang, Longlong Tian et al.



Investigation of temperature-dependent photoluminescence in multi-quantum wells


Yutao Fang, Lu Wang, Qingling Sun et al.


Photoluminescence (PL) is a nondestructive and powerful method to investigate carrier recombination and transport characteristics in semiconductor materials. In this study, the …


Nanoscale Nitrogen Doping in Silicon by Self-Assembled Monolayers


Bin Guan, Hamidreza Siampour, Zhao Fan et al.


This Report presents a nitrogen-doping method by chemically forming self-assembled monolayers on silicon. Van der Pauw technique, secondary-ion mass spectroscopy and low …


Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Doxorubicin Hydrochloride Drug-Doped Salmon DNA Thin Films


Bramaramba Gnapareddy, Sreekantha Reddy Dugasani, Taewoo Ha et al.


Double-stranded salmon DNA (SDNA) was doped with doxorubicin hydrochloride drug molecules (DOX) to determine the binding between DOX and SDNA, and DOX optimum doping …


Development of bright fluorescent quadracyclic adenine analogues: TDDFT-calculation supported rational design


Anders Foller Larsen, Blaise Dumat, Moa S. Wranne et al.


Fluorescent base analogues (FBAs) comprise a family of increasingly important molecules for the investigation of nucleic acid structure and dynamics. We recently reported the …


Metamaterial Absorbers for Infrared Detection of Molecular Self-Assembled Monolayers


Atsushi Ishikawa, Takuo Tanaka


The emerging field of plasmonic metamaterials has introduced new degree of freedom to manipulate optical field from nano to macroscopic scale, offering an attractive platform for …


A microelectromechanical system artificial basilar membrane based on a piezoelectric cantilever array and its characterization using an animal model


Jongmoon Jang, JangWoo Lee, Seongyong Woo et al.


We proposed a piezoelectric artificial basilar membrane (ABM) composed of a microelectromechanical system cantilever array. The ABM mimics the tonotopy of the cochlea: frequency …


Influence of electric current pulses on the solidification of Cu-Bi-Sn immiscible alloys


Jiang Hongxiang, He Jie, Zhao Jiuzhou


Continuous solidification experiments were carried out with Cu-Bi-Sn alloys under the effects of Electric Current Pulses (ECPs). A model describing the microstructure evolution …


Mechanical properties and microstructural change of W–Y2O3 alloy under helium irradiation


Xiaoyue Tan, Laima Luo, Hongyu Chen et al.


A wet-chemical method combined with spark plasma sintering was used to prepare a W–Y2O3 alloy. High-temperature tensile tests and nano-indentation microhardness tests were used …


White butterflies as solar photovoltaic concentrators


Katie Shanks, S. Senthilarasu, Richard H. ffrench-Constant et al.


Man’s harvesting of photovoltaic energy requires the deployment of extensive arrays of solar panels. To improve both the gathering of thermal and photovoltaic energy from the sun …


Stochasticity and Spatial Interaction Govern Stem Cell Differentiation Dynamics


Quinton Smith, Evgeny Stukalin, Sravanti Kusuma et al.


Stem cell differentiation underlies many fundamental processes such as development, tissue growth and regeneration, as well as disease progression. Understanding how stem cell …


Discriminative Learning for Automatic Staging of Placental Maturity via Multi-layer Fisher Vector


Baiying Lei, Yuan Yao, Siping Chen et al.


Currently, placental maturity is performed using subjective evaluation, which can be unreliable as it is highly dependent on the observations and experiences of clinicians. To …


Corrigendum: Electron-hole transport and photovoltaic effect in gated MoS2 Schottky junctions


Marcio Fontana, Tristan Deppe, Anthony K. Boyd et al.



A method to tune the shape of protein-encapsulated polymeric microspheres


Renato de Alteriis, Raffaele Vecchione, Chiara Attanasio et al.


Protein encapsulation technologies of polymeric microspheres currently in use have been optimized to effectively protect their “protein cargo” from inactivation occurring in …


Disinhibition-induced transitions between absence and tonic-clonic epileptic seizures


Denggui Fan, Qingyun Wang, Matjaž Perc


Electrophysiological experiments have long revealed the existence of two-way transitions between absence and tonic-clonic epileptic seizures in the cerebral cortex. Based on a …


Erratum: Digital Ecology: Coexistence and Domination among Interacting Networks


Kaj-Kolja Kleineberg, Marián Boguñá



Meshing complex macro-scale objects into self-assembling bricks


Adar Hacohen, Iddo Hanniel, Yasha Nikulshin et al.


Self-assembly provides an information-economical route to the fabrication of objects at virtually all scales. However, there is no known algorithm to program self-assembly in …


Exploring bubble oscillation and mass transfer enhancement in acoustic-assisted liquid-liquid extraction with a microfluidic device


Yuliang Xie, Chandraprakash Chindam, Nitesh Nama et al.


We investigated bubble oscillation and its induced enhancement of mass transfer in a liquid-liquid extraction process with an acoustically-driven, bubble-based microfluidic …


Graphene with outstanding anti-irradiation capacity as multialkylated cyclopentanes additive toward space application


Xiaoqiang Fan, Liping Wang


Multialkylated cyclopentanes (MACs), a class of synthetic hydrocarbon fluid have attracted intensive interest as possible space lubricants due to a series of unique physical and …


Chaos in high-dimensional dissipative dynamical systems


Iaroslav Ispolatov, Vaibhav Madhok, Sebastian Allende et al.


For dissipative dynamical systems described by a system of ordinary differential equations, we address the question of how the probability of chaotic dynamics increases with the …


A Sensor Array Using Multi-functional Field-effect Transistors with Ultrahigh Sensitivity and Precision for Bio-monitoring


Do-Il Kim, Tran Quang Trung, Byeong-Ung Hwang et al.


Mechanically adaptive electronic skins (e-skins) emulate tactition and thermoception by cutaneous mechanoreceptors and thermoreceptors in human skin, respectively. When exposed …


Teleportation of a Toffoli gate among distant solid-state qubits with quantum dots embedded in optical microcavities


Shi Hu, Wen-Xue Cui, Dong-Yang Wang et al.


Teleportation of unitary operations can be viewed as a quantum remote control. The remote realization of robust multiqubit logic gates among distant long-lived qubit registers is …


Evidence for Coexistence of Bulk Superconductivity and Itinerant Antiferromagnetism in the Heavy Fermion System CeCo(In1−xCdx)5


Ludovic Howald, Evelyn Stilp, Pierre Dalmas de Réotier et al.


In the generic phase diagram of heavy fermion systems, tuning an external parameter such as hydrostatic or chemical pressure modifies the superconducting transition temperature. …


Nuclear volume effects in equilibrium stable isotope fractionations of mercury, thallium and lead


Sha Yang, Yun Liu


The nuclear volume effects (NVEs) of Hg, Tl and Pb isotope systems are investigated with careful evaluation on quantum relativistic effects via the Dirac’s formalism of …


Ant trophallactic networks: simultaneous measurement of interaction patterns and food dissemination


Efrat Greenwald, Enrico Segre, Ofer Feinerman


Eusocial societies and ants, in particular, maintain tight nutritional regulation at both individual and collective levels. The mechanisms that underlie this control are far from …


Hydroxyproline Ring Pucker Causes Frustration of Helix Parameters in the Collagen Triple Helix


W. Ying Chow, Dominique Bihan, Chris J. Forman et al.


Collagens, the most abundant proteins in mammals, are defined by their triple-helical structures and distinctive Gly-Xaa-Yaa repeating sequence, where Xaa is often proline and …


Phase change dispersion of plasmonic nano-objects


Xie Zeng, Haifeng Hu, Yongkang Gao et al.


Phase is an inherent and important feature for coherent processes, which, unfortunately, has not been completely understood for surface plasmon polariton (SPP) and matter …


Facile and Scalable Preparation of Graphene Oxide-Based Magnetic Hybrids for Fast and Highly Efficient Removal of Organic Dyes


Tifeng Jiao, Yazhou Liu, Yitian Wu et al.


This study reports the facile preparation and the dye removal efficiency of nanohybrids composed of graphene oxide (GO) and Fe3O4 nanoparticles with various geometrical …


Corrigendum: “Turn on” and label-free core−shell Ag@SiO2 nanoparticles-based metal-enhanced fluorescent (MEF) aptasensor for Hg2+


Yuanfeng Pang, Zhen Rong, Rui Xiao et al.



Biomechanical tactics of chiral growth in emergent aquatic macrophytes


Zi-Long Zhao, Hong-Ping Zhao, Bing-Wei Li et al.


Through natural selection, many plant organs have evolved optimal morphologies at different length scales. However, the biomechanical strategies for different plant species to …


Towards a tunable graphene-based Landau level laser in the terahertz regime


Florian Wendler, Ermin Malic


Terahertz (THz) technology has attracted enormous interest with conceivable applications ranging from basic science to advanced technology. One of the main challenges remains the …


Efficient removal of crystal violet using Fe3O4-coated biochar: the role of the Fe3O4 nanoparticles and modeling study their adsorption behavior


Pengfei Sun, Cai Hui, Rashid Azim Khan et al.


Biochar shows great promise for use in adsorbing pollutants. However, a process for enhancing its adsorption capacity and re-collection efficiency is yet to be further developed. …


Ubiquitous Graphene Electronics on Scotch Tape


Yoonyoung Chung, Hyun Ho Kim, Sangryun Lee et al.


We report a novel concept of graphene transistors on Scotch tape for use in ubiquitous electronic systems. Unlike common plastic substrates such as polyimide and polyethylene …


Modeling of switching mechanism in GeSbTe chalcogenide superlattices


Xiaoming Yu, John Robertson


We study the switching process in chalcogenide superlattice (CSL) phase-change memory materials by describing the motion of an atomic layer between the low and high resistance …


Evaluation of microbubble contrast agents for dynamic imaging with x-ray phase contrast


T. P. Millard, M. Endrizzi, N. Everdell et al.


X-rays are commonly used as a means to image the inside of objects opaque to visible light, as their short wavelength allows penetration through matter and the formation of high …


Study of the Binding Energies between Unnatural Amino Acids and Engineered Orthogonal Tyrosyl-tRNA Synthetases


Wei Ren, Tan M. Truong, Hui-wang Ai


We utilized several computational approaches to evaluate the binding energies of tyrosine (Tyr) and several unnatural Tyr analogs, to several orthogonal aaRSes derived from


High Pressure Phase-Transformation Induced Texture Evolution and Strengthening in Zirconium Metal: Experiment and Modeling


Xiaohui Yu, Ruifeng Zhang, David Weldon et al.


We studied the phase-transition induced texture changes and strengthening mechanism for zirconium metal under quasi-hydrostatic compression and uni-axial deformation under …


Bi-photon spectral correlation measurements from a silicon nanowire in the quantum and classical regimes


Iman Jizan, L. G. Helt, Chunle Xiong et al.


The growing requirement for photon pairs with specific spectral correlations in quantum optics experiments has created a demand for fast, high resolution and accurate source …


High-resolution high-speed dynamic mechanical spectroscopy of cells and other soft materials with the help of atomic force microscopy


M. Dokukin, I. Sokolov


Dynamic mechanical spectroscopy (DMS), which allows measuring frequency-dependent viscoelastic properties, is important to study soft materials, tissues, biomaterials, polymers. …


Exfoliated MoS2 Sheets and Reduced Graphene Oxide-An Excellent and Fast Anode for Sodium-ion Battery


Tuhin Subhra Sahu, Sagar Mitra


Three dimensional (3D) MoS2 nanoflowers are successfully synthesized by hydrothermal method. Further, a composite of as prepared MoS2 nanoflowers and rGO is constructed by simple …


Large-scale controlled fabrication of highly roughened flower-like silver nanostructures in liquid crystalline phase


Chengliang Yang, Xiangjun Xiang, Ying Zhang et al.


Large-scale controllable fabrication of highly roughened flower-like silver nanostructures is demonstrated experimentally via electrodeposition in the liquid crystalline phase. …


Optical nanoscopy of transient states in condensed matter


F. Kuschewski, S.C. Kehr, B. Green et al.


Recently, the fundamental and nanoscale understanding of complex phenomena in materials research and the life sciences, witnessed considerable progress. However, elucidating the …


Control of Photoluminescence of Carbon Nanodots via Surface Functionalization using Para-substituted Anilines


Woosung Kwon, Sungan Do, Ji-Hee Kim et al.


Carbon nanodots (C-dots) are a kind of fluorescent carbon nanomaterials, composed of polyaromatic carbon domains surrounded by amorphous carbon frames, and have attracted a great …


Effect of proton-conduction in electrolyte on electric efficiency of multi-stage solid oxide fuel cells


Yoshio Matsuzaki, Yuya Tachikawa, Takaaki Somekawa et al.


Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are promising electrochemical devices that enable the highest fuel-to-electricity conversion efficiencies under high operating temperatures. The …


Functional ferroelectric tunnel junctions on silicon


Rui Guo, Zhe Wang, Shengwei Zeng et al.


The quest for solid state non-volatility memory devices on silicon with high storage density, high speed, low power consumption has attracted intense research on new materials …


Quantitative reflection phase mesoscopy by remote coherence tuning of phase-shift interference patterns


Elad Arbel, Alberto Bilenca


Conventional low-magnification phase-contrast microscopy is an invaluable, yet a qualitative, imaging tool for the interrogation of transparent objects over a mesoscopic …


The Hide-and-Seek of Grain Boundaries from Moiré Pattern Fringe of Two-Dimensional Graphene


Jung Hwa Kim, Kwanpyo Kim, Zonghoon Lee


Grain boundaries (GBs) commonly exist in crystalline materials and affect various properties of materials. The facile identification of GBs is one of the significant requirements …


Tunable Dipole Surface Plasmon Resonances of Silver Nanoparticles by Cladding Dielectric Layers


Xiaotong Liu, Dabing Li, Xiaojuan Sun et al.


The tunability of surface plasmon resonance can enable the highest degree of localised surface plasmon enhancement to be achieved, based on the emitting or absorbing wavelength. …


Mammalian cochlea as a physics guided evolution-optimized hearing sensor


Tom Lorimer, Florian Gomez, Ruedi Stoop


Nonlinear physics plays an essential role in hearing. We demonstrate on a mesoscopic description level that during the evolutionary perfection of the hearing sensor, nonlinear …


Myocardial Iron Loading Assessment by Automatic Left Ventricle Segmentation with Morphological Operations and Geodesic Active Contour on T2* images


Yun-gang Luo, Jacky KL Ko, Lin Shi et al.


Myocardial iron loading thalassemia patients could be identified using T2* magnetic resonance images (MRI). To quantitatively assess cardiac iron loading, we proposed an …


Robust interface between flying and topological qubits


Zheng-Yuan Xue, Ming Gong, Jia Liu et al.


Hybrid architectures, consisting of conventional and topological qubits, have recently attracted much attention due to their capability in consolidating robustness of topological …


Potentiometric detection of chemical vapors using molecularly imprinted polymers as receptors


Rongning Liang, Lusi Chen, Wei Qin


Ion-selective electrode (ISE) based potentiometric gas sensors have shown to be promising analytical tools for detection of chemical vapors. However, such sensors are only …


Environmentally Driven Migration in a Social Network Game


Masanori Takano, Kazuya Wada, Ichiro Fukuda


Cooperative behaviors are common in humans, and they are the fundamental basis of our society. Theoretical and experimental studies have modeled environments where the behaviors …


BaFe12O19-chitosan Schiff-base Ag (I) complexes embedded in carbon nanotube networks for high-performance electromagnetic materials


Jie Zhao, Yu Xie, Dongsheng Guan et al.


The multiwalled carbon nanotubes/BaFe12O19-chitosan (MCNTs/BF-CS) Schiff base Ag (I) complex composites were synthesized successfully by a chemical bonding method. The morphology …

Earth & Environmental Sciences top

The role of silicon in physiology of the medicinal plant (Lonicera japonica L.) under salt stress


Zhao Gengmao, Li Shihui, Sun Xing et al.


Silicon(Si) is the only element which can enhance the resistance to multiple stresses. However, the role of silicon in medicinal plants under salt stress is not yet understood. …


An invisible soil acidification: Critical role of soil carbonate and its impact on heavy metal bioavailability


Cheng Wang, Wei Li, Zhongfang Yang et al.


It is well known that carbonates inhibit heavy metals transferring from soil to plants, yet the mechanism is poorly understood. Based on the Yangtze River delta area, we …


Marine Sediments Remotely Unveil Long-Term Climatic Variability Over Northern Italy


Carla Taricco, Silvia Alessio, Sara Rubinetti et al.


A deep understanding of natural decadal variability is pivotal to discuss recently observed climate trends. Paleoclimate proxies allow reconstructing natural variations before …


An indica rice genotype showed a similar yield enhancement to that of hybrid rice under free air carbon dioxide enrichment


Chunwu Zhu, Xi Xu, Dan Wang et al.


Although the rice growth response to FACE (free-air CO2 enrichment) has been widely studied and is considered important within the scientific community, few studies have …


The role of dynamically induced variability in the recent warming trend slowdown over the Northern Hemisphere


Xiaodan Guan, Jianping Huang, Ruixia Guo et al.


Since the slowing of the trend of increasing surface air temperature (SAT) in the late 1990 s, intense interest and debate have arisen concerning the contribution of human …


Grazer-induced morphological defense in Scenedesmus obliquus is affected by competition against Microcystis aeruginosa


Xuexia Zhu, Jun Wang, Yichun Lu et al.


The green alga Scenedesmus is known for its phenotypic plasticity in response to grazing risk. However, the benefits of colony formation induced by infochemicals from zooplankton …


Enhanced cuticular penetration as the mechanism for synergy of insecticidal constituents of rosemary essential oil in Trichoplusia ni


Jun-Hyung Tak, Murray B. Isman


Synergistic interactions between constituents of essential oils have been reported for several areas of research. In the present study, mechanisms that could explain the …


Nuclear volume effects in equilibrium stable isotope fractionations of mercury, thallium and lead


Sha Yang, Yun Liu


The nuclear volume effects (NVEs) of Hg, Tl and Pb isotope systems are investigated with careful evaluation on quantum relativistic effects via the Dirac’s formalism of …


Increasing impact of urban fine particles (PM2.5) on areas surrounding Chinese cities


Lijian Han, Weiqi Zhou, Weifeng Li


The negative impacts of rapid urbanization in developing countries have led to a deterioration in urban air quality, which brings increasing negative impact to its surrounding …


Efficient removal of crystal violet using Fe3O4-coated biochar: the role of the Fe3O4 nanoparticles and modeling study their adsorption behavior


Pengfei Sun, Cai Hui, Rashid Azim Khan et al.


Biochar shows great promise for use in adsorbing pollutants. However, a process for enhancing its adsorption capacity and re-collection efficiency is yet to be further developed. …


Productivity depends more on the rate than the frequency of N addition in a temperate grassland


Yunhai Zhang, Jinchao Feng, Forest Isbell et al.


Nitrogen (N) is a key limiting resource for aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) in diverse terrestrial ecosystems. The relative roles of the rate and frequency (additions …


Haloarchaea Endowed with Phosphorus Solubilization Attribute Implicated in Phosphorus Cycle


Ajar Nath Yadav, Divya Sharma, Sneha Gulati et al.


Archaea are unique microorganisms that are present in ecological niches of high temperature, pH and salinity. A total of 157 archaea were obtained from thirteen sediment, water …


Potentiometric detection of chemical vapors using molecularly imprinted polymers as receptors


Rongning Liang, Lusi Chen, Wei Qin


Ion-selective electrode (ISE) based potentiometric gas sensors have shown to be promising analytical tools for detection of chemical vapors. However, such sensors are only …


BaFe12O19-chitosan Schiff-base Ag (I) complexes embedded in carbon nanotube networks for high-performance electromagnetic materials


Jie Zhao, Yu Xie, Dongsheng Guan et al.


The multiwalled carbon nanotubes/BaFe12O19-chitosan (MCNTs/BF-CS) Schiff base Ag (I) complex composites were synthesized successfully by a chemical bonding method. The morphology …

Health Sciences top

Two Novel NYX Gene Mutations in the Chinese Families with X-linked Congenital Stationary Night Blindness


Shuzhen Dai, Ming Ying, Kai Wang et al.


Mutations in NYX and CACNA1F gene are responsible for the X-linked congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB). In this study, we described the clinical characters of the two …


Erratum: A new GWAS and meta-analysis with 1000Genomes imputation identifies novel risk variants for colorectal cancer


Nada A. Al-Tassan, Nicola Whiffin, Fay J. Hosking et al.



Prognostic Role of C-Reactive Protein In Urological Cancers: A Meta-Analysis


Liang Zhou, Xiang Cai, Qiang Liu et al.


Growing evidence suggests serum C-reactive protein (CRP) can serve as a prognostic marker in urological cancers. However, some studies yield contradictory results. Our objective …


Support of positive association in family-based genetic analysis between COL27A1 and Tourette syndrome


Shiguo Liu, Xiaoxia Yu, Quanchen Xu et al.


Recently, a genome-wide association study has indicated associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms in the Collagen Type XXVII Alpha 1 gene (COL27A1) and Tourette …


Ion channel gene expression predicts survival in glioma patients


Rong Wang, Christopher I. Gurguis, Wanjun Gu et al.


Ion channels are important regulators in cell proliferation, migration, and apoptosis. The malfunction and/or aberrant expression of ion channels may disrupt these important …


Advances in nowcasting influenza-like illness rates using search query logs


Vasileios Lampos, Andrew C. Miller, Steve Crossan et al.


User-generated content can assist epidemiological surveillance in the early detection and prevalence estimation of infectious diseases, such as influenza. Google Flu Trends …


GRK5 polymorphisms and Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery


Lu Liu, Lijun Zhang, Minjie Liu et al.


Postoperative atrial fibrillation (POAF) is a serious yet common complication after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery. Previous study have identified multiple …


The impact of osteopontin on prognosis and clinicopathology of colorectal cancer patients: a systematic meta-analysis


Mingfei Zhao, Feng Liang, Buyi Zhang et al.


Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most frequent malignant neoplasms worldwide. Up to now, no biomarker has been used to predict the prognosis and surveillance of patients …


Erratum: Identification of the gene defect responsible for severe hypercholesterolaemia using whole-exome sequencing


Li-Yuan Sun, Yong-Biao Zhang, Long Jiang et al.



Corrigendum: DW-F5: A novel formulation against malignant melanoma from Wrightia tinctoria


Jayesh Antony, Minakshi Saikia, Vinod. V et al.



Corrigendum: Diosgenin-induced cognitive enhancement in normal mice is mediated by 1,25D3-MARRS


Chihiro Tohda, Young-A. Lee, Yukiori Goto et al.



Pathogenicity of Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia-associated vaccine-induced alloantibodies correlates with Major Histocompatibility Complex class I expression


Lindert Benedictus, Rutger D. Luteijn, Henny Otten et al.


Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia (BNP), a fatal bleeding syndrome of neonatal calves, is caused by maternal alloantibodies absorbed from colostrum and is characterized by …


Establishment of a new OSCC cell line derived from OLK and identification of malignant transformation-related proteins by differential proteomics approach


Yan Dong, Qun Zhao, Xiaoyan Ma et al.


Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is usually preceded by the oral premalignant lesions, mainly oral leukoplakia (OLK) after repeated insults of carcinogens, tobacco. B(a)P and …


Performance comparison of four commercial human whole-exome capture platforms


Daichi Shigemizu, Yukihide Momozawa, Testuo Abe et al.


Whole exome sequencing (WXS) is widely used to identify causative genetic mutations of diseases. However, not only have several commercial human exome capture platforms been …


The role of silicon in physiology of the medicinal plant (Lonicera japonica L.) under salt stress


Zhao Gengmao, Li Shihui, Sun Xing et al.


Silicon(Si) is the only element which can enhance the resistance to multiple stresses. However, the role of silicon in medicinal plants under salt stress is not yet understood. …


Improved canine exome designs, featuring ncRNAs and increased coverage of protein coding genes


Bart J.G. Broeckx, Christophe Hitte, Frank Coopman et al.


By limiting sequencing to those sequences transcribed as mRNA, whole exome sequencing is a cost-efficient technique often used in disease-association studies. We developed two …


Generation of a Homozygous Transgenic Rat Strain Stably Expressing a Calcium Sensor Protein for Direct Examination of Calcium Signaling


Kornélia Szebényi, András Füredi, Orsolya Kolacsek et al.


In drug discovery, prediction of selectivity and toxicity require the evaluation of cellular calcium homeostasis. The rat is a preferred laboratory animal for pharmacology and …


The Dissociation of Gefitinib Trough Concentration and Clinical Outcome in NSCLC Patients with EGFR Sensitive Mutations


Shuang Xin, Yuanyuan Zhao, Xueding Wang et al.


Gefitinib is an essential drug for NSCLC patients harboring EGFR sensitive mutations. The approved dose 250mg/day is based on limited clinical trials, this research aims to …


FFA-ROS-P53-mediated mitochondrial apoptosis contributes to reduction of osteoblastogenesis and bone mass in type 2 diabetes mellitus


Jun Li, Wang He, Bo Liao et al.


This study evaluated the association between free fatty acid (FFA), ROS generation, mitochondrial dysfunction and bone mineral density (BMD) in type 2 diabetic patients and …


PPARγ stimulates expression of L-type amino acid and taurine transporters in human placentas: the evidence of PPARγ regulating fetal growth


Zhaoguang Chen, Ping He, Xiaoying Ding et al.


Placental amino acid transporters and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) have been implicated to placental development and therefore regulation of fetal growth. …


Simultaneously targeting inflammatory response and parasite sequestration in brain to treat Experimental Cerebral Malaria


Chaitanya Dende, Jairam Meena, Perumal Nagarajan et al.


Malaria afflicts around 200 million people annually, with a mortality number close to 600,000. The mortality rate in Human Cerebral Malaria (HCM) is unacceptably high (15–20%), …


Gnathostoma spinigerum Mitochondrial Genome Sequence: a Novel Gene Arrangement and its Phylogenetic Position within the Class Chromadorea


Guo-Hua Liu, Renfu Shao, Xian-Quan Cai et al.


Human gnathostomiasis is an emerging food-borne parasitic disease caused by nematodes in the genus Gnathostoma. In spite of their significance as pathogens, these parasites …


Prognostic role of the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in pancreatic cancer: a meta-analysis


Hao Cheng, Feiwu Long, Mukesh Jaiswar et al.


The relationship between the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and tumours as a prognostic factor has been reported in many studies. In this meta-analysis, we evaluated the …


Discriminative Learning for Automatic Staging of Placental Maturity via Multi-layer Fisher Vector


Baiying Lei, Yuan Yao, Siping Chen et al.


Currently, placental maturity is performed using subjective evaluation, which can be unreliable as it is highly dependent on the observations and experiences of clinicians. To …


Modulation of influenza vaccine immune responses using an epidermal growth factor receptor kinase inhibitor


Joanna A. Pulit-Penaloza, Bishu Sapkota, E. Stein Esser et al.


Systemic use of epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors (EGFRIs) has been shown to alter MHC expression and that of several chemokines, and to enhance immune cell recruitment …


Green tea extract decreases starch digestion and absorption from a test meal in humans: a randomized, placebo-controlled crossover study


Klaudia Lochocka, Joanna Bajerska, Aleksandra Glapa et al.


Green tea is known worldwide for its beneficial effects on human health. However, objective data evaluating this influence in humans is scarce. The aim of the study was to assess …


A Model based Survey of Colour Deconvolution in Diagnostic Brightfield Microscopy: Error Estimation and Spectral Consideration


Peter Haub, Tobias Meckel


Colour deconvolution is a method used in diagnostic brightfield microscopy to transform colour images of multiple stained biological samples into images representing the stain …


Toll-like receptor 4 signaling in neurons of trigeminal ganglion contributes to nociception induced by acute pulpitis in rats


Jia-Ji Lin, Yi Du, Wen-Ke Cai et al.


Pain caused by acute pulpitis (AP) is a common symptom in clinical settings. However, its underlying mechanisms have largely remained unknown. Using AP model, we demonstrated …


Dual roles of endogenous and exogenous galectin-1 in the control of testicular immunopathology


Cecilia V. Pérez, Leticia G. Gómez, Gisela S. Gualdoni et al.


Galectin-1 (Gal-1), a proto-type member of galectin family, is highly expressed in immune privileged sites, including the testis. However, in spite of considerable progress the …


Mutant p53 promotes ovarian cancer cell adhesion to mesothelial cells via integrin β4 and Akt signals


Jong-Gyu Lee, Ji-Hye Ahn, Tae Jin Kim et al.


Missense mutations in the TP53 gene resulting in the accumulation of mutant proteins are extremely common in advanced ovarian cancer, which is characterised by peritoneal …


Mixed Linear Model Approaches of Association Mapping for Complex Traits Based on Omics Variants


Fu-Tao Zhang, Zhi-Hong Zhu, Xiao-Ran Tong et al.


Precise prediction for genetic architecture of complex traits is impeded by the limited understanding on genetic effects of complex traits, especially on gene-by-gene (GxG) and …


Selective Generation of Dopaminergic Precursors from Mouse Fibroblasts by Direct Lineage Conversion


Changhai Tian, Yuju Li, Yunlong Huang et al.


Degeneration of midbrain dopaminergic (DA) neurons is a key pathological event of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Limited adult dopaminergic neurogenesis has led to novel therapeutic …


Trend in major neonatal and maternal morbidities accompanying the rise in the cesarean delivery rate


Sivan Zuarez-Easton, Eliezer Shalev, Raed Salim


The aim of the study was to explore a cesarean delivery rate (CDR) beyond which major neonatal and maternal morbidities may outweigh the benefits of the procedure itself. A …


Timing of diffusion tensor imaging in the acute spinal cord injury of rats


Xiao-Hui Li, Jian-Bin Li, Xi-Jing He et al.


The aim of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in acute spinal cord following a thoracic spinal cord injury (SCI), …


Potential surrogate endpoints for overall survival in locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma: an analysis of a phase III randomized trial


Yu-Pei Chen, Yong Chen, Wen-Na Zhang et al.


The gold standard endpoint in trials of locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is overall survival (OS). Using data from a phase III randomized trial, we …


Family-based analysis of eight susceptibility loci in polycystic ovary syndrome


Shigang Zhao, Ye Tian, Xuan Gao et al.


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex endocrine disorder that is proposed to have a genetic basis. A recent genome-wide association study (GWAS) identified eight new risk …


β2-adrenergic signal transduction plays a detrimental role in subchondral bone loss of temporomandibular joint in osteoarthritis


Kai Jiao, Li-Na Niu, Qi-hong Li et al.


The present study tested whether activation of the sympathetic tone by aberrant joint loading elicits abnormal subchondral bone remodeling in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) …


Theme and variations: evolutionary diversification of the HET-s functional amyloid motif


Asen Daskalov, Witold Dyrka, Sven J. Saupe


In mammals and fungi, Nod-like receptors (NLR) activate downstream cell death execution proteins by a prion-like mechanism. In Podospora anserina, the NWD2 NLR activates the …


The temporary and accumulated effects of transcranial direct current stimulation for the treatment of advanced Parkinson’s disease monkeys


Hao Li, Xiaoguang Lei, Ting Yan et al.


Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a useful noninvasive technique of cortical brain stimulation for the treatment of neurological disorders. Clinical research has …


In vitro and in vivo host range of Anopheles gambiae densovirus (AgDNV)


Yasutsugu Suzuki, Tapan K. Barik, Rebecca M. Johnson et al.


AgDNV is a powerful gene transduction tool and potential biological control agent for Anopheles mosquitoes. Using a GFP reporter virus system, we investigated AgDNV host range …


A Comparison of Intravenous plus Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy with Intravenous Chemotherapy Alone for the Treatment of Gastric Cancer: A Meta-Analysis


Sheng Yang, Rui Feng, Zhang-Chi Pan et al.


We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of intravenous (IV) plus intraperitoneal (IP) chemotherapy compared to intravenous (IV) chemotherapy alone for patients with …


Evaluation of microbubble contrast agents for dynamic imaging with x-ray phase contrast


T. P. Millard, M. Endrizzi, N. Everdell et al.


X-rays are commonly used as a means to image the inside of objects opaque to visible light, as their short wavelength allows penetration through matter and the formation of high …


The Plasmodium berghei translocon of exported proteins reveals spatiotemporal dynamics of tubular extensions


Joachim M. Matz, Christian Goosmann, Volker Brinkmann et al.


The erythrocyte is an extraordinary host cell for intracellular pathogens and requires extensive remodelling to become permissive for infection. Malaria parasites modify their …


Comparison of Subjective Refraction under Binocular and Monocular Conditions in Myopic Subjects


Hidenaga Kobashi, Kazutaka Kamiya, Tomoya Handa et al.


To compare subjective refraction under binocular and monocular conditions, and to investigate the clinical factors affecting the difference in spherical refraction between the …


Randomized, Multicenter Study of Gefitinib Dose-escalation in Advanced Non-small-cell Lung Cancer Patients Achieved Stable Disease after One-month Gefitinib Treatment


Cong Xue, Shaodong Hong, Ning Li et al.


There is no consensus on the optimal treatment for patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and stable disease (SD) after gefitinib therapy. This randomized, …


Early detection of an epidemic erythromelalgia outbreak using Baidu search data


Yuzhou Gu, Fengling Chen, Tao Liu et al.


Dozens of epidemic erythromelalgia (EM) outbreaks have been reported in China since the mid-twentieth century, and the most recent happened in Foshan City, Guangdong Province …


Melting Temperature Mapping Method: A Novel Method for Rapid Identification of Unknown Pathogenic Microorganisms within Three Hours of Sample Collection


Hideki Niimi, Tomohiro Ueno, Shirou Hayashi et al.


Acquiring the earliest possible identification of pathogenic microorganisms is critical for selecting the appropriate antimicrobial therapy in infected patients. We herein report …


Colokinetic effect of noradrenaline in the spinal defecation center: implication for motility disorders


Kiyotada Naitou, Takahiko Shiina, Kurumi Kato et al.


Chronic abdominal pain in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) usually appears in combination with disturbed bowel habits, but the etiological relationship between these symptoms …


Mechanisms of hypervirulent Clostridium difficile ribotype 027 displacement of endemic strains: an epidemiological model


Laith Yakob, Thomas V. Riley, David L. Paterson et al.


Following rapid, global clonal dominance of hypervirulent ribotypes, Clostridium difficile now constitutes the primary infectious cause of nosocomial diarrhoea. Evidence …


Human xylosyltransferases – mediators of arthrofibrosis? New pathomechanistic insights into arthrofibrotic remodeling after knee replacement therapy


Isabel Faust, Philipp Traut, Frank Nolting et al.


Total knee replacement (TKR) is a common therapeutic option to restore joint functionality in chronic inflammatory joint diseases. Subsequent arthrofibrotic remodeling occurs in …


Mieap suppresses murine intestinal tumor via its mitochondrial quality control


Masayuki Tsuneki, Yasuyuki Nakamura, Takao Kinjo et al.


Mieap, a novel p53-inducible protein, plays a key role in maintaining healthy mitochondria in various pathophysiological states. Here, we show that Mieap deficiency in ApcMin/+


Transactivation of human osteoprotegerin promoter by GATA-3


Shyan-Yuan Kao, Konstantina M. Stankovic


Osteoprotegerin (OPG) is a key regulator of bone remodeling. Mutations in OPG are involved in a variety of human diseases. We have shown that cochlear spiral ganglion cells …

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