Blog: Finding job satisfaction as a scientific project manager 3 February 2016 After completing a PhD and postdoc studying disease mechanisms behind epilepsy and autism, Dorothy Jones-Davis found job satisfaction as a scientific project manager.
Feature:Counselling: Knowledge is power 3 February 2016 A strong network of mentors provides a wealth of experience from which to learn.
Blog: Most read on Naturejobs: January 2016 29 January 2015 With another year behind us, and 91.67% of it yet to come, it's time to look back on the content from Naturejobs that you all most enjoyed this month.
Blog:A Masterful decision 27 January 2015 Many universities now offer master's programmes in science-related subjects. These can be a great springboard to a new career.
Feature:Faking it 27 January 2016 In the face of routine rejection, many scientists must learn to cope with the insidious beast that is impostor syndrome.
Q&A:Turning point: Louis Picker 27 January 2016 Louis Picker pursued an unusual HIV vaccine that is now in clinical trials, and was once considered a fool's errand.
The faculty series: Top 10 tips on managing your time as a PI 25 January 2015 Good lab organisation is the best way to keep your research output up, and your stress levels down.
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Selected images from Nirmala Hariharan, Simon Hazelwood-Smith, Getty, Thinkstock, Thais Moraes, Tomacco/Getty, OHSU, Dorothy Jones-Davis, Akindo
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