

Mo' Problems

One Week.
November 01, 2016
Mo' Problems
One more week. After what has felt like a never-ending election season, the end is finally in sight. And as damaging news about Donald Trump keeps coming out—like the fact that he used a legally-dubious method to avoid paying personal federal income taxes and that he has an email problem of his own—he continues to claim the election is rigged. Yesterday, we started a list of problems Trump should actually be worrying about instead of a "rigged" election. We'll be continuing to add to that list for the rest of the week @CAPAction on Twitter using #99problems. Have some problems to add? Tag us on Twitter and we'll add the best ones to our list! For now, here's the next installment of Trump's problems. See the rest of the list here.
    35. He said: "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."
    37. He said a federal district court judge couldn't do his job because of his "Mexican heritage."
#NoDAPL. No, all of your Facebook friends didn't suddenly take a trip to Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota. Most of the Facebook check-ins that you're seeing are to show solidarity with the protestors of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Tensions between the protestors and law enforcement at Standing Rock have reached new levels, with protesters allegedly being held in dog kennels following mass arrests. Water is life and the water protectors need support, so if you want to do a bit more than confusing your mother about your whereabouts, consider donating to their legal defense fund or their camp fund.
Will the Real Puppet Please Stand Up? The real puppet = Donald J. Trump, who at every turn in this election has managed to undermine American national security by taking Putin's side. It's gotten so bad that he's literally parroting the Kremlin's talking points. Don't believe us? Watch this new video.
Speaking of 99 problems? Student loan debt. Stagnant wages. Pay gaps. As the generation that came of age in the wake of the Great Recession, Millennials face staggering economic barriers. A new analysis by CAP Action's Sunny Frothingham examines the unique pressures Millennial women and families face, as well as the policy solutions they need for a fair shot at economic stability.
Student Loans. Would you want Wall Street to run your student loans? Donald Trump's plan is to run education like he runs his businesses. Hope you don't mind paying 78% more!
7 days
One week till E Day so start making your plans! Lots of states have early voting, find out if yours does here. Twenty three other states require paid time off on Election Day. No excuses.
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