

Art of the steal

Art of the steal

CREDIT: AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

Donald Trump used a potentially illegal scheme to avoid paying taxes. Also in Trumpland: He's getting hit for his skeptical climate stance — by China.

CREDIT: AP Photo/David Zalubowski

As election day approaches, here's your essential guide to actual voter intimidation tactics. This story of a Florida voter who lost his voting rights is a cautionary tale for us all.

Remember, voting could have implications stretching far into the future — just look at this small town's climate change initiative.

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American election getting you down? Here are nine elections happening in countries that are not the United States.

This guy is definitely not winning a Teacher of the Year award.

After the battle for Mosul, the future of ISIS and the lands they occupied could go different ways.


"I've not had conversations with Mr. Trump on that specific subject."

 — Peter Thiel, Donald Trump supporter, on Trump's LGBTQ record

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