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The Unfazed Market
Mr. Market doesn't have a care in the world...
Protests in the streets? No problem. Enjoy the free speech demonstrations, he says.
Another 1.9 million more people applying for unemployment benefits... Who, me worry? he asks.
Economists predicting a long, slow recovery...
The Congressional Budget Office projecting a full economic recovery from this coronavirus mess won't happen until 2029...
And big-brain analysts predicting a U-shaped recovery in the markets... suggesting that it'll be quite a while before stock prices rebound to their former glory...
As long as the markets are being propelled by the Fed's funny money and bottomed-out interest rates... bad news is no news.
Looking Straight Up
It looks like Mr. Market opened up the paper this week... and gave investors a great big pat on the back after reading the good news.
The Labor Department announced that the U.S. economy added a record 2.5 million jobs in May.
The Dow and S&P 500 shot upward.
Those same folks warning us the markets' road to recovery will be a long one told us that payrolls were expected to drop by more than 8 million. So close, guys. You were only off by 10.5 million.
The markets aren't far off from record highs. And with Americans getting back to work, the market recovery is only looking straight up.
Which is why we're telling folks to buy like hell. |
It appears the long road to America's cultural and financial transformation we've been musing about may have a few shortcuts.
We now know folks can't get their hands on enough gold.
We know stocks are bound to rise no matter how bad things get.
And we know America's trade partners are hastily looking for alternatives, especially when it comes to the currency they use.
But here's something you may not know. It's about an old familiar tune... a tune worth repeating this week. |
Big Pharma doesn't have a vaccine to sell us yet. But it's not content to sit on the sidelines during a time like this. It's got dollar signs in its eyes and is prepared to try anything to boost the bottom line.
Check this out...
Doctors in New York and Los Angeles are treating men with synthetic female sex hormones.
Their "scientific" reasoning? "Something about being a woman is protective... and that makes us think about hormones."
You can be sure we've got some thoughts on that. Click here to see why they're really exploring this "treatment."
And be sure to sign up for Practical Health Today, where our team of health experts and researchers uncover all of Big Pharma's dirty deeds. |
"However big the fool, there is always a bigger fool to admire him." - Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux |
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