

Developer Shed Showcase: Blackberry and GPS Webcast


Hi folks!

We here at the Shed have gotten wind of an exciting opportunity and decided to share it with you, our loyal readers. We have decided that, periodically when we hear about something we think our audience might be interested in, we would like to send them an email. Don't worry – that doesn't mean we are going to bombard you with emails. We value our readership, and simply wish to continue our effort to bring you the best tools for geeks from across the web!

This issue we are showcasing a free webcast from AT&T's devCentral Program and the good folks at Research in Motion. Presented by Brent Thompson, Technical Channel Manager for RIM, the presentation will teach you how to build LBS applications using the Blackberry Java Platform and the Blackberry browser.

Keep on reading to find out what else the webcast has to offer. And let us know what you thought. We always enjoy your feedback.

Join AT&T’s devCentral Program and Research In Motion, for a FREE WEBCAST on
BlackBerry and GPS - build location awareness into your BlackBerry Applications.


Who Should Attend? Experienced mobile software developers interested in learning how to build LBS applications for the BlackBerry® platform.
When: July 10th, 1:00 pm EST
Access instructions will be sent to registered attendees prior to the start of the Webcast event.
What You Will Learn: How to build LBS applications using the BlackBerry Java platform and the BlackBerry browser.
Topics Covered:
  • Introduction to BlackBerry Device GPS Capabilities
  • Building browser-based applications that leverage the GPS capabilities of the BlackBerry smartphone
  • Building Java-based applications that leverage the GPS capabilities of the BlackBerry smartphone

Registration is required - REGISTER NOW!


Speaker Bio: Brent Thornton is a Technical Channel Manager for Applications with the Research In Motion (RIM) AT&T Business Unit. Brent works with AT&T customers to help them understand their options for building BlackBerry applications.

We are giving away a BlackBerry® Pearl™ 8110 smartphone
from AT&T to two lucky webcast attendees!

Don’t forget to sign up now!

As you can see, there are quite an array of benefits to this webcast, including informatiive introductions to Blackberry GPS Capabilities and how to build browser-based applications that leverage them. And if that isn't enough to entice you, two Blackberry Pearl 8110 smartphones from AT&T will be given away.

We hope you enjoy this unique experience.

As always, thanks for reading. Until next time,

Developer Shed Staff

1500 Posts And Counting

There are now over 1500 posts, up from 1400 just about 20 days ago. I think there have been a few of the newsletters that have been unsubscribed automatically, most likely by spiders or bots hitting the unsubscribe links. I thought for about 10 seconds about how to prevent that, but realized that I can't waste time on it.

If anyone objects to the content here, please leave a comment and I will respond or remove as needed. Thanks!

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- June 27th 2008 -

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During the "Baby Boom" of post World War II, what was the peak number of yearly births?

A. About 1 million per year, in the early 1950's.
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C. About 4.25 million per year, in the early 1960's.
D. About 20 million per year from 1945-1965.
E. About the same as the number of games in Reflexive Arcade!

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- June 27th 2008 -

PCMag.com TechSaver - HDTVs, Printers, MP3 Players, and more!

PCMag.com Techsaver

Today we have three great deals on laptops from Lenovo:

Lenovo IdeaPad U110

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Lenovo ThinkPad X61 Tablet
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The combination of performance, battery life, and usability is the Lenovo ThinkPad X61 Tablet's winning formula.

Lenovo ThinkPad T61 Widescreen
Starting at
The Lenovo ThinkPad T61 Widescreen is the best business laptop for those who love widescreens. A standard-screen model will be available with the same powerful Centrino Duo components.

For other great deals on notebook computers, see PC Magazine's Bargain Hunt: Laptops


Sharp Aquos LC-32D44U HDTV
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    Epson Stylus NX400 InkJet Printer
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    Lowest Price: $89.99
  • Other printers:
    Hewlett Packard OfficeJet J6480
    Kodak ESP 3 All-In-One

    Western Digital My Passport
    If you were thinking of getting the WD My Passport Elite but have a Mac, get the My Passport Studio instead. It works better with Macs—particularly those running OS X Leopard -- and has FireWire to boot.
  • External, Mini
  • Notebook
  • 320 GB

    Lowest Price: $127.16
  • Other hard drives:
    LaCie Little Big Disk Quadra
    Toshiba Portable External Hard Drive

    Boston Acoustics MM 226
    The Boston Acoustics MM 226 speaker system delivers strong bass and bright highs. And because of its BassTrac audio processing, it doesn't distort at higher volumes.
  • 2.1 channels
  • Wired controller
  • Separate subwoofer

    Lowest Price: $156
  • Other speakers:
    Altec Lansing FX4021
    JBL Spyro

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