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This Pattern is our Biggest 2023 Priority

the foundation of everything

📌 In Case You Missed It: The 2022 Economic Census Is Underway

Businesses across the nation will begin receiving invitations to respond online to the economic census.

This is an official email from the U.S. Census Bureau. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us (http://www.census.gov/about/contact-us.html).  

Your Signature Is Needed: STOP trophy hunters from SLAUGHTERING bear cubs


A mama bear settles in for the long hibernation season ahead. She's worked hard for months preparing her maternity den to keep her newborn cubs sheltered and warm through the cold winter months. But little does mother bear know, her precious cubs are still NOT safe inside the den walls…

Thanks to the Trump administration's removal of critical grizzly bear protections, violent trophy hunters can LEGALLY target and murder harmless bear cubs -- even as they sleep soundly in their dens. In fact, the Trump reversal of these safeguards included INCENTIVES that actually awarded prize hunters with massive handouts, encouraging and emboldening these cruel hunters to kill by any means. 

Now, vulnerable mama bears and their cubs are in GRAVE DANGER of ruthless trophy hunters who are waiting to murder them indiscriminately. Innocent grizzly bear families won't stand a chance unless we reinstate federal protections for them immediately. Helpless bear cubs are counting on us to defend them right away, Friend. Will you take urgent action and demand an END to inhumane bear hunts before more precious bear cubs are SLAUGHTERED? >>

Grizzly bears are one of the nation's most cherished and beloved animals. These charismatic creatures are highly intelligent and have been proven to show emotions, including empathy, fear, joy, and pain. These mammals form a strong sense of community and tight family bonds -- mama bears, specifically, are well-known for being protective and nurturing.

If a mama bear leaves her den during hibernation season, it's because she's desperate for food to nourish herself and her babies. Most likely in a weakened and vulnerable state, she is the ideal target for trophy hunters to brutally murder her -- leaving her defenseless cubs all alone at home to grieve, freeze, and likely starve to death without her.

There are less than 2,000 native North American grizzly bears remaining in the lower 48 states, and these iconic animals are being pushed CLOSER TO EXTINCTION every single day. Unless we take action to STOP merciless trophy hunters from killing grizzly bears in droves, we could soon lose this iconic species forever. Add your name now to PROTECT these treasured bears from vicious trophy hunting practices before it's too late to save them. >>

Thank you for protecting bears,
Friends of the Earth


Here's your private link for tonight's event

I hope you're nearby your computer... Because in just 30 minutes, we're going live with Dr. Steve Sjuggerud, founding partner of Stansberry Research, for the first time in nearly two years.

Dear Reader,

Here's your private link to access tonight's big event.

I hope you're nearby your computer...

Because in just 30 minutes, we're going live with Dr. Steve Sjuggerud, founding partner of Stansberry Research, for the first time in nearly two years.

Tens of thousands of your fellow readers have signed up to join us... so be sure to log in as soon as you can to test your sound and connection.

You can access the livestream portal right here.

It's going to be an incredible night...

Steve just told me the name of the 5X-10X recommendation that he'll be sharing live on camera...

Along with the popular stock that you should absolutely avoid or sell as soon as tomorrow's opening bell.

I was genuinely shocked, since millions of folks are shareholders of this industry giant.

(You'll definitely want to tune in to find out if you're one of them.)

Again, you'll get the names and ticker symbols of both stocks absolutely FREE later this evening...

But only if you sign in to join the broadcast right here.

Perhaps most importantly...

Steve will explain exactly what's coming NEXT in the markets... and why we may be about to enter a new, crucial phase that could make or break your money for the next decade or more.

So, set an alarm... or a timer... just do whatever it takes to make sure you're tuned in and ready by 8 p.m. Eastern time.

Again, you have just about 30 minutes before Dr. Steve Sjuggerud will take the stage...

Click here to immediately access the livestream.

Hope to see you soon!

Tom Nelson
Event Manager, Stansberry Research


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