

Woman Tells Boyfriend She'd Date His Twin and more...

It's a truly puzzling matter as to how this woman's confused about her boyfriend and his twin being upset over her sharing that she'd date her boyfriend's twin. I mean, wildly inappropriate, no? We wish this was nothing more than a poorly constructed ...


Woman Tells Boyfriend She'd Date His Twin and more...

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Woman Tells Boyfriend She'd Date His Twin

It's a truly puzzling matter as to how this woman's confused about her boyfriend and his twin being upset over her sharing that she'd date her boyfriend's twin. I mean, wildly inappropriate, no? We wish this was nothing more than a poorly constructed joke, but it doesn't appear so. Reddit's moral judges in the AITA community have spoken as well, and are in collective agreement that she was in the wrong. 


Font - AITA for saying I would have dated my boyfriend's twin? My (24 F) boyfriend (25 M) has an identical twin. And I really mean identical. They're almost impossible to tell apart, and they have really similar personalities and interests.


Font - I met my boyfriend at a concert that his twin was supposed to attend. The twin got busy last minute and gave the tickets to my boyfriend. 3 years later (Ilast week), my boyfriend's twin mentioned how crazy it is that my boyfriend wasn't even supposed to be at the place where we met, and how coincidence is wild. I laughed and said that I probably would've started dating the twin since they look so similar and the first topic of conversation that I had with my boyfriend is something the twi


Font - My boyfriend and his twin both got upset. My boyfriend was offended that I was attracted to a guy who looks just like him and is really similar to him. The twin was uncomfortable at the idea that I would be attracted to him, even though l'm literally dating someone who looks just like him. They both have been acting weird around me ever since the conversation. AITA for saying I would date my boyfriend's twin? 1 1.4k , 315 1 Share


Smile - unipride · 1d · Partassipant [1] YTA - as an identical twin myself I would be upset if my partner joked about being with my twin. It's not funny and just an extension of the concept that identical twins must be the same in every way. Reply 1.3k ...


Font - Dszquphsbnt · 1d • Judge, Jury, and Excretioner [349] I probably would've started dating the twin since they look so similar and the first topic of conversation that I had with my boyfriend is something the twin is interested in too. YTA for a bunch of stuff, including assuming that your boyfriend's twin probably would have started dating you. On the whole: some thoughts shouldn't be voiced. I don't see what you thought was to be gained by making that comment. Reply 3.5k


Rectangle - anarchyshift · 1d · Certified Proctologist [24] YTA Twins are individuals, too. You basically said "i could swap models". Reply 491 ...


Font - SO1arflar3 • 1d Honestly? Yeah, YTA. If he had have asked and you said it then that's one thing, but completely unbidden you told him that you'd date his brother, how would you expect him to react to that? You've reduced his individuality and probably eroded his trust as you're so blasé about it A vague backpedal of "well I wouldn't date him now" isn't really much, and considering your reasoning is " he and I work really well as a team" is pretty ridiculous...after 3 years is that the bes


Rectangle - SydeSplitter • 1d · Partassipant [2] ΥΤΑ You literally told your bf that you only dated him because he happened to be there first, not his brother. No clue why you thought that was a socially acceptable thing to say. Reply 82 ...


Font - Shizzlemoo • 1d • Partassipant [4] YTA wow ok, it's sometimes hard for people to understand but twins are not the same people, they go through their entire lives being compared to each other but even identical they are different human beings with different thoughts, personalities and feelings and you basically took away their individuality by saying what you did, something they worked their entire life to be seen as is individuals and you are the person who is meant to see your bf for the


Font - RedoubtableSouth • 1d · Colo-rectal Surgeon [31] Would you really like to hear that your SO thinks you're completely interchangable with another person? Because that's what you just said to both of them. They may be identical and very similar in personality and tastes, but each of them is a complete, fully individual person, they're not interchangable copies of each other no matter how similar they are. ΥΤΑ. Reply 1 21 ...


Rectangle - zipperoff · 1d · Partassipant [3] Yeah YTA. Not a huge deal just apologize. Sometimes comments you mean to be funny aren't received that way. I would never in a million years joke about dating my husbands brother, no way no how no matter what. Reply 12 ...


Font - YTA, but soft. I can understand what you said because I can see myself thinking about it too. you probably didn't meant it as anything other than a joke or silly comment of "oh wow things could have been so different!" But there are things you cannot say out loud. They are individuals separate from one another. They might look very similar, but they don't think of themselves as interchangeable, and you shouldn't either. In fact, they might be tired of people seeing them as that, because t


Rectangle - YTA That was in fact a very dumb thing to say. While it's true - you would have dated the other twin - it was inconsiderate and daft to share that with them. Reply 2 + ...

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Unfair Manager Threatens Staff, They All Walk Out

It's everyone's fantasy at some point in time to be able to just say enough is enough and walk out the door of their job. These employees were put through enough that they felt it was a reasonable option. And not only that, they came back for burgers. For another satisfying walkout story, here's an employee who walked out but ended up getting promoted. And here are some "screw this, I'm out" moments.


Font - O r/MaliciousCompliance · Posted by u/Blewyouremyboy 10 hours ago O 9 10 3 10 9. Work a double and get written up...or oc M In high school a few friends and myself worked at a local chain restaurant. We were fully able to run the day shift but had never really broken down the equipment and closed up for the evening. One particular night, a few of the night shift had called in sick, we were asked to pull a double and close the restaurant, which we did. Essentially worked from 10a.m. until


Font - The next day the four of us come into work another day shift. The day manager pulls us into her office, one by one, and informs us that she would need to write us up because we hadn't properly cleaned and filtered the fry grease. Regardless of our leaning in for a double, having never closed or been trained on closing procedures, and having been given permission by the night manager to leave (meaning all closing work had been completed). After a quick chat with my friends, it was aligned


Font - alternative, threat, was that we would be fired, to which I informed her that if she insisted on writing us up for helping out, pulling a double, not being trained, and having been released by the night manager..then we would quit. Collectively. Immediately. She responded with "If you don't sign the write up, then you will be fired." A staring contest follows, I eventually break in with an, " Ok. I guess we are fired then." We turned in our hats, quit symbolically and left. It was really


Font - Later that same day, we decided return to our place of prior employment. To have dinner. The night shift must have still been sick as the entire restaurant was staffed with managers from nearby restaurants (same chain), including our day manager, who was now pulling her own double, and the night manager that had released us the prior evening. There was nothing better than eating our burgers and watching the management staff fail at every station and knowing that their pride, lack of ratio


Font - CoderJoe1 10 hours ago I hope you sent your food back for not being prepared correctly. Then again, not sure it was safe to eat it. They were probably pissed enough to mess with it. Vote Reply Share ... Blewyouremyboy 10 hours ago We actually thought they wouldn't take the order at all, but we were greeted by a manager from another store. Honestly, they were so busy that it wasn't until our meal was mostly done that we got the attention of our previous managers. We actually felt bad for t


Font - Candykinz 11 hours ago If you took a moment to tell one of the managers from a different store why you all quit that manager probably would have ended up getting fired. 100% the area manager didn't get the true story. Vote Reply Share ... Blewyouremyboy 8 hours ago For sure that's true.


Sky - Roam_Hylia 11 hours ago "Don't forget to filter that fry grease tonight!" as you saunter out the door.

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Tagged: staff , boss , employee , manager , work , employees , lol , nice , win , wtf , coworkers

Weirdest Things Teachers Had To Confiscate

One should fear the day that kids, being as dumb and weird as they are. start getting their own ideas about things. We remember the good old days of school, when someone got the bright idea to buy a gallon of soup or whatever and bring it to class. It was exciting to have weird and stupid contraband. But of course teachers have to do their job, so they end up having to confiscate some strange things. On the other side of things, here are teachers who pulled total bro moves.


Organism - wsdancergirl 14 hours ago 2 Eyeballs. I worked with a blind student with autism. When he would get angry, he would pop out his glass eyeballs and throw them across the room. They were expensive, so mom asked that we put them in a plastic bag in his backpack if he threw them... no more eyeballs for you today!


Rectangle - CFOofReddit 19 hours ago 22@4 3 3 5 Zip lock bags filled with water. That was a trend for a while at my school. Kids would claim they needed it in case they got thirsty, but usually would just try to pop them in each other's laps during class.


Smile - Chemgal32 18 hours ago 2 7e6 & 11 More An uncooked chicken breast. Actually, two uncooked, boneless chicken breasts. The student had one in each pocket.


Human body - Psychological_Eye556 18 hours ago 2 22 E 4 A wine cooler that looked like a Capri Sun. This was a 2nd grader and she was just getting ready to drink it.


Rectangle - Whimsical_Mara 21 hours ago 23 22 4 A homemade shiv. His dad has just gotten out of jail and given it to him, so he brought it to school. I teach kindergarten, btw.


Organism - ElderCunningham 21 hours ago O 3 3 3 First thing that came to mind - a drawing of a peanut. One kid said he had a peanut allergy, so a boy drew a peanut on a piece of paper, and started shoving it in the other boy's face and being a general d' k with it.


Product - pspahn 19 hours ago O O 5 34 2 Chef's knife stuffed in the waistband of his sweatpants (no underwear) during a snowstorm.


Rectangle - katough 20 hours ago 2 2 3 3 2 my sisters teacher had to call my dad about a suspicious powder my sister was eating out of a bag at school. she was dipping her finger in a bag of powdered jell-o and eating it and letting other kids do the same.


Font - VinnyVinnieVee 21 hours ago 2 5 e12 O & 17 More A can of cheese whiz. It was from a student visiting from another country, and she was enamored of the incredible canned cheese product she had discovered. So much so, she kept either opening her backpack to stare lovingly at it or taking it out during class to get some sweet, sweet cheesy goodness. It was pretty cute actually, and I made sure she got her cheese product returned to her at the end of class. Man did she love cheese whiz.


Head - sheldonowns 19 hours ago 2 3 e4 35 There was a boy in my seventh grade class that wasn't allowed to have coins because he'd eat them.


Head - misstheasaurus 19 hours ago 4 3 33 A giant head of lettuce that just suddenly appeared on his desk. Where did he get it?!


Font - WaterMelonShowerCap 20 hours ago 2 12 a girl had about 50 plastic spoons in her pocket, she tripped and tey all fell out, we all found it hilarious but a high up teacher was walking by and made her pick them up (she was going to anyway) and put them all in the bin he was probably very confused over the whole situation


Rectangle - UCFandOCSC 18 hours ago 2 @10 S4 E 3 A whole salami. Kid kept walking over to his backpack and sticking his face in to take secret bites without me noticing....I noticed.


Font - swanyMcswan 21 hours ago - edited 2 hours ago O 2 3 26 3 3 E 3 Not a teacher, but if you were to ask her this would probably be it. Various vegetables. She was super strict about no phones and would check at the slightest sign you might have your phone. As half protest half prank we began our shenanigans. A girl's family member passed away and was texting on her phone about it to other family members. The teacher took her phone. So we began bringing in potatoes, celery, carrots, tomatoes,


Font - We'd smuggle them into class and then hold them under our desks and look at them as though we were texting. She kept trying to catch us, but then just thought we were weird. This goes on for at least a week. Finally she instituted a 0 tolerance policy against vegetables. So we switched to fruit. So for a few weeks she was constantly confiscating various fruits and vegetables. We finally stopped when it wasn't as fun anymore, and she wasn't never ever quite as strict about phones after tha


Font - Dozermcbobin 19 hours ago 4 Not a teacher but my wife is. Several years ago she was teaching 2nd or 4th grade and the kids were instructed to have their snack time. She stepped over to the door to talk to another teacher while the kids ate and one student came over and tattled that another student had a snack he should not have. My wife scolded the tattler for tattling lol but the kid was insistent. Wife decided to check and the other kid had legit cracked open a Bud Light Lime-A-Rita for


Font - Font - Bookishfarmgirl 18 hours ago 94 33 2 An entire menagerie of live insects. One afternoon my class decided that they should see how many bugs they could capture and keep alive in my classroom. The next day, I returned from covering lunch duty in another part of the school and noticed that one of the cubbies had paper towel taped over the front like a curtain. Before I could investigate, I noticed several Tupperware containers hiding in desks. Dozens of worms (that was the cubby) Many


Font - Smile - bbpcaddict 19 hours ago 2 S Instant pudding. My student was mixing it in a large Cool Whip container, using milk from lunch, right in the middle of a lesson on Macbeth.


Font - Font - funke910 16 hours ago · edited 4 hours ago 2724 3 6 E 7 Former teacher here. Wasn't part of the initial apprehension but was part of the follow up investigation. Weirdest thing was a bag of turtles. Yep. Kid caught a bunch of the little salmonella filled red-eared sliders at a local pond on his way to school one day. We had a turtle black market at the school by noon and by the end of the day the principal had a dozen in a bowl in his office. Kid got caught because a terrible smell


Font - Font - Geeky_Shieldmaiden 18 hours ago S 3 Obligatory not a teacher, I'm an EA (educational assistant) in a school. Plastic Spoons. HUNDREDS OF THEM I still don't know why, but one grade 5 kid came to school with his backpack stuffed full. Nothing else was in his backpack, not even his lunch. He hung it on the back of the chair and pulled out a spoon and was fiddling around with it instead of doing work. So I took the spoon away. 10 minutes later he has another one. I took that. 10 more m


Font - Font - CaptHorney_Two 19 hours ago · edited 11 hours ago 22 e3 3 Not a teacher but our vice principal had to confiscate a lobster from us after we bought it as a birthday gift for a friend. For those asking: it was a live lobster. We wrapped it in a box with some holes poked in it. When we presented it to him during first break, he just heard something scratching inside it and asked "wtf is this."


Font - Rectangle - SailorVenus23 18 hours ago · edited 17 minutes ago e 3 2 A kid brought blue Gatorade in a Windex bottle to lunch on April Fools Day and we had to take it so younger kids wouldn't think it was real.


Font - Facial expression - NotaRomanEmperor 17 hours ago 2 S 2 This is my brother's story, and he was the kid. It was a sandwich bag full of spiders. He collected them during recess, and one of the monitors probably got freaked out.


Font - NB-mom 21 hours ago · edited 8 hours ago Not the teacher but I had a kid in class that would collect used chewing gums from under the table and form them to a giant gross ballI. During the lesson he would suck and chew on it and roll it all over the desk. My teacher had enough of it and threw the thing in the trash and the kid cried. After the lesson the kid got it out of the trash and chewed on it...

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Couple Hangs Shelf, Discovers Whole House Is Crooked

Maybe this couple's story about their unfortunate discovery will hit close to home for some folks. The reality is that there are a whole lot of apartments and homes out there that were built by folks that couldn't be bothered to do their one job correctly. So it goes, sometimes. Ignorance is really bliss though. The last thing you want to do is hang that shelf or picture on the wall and come to learn that your whole humble abode is just a little bit off kilter. 


Rectangle - r/tifu + Join u/Pixiedursty • 4d 1 1 17 e 20 3 21 12 1 TIFU by hanging a shelf and experiencing true level M Happy Valentine's day to me, I bought all the fixings to hang a shelf. It's a project that l've had in my head for almost a whole 2 weeks and I was really excited to do it. Everything went smoothly. I had all the required tools, measurements were perfect, the hubby even took the toddler into another room so I could work in peace. Then came the moment of truth.


Font - I hung the shelf, took a step back and everything was crooked. It was like I was looking through Tim Burtonesque glasses. The shelf was crooked, the painting on the wall was crooked, the dining room table was crooked. WTF! I get out the level and sure enough, it was off, but not by a lot. How? I used the measuring! After looking at the brackets that I just bought, turns out 1 of them was slightly off in the welding, which lead to the shelf being crooked. level when I was Obviously, I was


Font - We took a step back and somehow, it was worse. It was that kind of off that you could see, you knew it was there, but couldn't pin point it. After some deliberation, we determined that the table was obviously slanted. So my husband places the level on it and wow was it! But its new! Like, maybe a year and a half at most. OH. MY. GOD. Its the floor. I spend my Valentine's evening watching my husband run around the living room and dining room measuring and checking the level of everything.


Font - We have been living in this house for 4.5 years. How have we never seen this? Our house is almost 100 years old, so obviously this is not surprising. After seeing true level, everything I see is crooked. I can't unsee it. Its time to burn down the house and move. TLDR: I hung a shelf that was straight. I discovered my whole house including floors, windows, doorways, the works is crooked in varying ways. Now that its been seen, it can't be unseen. 25.1k 1.0k 1 Share


Font - yellowsm42 · 4d 1 Award I bought a condo 2 years ago and upon viewing noticed the floor in the kitchen was slanted. My parents, my kids, realtor etc all thought I was crazy. Pointed out how the fridge was crooked. They said fix the turn wheels, it will level. about it for a year before the HOA brought in a guy with a long cable thing. Yep. Sure as the building is sinking. 150,000 + fix to the HOA. I am still astounded no one noticed immediately. Happy about my complaints as the now the HO


Human body - gibbonshire · 4d My dad learned from experience not to put vertically- striped wallpaper up on any wall in a 100 year old house. Reply 1.0k •..


Rectangle - sweetmusiccaroline · 4d 3 1 Award You only have your shelf to blame. Reply 686 ...

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Boyfriend Wants To Name Baby After "Twilight", Mom Says No

This perturbed mother asked the moral judges of Reddit's AITA community whether or not she was in the wrong for vetoing her boyfriend's request to name her baby after a character in the notorious "Twilight" book series. Honestly, this boyfriend sounds like a bit of an immature waking nightmare. The dude had the audacity to make a post about the baby's name before it was ever agreed upon, and then tried to tell her that it was too late to change the name because everyone saw it. Like how old are you, man? Get out of here with that. 


Font - AITA for not letting my boyfriend name our daughter Renesmae? Not the A-hole My boyfriend and I are both 18, and 35w pregnant with our daughter. Since the day I found out we were having a girl he was absolutely refuses to compromise. He's a massive twilight fan, I personally hate it and would much rather that we don't name our baby after a fictional character. bent on naming her Renesmae, It kinda hit boiling point last night, for weeks l've been telling him we are coming up with somethin


Font - I got really really mad my this. I told him to delete that, or change the caption because l'm not naming our daughter that. He refused, saying his friends knew now so we had to stick with it. I said "I haven't agreed to naming our daughter after some stupid made up character from the worst books ever Delete the post now or get the made. out of my house". He left to spend the night at a friends and my parents who heard the argument said I should just let him name our daughter that, saying


Font - Stop trying to adopt my child. She is very much loved and wanted. 23.6k 4.4k 1 Share


Font - Dszquphsbnt · 1d • Judge, Jury, and Excretioner [349] NTA If he's getting this bent out of shape over figuring out a name you both can agree on, then I worry about his general preparedness for parenthood. Your parents taking his side is concerning. He's wrong, you're right. Find a name you both can agree on. If he digs his heels in and says it's Renesmae or nothing, then effectively, he's waiving his right to a say. "I can't wait to meet you Renesmae." Also, just for clarity, the Twilight


Font - NiceButton7• 1d 1 Award NTA. Twilight discourse has ebbed, thank God, but your daughter will cop hell for being a Renesmae, just like all the little Samwises of this world. Also, you both get a say. She's not his daughter. She is the daughter of you both. Renee is a pretty nice name, though. Reply 3.8k ...


Font - NTA Standard rule for baby naming is that either parent can veto a name. And that name is godawful so you should 100% veto it. Reply 1 345 ...


Font - 12 Awards NTA baby names fall into the "two yeses, one no" category. He absolutely sucks for the post and trying to use that as leverage to get his way. Be careful about someone who uses such a tactic. Your parents also suck for telling you to just go along with the name. At the hospital (presuming you're giving birth in one) I would tell the nurses not to let him sign the birth certificate without you ETA your edit makes it even worse.. They get extra AH points for saying you should just


Organism - mm172 · 1d · Judge, Jury, and Excretioner [327] NTA. As many, many, many previous posts on baby names - especially pop culture baby names - have established, if one parent doesn't like the name, it's time to move on to a new option. Besides, even the majority of Twilight fans l've encountered don't like Reneesme as a name. Reply 548 ...


Smile - Shizzlemoo • 1d · Partassipant [4] NTA - Stick to your guns, it's ridiculous that he thinks you will carry a child for 9 months and he can dictate the name and you have no say, absolute tool Reply 218


Font - NTA He may have his heart set on this name but he shouldn't be posting on social media like that and trying to steamroll you. Your parents are out of line too. I'm sure they are just freaking out because their 18-year-old pregnant daughter looks like she might be dumping the boyfriend and trying to figure out how to deal with that. Letting him name your daughter the name that you hate is not a good idea, it's just the easiest way out of the conflict. If you were my daughter I would say th


Organism - NTA. People don't think about the fact that the child will have to deal with all the weirdness that comes with having a funky name. It will effect them in school, their job prospects, and that everyone is going to mispronounce their name for the rest of their lives. It gets old really quickly. -Someone who has a funky name and will be changing it sometime in the near future. Reply 328 ...


Font - NTA. Lmao WHAT? You should both agree on the name, so if you don't like it, then he should be an adult and find another one you both like. "iT PrObAbLy MeAnS ALot tO HiM" Make him sit down and give you 5 reasons aside from "liking Twilight" as to why you should name your daughter that. Good luck with both becoming a parent and this boyfriend. Remember that this is a little human that you are both responsible for. Reply 366 ...


Font - 2 Awards NTA and this is a huge warning sign. If he refuses to let you have a say in YOUR OWN BABIES NAME, how controlling is he going to be of you when you're raising a child together? You're 18 so yes you are an adult, and judging from what you've posted you're fairly mature, but is this guy seriously the one you want to spend your entire life with? He sounds like a 4 year old. Anyways, NTA and he needs to get a grip. It's your baby too, not just his. When you go into labour, make sure


Font - janewilson90 · 1d · Partassipant [1] NTA Naming kids after characters in books when the name doesn't exist IRL is not cool. Even the author said she wouldn't name a real child Renesmae (according to its wiki page anyway). Its double not ok considering you can't even say the name out loud. You could compromise and call her Rene or Esmee or he could start acting like a grown up and have a conversation with you about the name of your child. Him posting on instagram to 'announce' the name is


Organism - 1 Award NTA - Also, make sure you give the baby YOUR last name. Your boyfriend doesn't sound too bright, and doesn't sound like he cares about you. I wouldn't bet on the longevity of this relationship or him sticking around. In the hospital, YOU get to choose all of the babies names. As the person giving birth, and an unwed mother, you have all the legal rights. Reply 1.9k ...


Product - micheozo • 1d NTA why would your bf screw over yalls future child like that. Think about their future!!!! Twilight is not a good foundation for a good life Reply 74 ...


Human body - TearDropltLikeltsHot • 1d NTA. Anybody who says otherwise has named their kid Britneigh, Laklynn, or Spock. Reply 424


Font - NTA I have a stutter and can't even say Renesmae out loud OK, I'm glad you said something. Because the whole time l'm reading this I'm wondering "how the hell are you supposed to pronounce that?" Reens-may? Ren-iz-my? Reply 111 ...


Human body - VirtualEconomy • 1d · Craptain [185] NTA. You should both be able to agree on a name, and it doesn't really bode well for the future if you can't do that. Reply 1 51 ...


Human body - _Deletion • 1d · Partassipant [1] NTA lol I don't think I've ever met a bigger twilight fan than this. Regardless, you deserve a say in what you name your daughter. Reply 个 27 ...

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Wildly Irrational Toddler Temper Tantrums

These moments where kids were agents of full on chaos/staged ridiculous temper tantrums over the silliest of matters might be enough to convince some folks out there that they are in fact not ready to have kids. Parenting's clearly a profound emotional rollercoaster that comes with many speed bumps, and a steady procession of curveballs. You're going to have to grow very accustomed to things like sleep deprivation, and manage to maintain nothing short of a saintly patience along the way. With that being said, adults certainly aren't immune to having temper tantrums of their own. Check out some of those over here


Shoe - We wouldn't let him swim in the sea. He can't swim & its 6 degrees


Wheel - The Golden Gate Bridge isn't actually Golden


Shoe - I wouldn't let him eat a battery for breakfast...


Face - She wanted ravioli for dinner. I made ravioli for dinner. She didn't want ravioli for dinner


Joint - Life is super tough when you can't pick up the book you want because you're sitting on it.


Hair - He wants to get on the bus. The bus on the TV


Cheek - I handed her the wrong pink marker


Clothing - Wouldn't let her eat the bath bomb


Clothing - He suddenly wanted his cycling backpack...which I didn't take to the park... Because it doesn't actually exist 00


Comfort - Told her no to a bath after she just got out of a bath


Photograph - I 'refused' to switch the sun off so his pumpkin could light up


Photograph - I told her she couldn't go inside the dishwasher DIZA


Nose - I told him he had to stop biting the cat


Photograph - Pun Wouldn't buy her women's razors SANDWICH


Nose - Won't let her throw books at my face


Joint - He wanted the yellow cup, so I gave him the yellow cup. Now his life is ruined BE BRAVE KEEDO


Plant - The daffodils are gone, and I can't bring them back


Food - I won't let him eat the cat's food


Sleeve - Because she doesn't have "more toes" to paint


Standing - I won't let him eat trash

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Mom's Search For New Home Brings Her To Sasquatch

We're all about this surge in ridiculous housing listings. We were just celebrating what might be one of the worst listings we've come across in a long time, but now we have this gem that's brimming with promise. You've got to love the time and effort that this dude put into spicing up an otherwise uneventful housing listing. Hopefully mom was sold on the place. 


Building - spectralcreep ggfidjdvakafa OK SO My mom has been thinking of moving sometime in the future, and she sent me a listing on zillow to look at, right? 2 Zillow 1 of 94


Plant - $999,000 5 bd 3 ba 1,872 sqft 5649 Hillside Dr, Felton, CA 95018 For sale Zestimate®: $999,004 Est. payment: $4,377/mo $ Get pre-qualified Call Message Tour


Wood - And I'm like, "Oh cute, it even has a little in-law suite, that's nice," BUT THEN I KEPT SCROLLING AND Um


Furniture - edible MUSHROOMS Casdw Ea




Window - UMM








Plant - EXCUSE ME??? wallaceandlemay does he come with it Source:spectralcreep 77,675 notes ...

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Neighbors Won't Turn Down Heating Unit, They Pay The Price

This isn't the first time that we've seen some neighbors end up acting like inconsiderate human beings, and we're certain that it won't be the last. You just never really know if you're going to end up living next to a waking nightmare or not. Or, if you don't end up with some terrible neighbors, maybe you'll end up having to deal with a lousy landlord. From there, the ball can end up being in your court, and it's your decision whether or not it's time for the pro revenge. 


Font - r/ProRevenge + Join u/VloekenenVentileren · 2h 1 2 1 e2 S 1 1 Don't wanna turn down your heating unit? I'll make sure you start the day in the freezing cold. So this story takes place only a few weeks ago. I live on the first floor in a cornerbuilding and the ground floor of this building is a general commercial unit that had been vacant for about a year. That changed in december 2020. At that point the national post service rented out the building as a temporary place where merchants cou


Font - there, that warms the commercial unit. It was blowing and buzzing like it was getting ready to spin itself apart. Clearly, something was wrong with it as it never been this loud before. I'm talking full power almost 95% of the time, and the remaining 5% a weird buzzing as the coolant (I think) refilled or something.So naturally, being the social bird that I am, I went to pay a visit to the worker in the post office down below and inquired if they had any issues. They had, and someone woul


Font - Anyway, I was still pretty chill at this point, though the constant buzzing and fans blowing were really annoying. I informed the landlord, and he pointed back at the city who rented the place out to loan it again at the post office. The same day I had a call from a heating technician, as the only way to acces the heating unit is through my flat. This guy was really friendly but only came to take a look and left again. I didn't hear anything from anyone for a few days and I got really ann


Font - After two weeks of buzzing and not sleeping, I was completely drained. At this point I had been working many months during covid in a healthcare function, wasn't able to sleep and I had take up my first vacation days in months, only to be stuck at home (covid lockdown) with a fan blowing and buzzing like a jet engine just before taking off 24/7, days on end. My place is really small and there was no escape from the constant droning and buzzing.


Font - Now; the holidays were coming up, and I found out the package drop off down below would be closed 5 days in a row. I went down and probably looked and sounded like a lunatic, draining with exhaustion at this point and asked the assistant if she could please please please turn the heating down a few notches during those days. I didn't even ask them to turn it off. Anyway, I was greeted by stone cold hostility at this point and so I asked to speak to her boss. I got his number and tried rea


Font - was clear he wasn't going to be of any help so I hung up and retreated. It was clear that nobody who could do anything actually cared that I was slowly going crazy. It was the 23rd of december and I wasn't going to find anyone at the city who could help me. I knew it and the asshole from the postoffice knew it. Even then, it was just general manager talk for 'suck it'. it's important to know that this drop of point was handing about 4 packages a day, at most. The entire thing was ridiculo


Font - I relayed this to my landlord (also the landlord of the commercial unit), who was on vacation at the time and would be for another two weeks. He wasn't really pleased with the shop not wanting to turn down the unit (I am a pretty good renter) and relayed the best information ever: the fuses to the entire shop were located at the same place as my fuses were. I had complete acces to them. Even better, he allowed me to turn of the fuses at night. At this point I was ecstatic. I waited until


Font - Christmas and new year's passed by and the shop opened up again. Every night I would flick the switch and turn everything off. After about three days I had a vacation day and stuck my nose into the store. The assistant was bundled up and it was way colder there than before. I acted like an idiot and thanked them for listening to me after all and turning down the unit at night, really friendly of them. The shop assistant told me the unit kept failing during the night and it was a real pain


Font - buzzed me off before the holidays). Wasn't half an hour before I got a call. I played along for a bit and acted like the helpful idiot once again and told him we would have to plan the appointment around my schedule at work. He then asked what my schedule was like, to which I replied, with the biggest grin ever: I'm sorry, but sharing that information would breach confidentiality. Maybe he could find that information on his own? Took him a few seconds to realize and then I just started la

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Funny Times People and Things Got Singled Out Unfairly

Sometimes certain people and things get the ire of everyone around them, or just the universe in general. It could be a Burger King sign that tells everyone a certain employee sucks. It could be a burst pipe that only covers one person's car. It might not even have an inkling of merit, sometimes people and things just get humorously singled out unfairly.




Font - flora-gf Follow In medieval times parsley was surrounded by much superstition, one belief being that the long germination period for the seeds was due to them having to travel to hell and back seven times before sprouting. Superstitious they hated this poor herb so king bad 16,692 notes


Automotive parking light - In 2002, Pope John Paul Il requested that the media stop referring to the car as the popemobile, saying that the term was "undignified". 1] In 2007, the popemobile




Handwriting - The FIRST FOUR LAWS you'll pass when you get elected president anly on 1. Scha Sataldy, Sunday, triday 2.n0 dogs allow cats ond 3. Kimberly's gre going to Jail 4.do not Kill Persons and animals "I hereby decree that no middle school student shalt have to take a shower after Phys Ed.


Organism - Zoah Hedges-Stocks O @Zoah_HS THIS IS NOT A FINANCE ACCOUNT. I DO NOT HAVE ANY TRADING ADVICE. HEDGES-STOCKS IS MY SURNAME. 08:45 · 29/01/2021 · Twitter Web App

7. Goodbye luggage







Gadget - CALL CENTER(Except for PANAMA) 800-SAMSUNG ( 1-800-726-7864)


Product - Your order is ready to collec 138 140 141 Drinks Watch here for your number ota & ur ardr ater 1S 139






Font - 209-226 201-207 Welcome WIFI CODE 197745242 Room # ఇం8


Office supplies - UN r/funny Posted by u/mikerockitjones • 6h • i.redd.it 否1 Why no one takes my sharpie Sharpie, LAP POINT Sharpie POINT AP 55,9k + 901 Share A Award BEST COMMENTS pm_me_your_severum 5h O 2 Awards I work in an aerospace facility where you can only use black ink on any official paperwork. Had a pen thief in the house so I bought two packs of pilot g2's. One colored and one black. Switched all the ink cartridges up so not only did I never have another black pen stolen, but the pen


Furniture - 8




Head - I hope everyone had a good day today other than Grandpa Joe, who sat in bed for 20 years and let his family wallow in poverty but hopped up like a motherf ker to go to a chocolate factory


Product - Imagine carrying a baby for 9 whole months just to name it josh lol All 3.6K 2K 1.1K 232 131 85 Josh Paterson Add Friend Josh Small Josh Edwards Josh Olsen Add Friend


Water - 82 72


Wheel - делимобуль E7460E


Rectangle - ll Claro AR 05:37 1 27 % O To my wife Marganit and my children Ella Rose and Daniel Adam without whom this book would have been completed two years earlier


Rectangle - emily @emilyonhere fsthese cupboards 1:47 PM · 01 Feb 21 · Twitter for iPhone


Product - WHY DOES BELGIUM EXIST? 5:00 Why does Belgium Exist? (Short Animated. History Matters O 1.5M views • 8 months ago 1.5 million people why are you Real?

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Dad Jokes, Puns and Other Clever Memery

There's a fine line between a clever pun and mind-blowingly stupid pun, and honestly it seems like there's no way of knowing which is which until it's already been thrown out there. Kind of like a faulty antique grenade, but for laughter. Here are some more dad jokes that go father than ever before.


Building - AllGamesDelta @AllGamesDelta_ 'N' letter from the logo at Nintendo's Kyoto HQ is gone due to yesterday's typhoon initendo 4:28 PM 05 Sep 18 Indigo Rush @indigorush101 I hope they intendo fix it




Cosmetics - my brain: click them me: why? my brain: you gotta


Jaw - tawdry hepburn [dumb bitch hour] @eraserheadbabby my friend gave birth in her car on the way to the hospital and her husband named the kid Carson and if you don't think that's the best dad joke ever get out of my face


Tap - I had a hard day at work so I called my husband on my way home and asked him if he would run some hot water for me with lots of bubbles. When I got home this was waiting for me.


Watch - PUSH means push. means pull.


Product - This speaks volumes V = ar²h V b.h.l 3 V = 1. w. h V 3 4 V= 3 V = 1. w· h


Food - Planes were invented in 1903 Trains were invented in 1804 Babies before 1804 :


Forehead - "Eh, good enough. - Mediocrates E&M


Wheel - That's a lot cleaner


Font - The other day, at a thrift store, I bought an old record album called "Sounds Wasps Make". When I got it home and played it, I said to myself, "This doesn't sound anything like wasp sounds." Then I realized, I was playing the Bee side.


Green - Bach Choy Elvis Parsley Frank Cilantro Bob Dillan


Outerwear - movie theater: no outside food or drinks allowed me: tivelarge


Dog - Why do Astronauts use Linux? Because they can't open Windows in space




Product - I don't need a basket. Me 6 minutes later:


Hair - Zoom meetings are just modern seances "There's someone who wants to join us. "Elizabeth, are you there?" "We can't hear you. "Can you hear us? "




Snow - Crazy weather we're having, we already got a foot of snow THE DAD


Cartoon - COVER ME!


Clothing - Dad: What is the opposite of ladyfingers? The family: No idea Dad: Mentos


Blue - penamor: Guys It's his BACKstory S penamor 10,406 notes Feb 28th, 2017






Joint - ABOVE KNEE Bologna

Submitted by:


Strange Tumblr Thread Raps Off Unconfirmed Factoids

We can always count on the curious minds of Tumblr to dish out the strange stories and gems that we never really knew we needed. In this case, we're provided some strange alleged history behind some soda companies, and yes, apparently some info about carrier pigeons was in order. Why not? Check out some more ridiculous, random, and stupendous Tumblr gems over here


Font - narwhalsarefalling fun fact im weirdly knowlagable in the history of soda i dont even drink soda why do i know so much about it narwhalsarefalling coke and pepsi taste different because coke was invent before refrigeration so it was designed to be drunk warm, while pepsi was designed after refrigeration was invented so it was designed to be drunk cold. as a result the tastes are different but if you drink pepsi cold and coke warm theyll taste the same.


Font - narwhalsarefalling i honestly have no idea coke's recipe was originally green but the designers made it brown so it looked more like tea squirrelstone Had they never seen green tea?


Font - narwhalsarefalling i dont even know if green tea was invented in 1886 but they wanted to make the public more open to eating the fizzy drink transcoranic Green tea was invented in the 13th century and made up 22% of the tea thrown off the ship in the Boston Tea Party


Rectangle - narwhalsarefalling alan i know about soda not green tea cheap-pink-mints i will trade u information abt bees and carrier pigeons for information abt the history of soda


Rectangle - narwhalsarefalling no one knows where the origin of the name '7up' started but it did have a mood stabilizer in the original recipe found in present day anti-depressants i want facts about bees and carrier pigeons now


Rectangle - cheap-pink-mints Carrier pigeons come from a species of Wild Rock pigeon, and their flights could be as long as 1800 km and were used as early as 3000 years ago. You know in old cartoons where a character throws a beehive at someone, and you


Rectangle - think 'lol, but that wouldn't work in real life'. Turns out it would, and did. People used to lob beehives at the approximate location of the enemy forces to expose them. narwhalsarefalling this is amazing thank you Source: narwhalsarefalling 130 699 notes

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Tired Mother Mistakes Girl For Employee, Learns Otherwise

Fortunately, this tale of a customer mistaking another customer for an employee has a happy ending. Normally, we come across frustrating tales of Karens and other entitled walks of life going out of their way to rudely demand things of customers that were minding their business, just trying to take care of their own shopping needs. Sometimes, those scenarios even end up escalating into situations where the confused customers still ask the other customers to help them out, as if they worked there. Pretty unreal. This story though just involves some good old fashioned tomfoolery and an overriding, welcomed sense of humor. 


Font - r/IDontWorkHereLady u/storyskeller •6d + Join 10 In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only Pizza XXXL Disclaimers: on mobile, English not my first language. Also, if you want to read on YouTube, you have to ask for my permission. I'll state it upfront that this story doesn't have a Karen. It happened back in 2006. It didn't happen to me per se, but to one of the people in our group and I was a witness.


Font - A little background, because it's needed: in my country, we don't have Halloween. Our equivalent is the month before the start of Lent, called Apokries, that has a lot of people partying and running around in costumes, culminating in the Sunday before Lent, where everyone parties in costumes and most cities have a masked troupe parade. We call it The Carnival. So, I was born and raised in the city with the biggest Carnival in the country and a full month of traditions associated with it.


Font - One of our friends has a younger brother, that due to health reasons had spent almost three years in and out of the hospitals. He was fifteen at the time and it would be the first time in three years that he would be able to attend the celebrations (the Carnival was his favorite holiday). During his tenures as a patient, he spent his time reading books. He became hooked to Fantasy and Science Fiction. Somebody had left some W40K novels and the kid was hooked. He had a special fondness for


Font - His older brother, our friend, wanted to make him feel good during the festivities and proposed to the rest of us if we could help him find costumes related to his favorite books. We all happily agreed and started researching. While some games (Magic: The Gathering and D&D) had gained some traction and had a fanbase in my country, W40K was a bit difficult to find. Google came to the rescue, providing us info and some images. Finding what a commissar was and what was his function, we all d


Font - The day came and our company mustered out. We had our young commissar in black coat and red sash. pimped out airsoft pistol as a laspistol on one side, a carved foam chain sword on the other. 9 Guardsmen decked in black fatigues, flak armour vests and BB rifles. His brother had also an adapted big water gun to look like a melta. And because one of our friends was 6'7" and 300 pounds of muscle, we managed to dress him in an approximation of an Ultramarine, with a pimped out Nerf pistol as


Font - We did our rounds, had fun, but at some point our young commissar got tired and we retired to a pizza shop for some rest. The place we picked was packed, being a popular student spot. Also, you ordered at the counter, sat down and they gave a buzzer that notified you when the order was ready. We pick one of to go order, that being our Ultramarine. He goes to place the order and his GF, let's call her Sarah, removes her gear to visit the toilet. The incident happened on her way back to our


Font - TM: But you're wearing their uniform.... (confused). In any other day, dressed in a black shirt and black pants, Sarah could be confused with an employee (it was the uniform). But everybody that day was in some kind of costume. The woman was accompanied by her two children, a girl around 6 in a Disney princess dress and a boy around 10 dressed as a musketeer.


Font - GS: Oh, no. You have to place the order at the counter... and starts to explain the system. The mother is a bit dejected (understandable, with two young kids in a chaotic city). At that point, UM comes back and, finding his GF talking to unknown woman, asks (kindly) what is happening. Now, while the conversation was in a good tone, it was a bit loud due to the ambient noise. The boy, seeing a giant looming over his mother (she was about 5'5" or 5'6") and speaking loudly, decided to act. H


Font - CM: I don't know who you are sir knight, but I won't allow you to shout at my mother. UM: Ehh... TM: Honey... CM: No, I will protect you! We are trying to hold our laughter, watching the whole surreal exchange (a young woman dressed in black, a middle aged woman dressed as a ladybug, a towering space marine and a small musketeer), our commissar decided to take charge.


Font - CC: "Soldier!" he said, grabbing everyone's attention, "I swear to my honor that no civilian untouched by Chaos will be hurt under my command." CM, facing the commissar now: On your honor? CC: Yes. He nodded to UM, who nodded back, going along. CM: Ok. Can we have pizza now mom?


Font - That brought everyone to laughter. After that exchange, UM kindly took their order and we invited them to our table. We provided a good distraction for the kids (CM was captivated by the concept of a "knight" having both a big gun and a sword, the princess was talking to the girls about the guns) and TM had some rest, chatting with the rest of us. 2.4k , 98 1 Share

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Housing Listing Describes An Absolutely Disastrous Abode

Just when we thought we'd seen it all, we come across a listing for a "home" that looks anything but hospitable to its residents. We can only imagine what kind of gauntlet the realtor tasked with trying to sell this place has had to run. Like, what about this place, literally anything at all, would inspire a human being to put the offer down? I guess it could be a wonderfully difficult project if you wanted to try and flip it? The monstrous abode clearly needs some tender loving care. 


Property - By Philippa Main with FUTURE HOME REALTY INC O 1/33 Virtual tour Pending For Sale Veterans: $0 Down VA Loans (Get Quote!) Be Ready to Buy. How Much Can You Borrow? $69,000 E $233/mo 2 bed 1.5 bath 826 sqft 0.45 acre lot 37913 Avoca Ave, Zephyrhills, FL, 33541


Sky - O 6/ 33


Property - 13 / 33


Fixture - 19 /33


Bathtub - O 30 / 33


Font - Here it is, literally the worst house on the street! The Seller has done the hard work of cleaning up the almost half-acre property (it only took 7 dumpsters!), so now is your chance to take it from here. Have you ever watched HGTV and thought, I could do that! ? If so, pack up your tape measure and start Googling how to identify a load-bearing wall because it's time to put your money where your mouth is! The roof leaks, the floor creaks, and there's a terrible draft, but this 3 bed, 1.5


Font - rest here on your way to the safe zone vibes). And whether you like to turn up the heat or keep it cool, it won't matter here because there is no HVAC system. Oh and don't forget about the brick chimney that perfectly epitomizes how we all feel after 2020 - about to collapse and going nowhere (literally, there is no fireplace inside the house). What else can be say about this one-of-a-kind opportunity? It's not in a flood zone and will be conveyed with clear title! But we don't have a sur

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Horrible Cook Husband Keeps Secretly Ruining Food

So this guy knows that he's bad at cooking, absolutely hates cooking, but still insists on secretly adding stuff? That's some weird junk, man. It's like having a narcissistic spicy-salt gremlin lurking in your house. In terms of cooking themed childishness it's a little bit like this picky eater husband who demanded fancier meals.


Font - r/AmItheA · Posted by u/HomeTown11_ 12 hours ago 2 8 27 3 15 E 17 AITA For lashing out after my husband ruined the food I prepared for our guests? Me F26 and My husband M33 Mike have been married for a year now. He doesn't cook. He's bad at it. His cooking is the worst despite learning from books/YT videos/me teaching him. It just never works. Every time he steps a foot into the kitchen it turns into a mess. I don't know how. He doesn't know how. Maybe because he's constantly busy with wo


Font - But he's good at other things. So we've agreed that I handle cooking. He handles chores. Everything was going well. However recently he's been getting involved in my cooking. Basically making comments about what ingredients I should/should not add and I try to take it under consideration but only if he's being reasonable. Lately he's been waiting for when I prepare dinner or lunch then sneaks in and add extra salt/paper/spices/other ingredients that completely ruin the meal. First It was


Font - Last night we had my family visiting. I took the entire day preparing meals. He helped out by going to the grocery stores. I noticed he bought stuff from the grocery store that I wasn't allowed to see. I figure 'probably some snacks'. As we were about to eat dinner. My mom and dad suddenly looked grossed out and said they couldn't eat cause the food had so much salt in it. I was confused I asked them to try another dish wich was too spicy for them to eat. My dad had an upset stomach and h


Font - My parents left and I felt ashamed. I asked Mike then I blew up after he admitted he went behind my back to add ingredients that he thought were gonna make my food better. I lashed out at him. Told him he ruined my work after spending hours and made my parents feel uncomfortable. Adding too much salt KNOWING my dad has high blood pressure. He argued that he was just trying to help. And thought thar food will be better. so I shouldn't yell at him. And my parents didn't say anything so it w


Font - OilSeeYoul8er Supreme Court Just-ass [144] 13 hours ago · edited 10 hours ago 3 e NTA - he's repeatedly and dependably ruining every meal he touches. If he wants more salt he can add it to HIS PORTION at the table. There's no universe in which he's being helpful and how he thinks he is is a mystery Not to be that person but... can he taste and smell okay lately? Eta omg folks we did it. It's gaslighting! It's real honest to god gaslighting! 15.4k . Reply Share .. HomeTown11_ I have no ide


Font - Jaybird_Blues 12 hours ago I'm going to guess that he's a control freak and feels threatened or emasculated by the fact that he has tried to cook and failed, so now he sabotages your cooking by adding his influence... NTA


Font - LisaW481 Asshole Aficionado [16] 12 hours ago NTA but like other commenters have mentioned you should probably test his senses. Try opening up a container of epoxy around him and you'll be able to test it pretty easily. Now if it isn't his sense of taste then tak him that he'll eat every bite of every meal he ruins until he stops. Your last comment about him going out for dinner with his friends worries me though. Are you sure he didn't sabotage dinner on purpose so your parents would go


Font - maroongolf_blacksaab 11 hours ago Then went out to meet his friends for dinner. Wait, so even he didn't eat the food he "improved"? This is bizarre. NTA


Font - Illuminator007 Partassipant [1] 12 hours ago Info Does your husband agree with your assessment of your and his cooking skills? 1 277 + , Reply Share ... HomeTown11_ 11 hours ago · edited 11 hours ago Yes. He hates cooking. He said it himself and it's one of the reasons he won't learn. He hates it. He likes my cooking but always thinks there's something I needed to add.


Font - OffkilterPendulum7 12 hours ago Nta. However, it could be that something has hurt his tastebuds. Could be covid. Could be smoking. Could be something else. If that is the case and all of the food is bland to him, suggest him just seasoning his own plate until he likes it. Not the whole pot.

Submitted by:


Landlord Won't Replace Mailbox Key, Tenant Takes Revenge

Realizing that you've moved into a new space overseen by an incapable, wildly inconsiderate landlord is one of the worst realizations to have. You're out there paying all that money to live in a decent enough space, and when something goes wrong, you can't even get your landlord to help you out? No thank you. These dudes found themselves with a landlord who just couldn't seem to get around to replacing their busted mailbox key. So, when the tenant's final day of living in the apartment had arrived, and the landlord was nowhere to be found when it was time for the apartment inspection, the tenant put that house key right in the very mailbox that the landlord hadn't procured the new key for. A simple enough, yet brutally effective petty revenge. Plus, this story's been made all the better by those ridiculous typos. 


Font - r/pettyrevenge Join u/gladimanonymous · 3d 1 2 7 e1 3 8 Landlord didn't want to replace the mailbox key (Not my story, but my boyfriend's) My boyfriend rented a room in a apartment with 3 other guys (that he didn't know beforehand) from a sucky landlord. The landlord did many sucky things, and he so deserved this and more. The story: The guys already lived there when my bf moved in and somehow they broke the key to the mailbox before my bf moved in with them. They had mailed the landlord


Font - new key, but the landlord would take a massive price, way over what's it costs, just to make a new key. So the guys didn't pay it and just used a food thong to get the mail out through the small hole the mail is dropped in. My bf ofc refused to pay, since the key was already broke before he moved in and just used the guys method with the thong. When the time came for all of them to move out last summer my bf was the last one to move out. He had planed with the landlord to meet at the hous


Font - no landlord. My bf send him message after messenge, but he didn't answer. When the clock turned 6, he was feed up, locked the door and put the tiny house key with just a little keyring on it in the mail box and e- mailed the landlord that the key is in the mail box The next day the landlord send my bf a mail asking how he was supposed to get the key out of the mail box. My bf just said there are thongs in the kitchen. My bf haven't heard from him since


Font - Ps. I meant to write "kitchen tong", not "food thongs". But the misspelling is hilarious and it have been made so many jokes in the comment section because of it, so I will just leave the misspelling Edit. I see many people are confused over the mailbox, so here's a little explanation: I don't live in America, and we don't have the UPS(or what's it called) who are responsible for the mailbox. Most people just buy a cheap mailbox for 20-30 dollars, and it is a standard key with them for ex


Font - Idk why the guys just didn't do that tho without arguing with the landlord, they were cheap guy and did everything they could not to pay one cent more then they had to. But it wasn't my bf's responsible anyway to buy a new key, he was kind of petty yeah. But the asshole are definitely the landlord. 1 5.7k 187 1 Share


Font - zerkrazus • 3d I like how he was like: "how he was supposed to get the key out of the mail box." If he could've gotten a new key made for X dollars for his tenants, could he not simply have had a new key made for himself to get to the key? Or call a locksmith to open the mailbox if he didn't/couldn't get a new key made? Reply 174 ...


Rectangle - storm_in_a_tea_cup • 2d As an Aussie, our "thongs" are called flip flops in other parts of the world. I kept thinking of these blokes squeezing thongs as tongs into a letter box and cracking up laughing. But great payback from your boyfriend! Reply ...

8. Check us out over on Instagram as well!

Font - FAILBlog Follow us on O Instagram

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Birds Playing Heavy Metal Is Everything


Did you wake up today thinking that what you were lacking in your world was being able to see a couple adorable, radical looking birds play some heavy metal? No, no you probably didn't. But alas, here we are. The internet doing what it does best: creating humorous chaos from nothing. We're ready for the album at this point. 

Submitted by: (via LeopARTnik)

Tagged: metal , Music , birds , ridiculous , funny , Video , win

Downhill Skier Makes Insane Save After Crashing At 75MPH


Anyone who has ever skied knows that the sport can bring with it gnarly moments where you lose control while ripping down a slope, and wipe out like you never thought possible. Now, factor in the fact that this downhill skier was screaming down the mountain at a measly 75MPH, and then consider the fact that they were still able to make a recovery, and you've got nothing short of a miraculous event. 

Submitted by: (via Andre Benjaminsson)

Tagged: athlete , dangerous , skiing , Video , win

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