

Developer Shed Weekly News for 2009-10-01

Oct. 01, 2009

It's time once again for the Developer Shed newsletter. If you're a regular reader, you know you can find plenty of articles on PHP programming on Dev Shed. What if you don't yet know how to program in PHP and want to learn? You'll want to check out the article we've highlighted this week from eWeek. Written by Jeff Cogswell, well-known teacher and author of ...for Dummies books, it will start you off on the right foot with this versatile programming language.

Speaking of PHP, this week's articles in Dev Shed showed you how to build persistent objects so your PHP web applications can have a memory. You'll also find out how to use AJAX to let users customize the background and font colors of your web site so they can see it the way they want it to look. Readers of ASP Free enjoyed articles on a range of topics, from Windows networking to using Excel for statistics; we even took a look at Microsoft's Office Live Workspaces.

Website designers and developers visiting Dev Articles learned how to build collapsible navigation bars with CSS and JavaScript, and how to create some pretty cool animation effects with the jQuery JavaScript library. Remember, this site publishes articles five times a week, so you'll want to check back often. Dev Hardware readers took a look at a great GPS and a mobile phone, and learned how to set up a virtual private network on a Mac (we even explained how to get an iPhone on the VPN for you super-mobile workers!).

SEO professionals will find some seriously helpful articles this week on SEO Chat. You'll learn everything you need to monetize your WordPress blog, improve Google indexing on your e-commerce web site, and even understand what Google's page rank means. If you're relatively new to owning and building your own web site, you'll find useful information on Dev Mechanic. This week we covered how to 301 redirect a Blogger blog to your own domain name, how to do effective marketing with Twitter, and more.

And the information buffet continues. If you're concerned about security, Web Hosters features an excellent article on robust open source firewall suites. Codewalkers wraps up an eight-part series on building a generic model for the CodeIgniter PHP framework. Tutorialized and Scripts, meanwhile, offer some excellent content created by our readers.

As always, thanks for reading. Until next week,
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A Persistent Class in Action
by Alejandro Gervasio, 2009-09-30

If you're a PHP developer who wants to learn how to create objects that can maintain their state through different HTTP requests, either by using cookies, plain text files or MySQL database tables, then don't look any further because you've come to the right place. Welcome to the last part of a six-part series on building persistent objects in PHP 5. This tutorial series introduces the key concepts that surround the creation of persistent objects, and complements the corresponding theory with copious code samples.
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Storing Class Properties of Persistent Objects in MySQL Tables
by Alejandro Gervasio, 2009-09-29

Welcome to the fifth part of a six-part series that shows you how to build persistent objects in PHP 5. In this part of the series, I'll show you how to develop a persistent class that can save its properties to a MySQL table.
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Using Different Target Files for Persistent Objects
by Alejandro Gervasio, 2009-09-28

Persistent objects appear at first to be an obscure and hard-to-grasp subject that belongs under software development. In fact, persistent objects are simply regular objects spawned from a class that has some form of storage mechanism associated with it. This six-part series shows you how to get the most out of persistent objects in your web applications.
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Deferring Class Property Creation with Lazy Loading
by Alejandro Gervasio, 2009-09-24

Welcome to the conclusion of a five part series that shows you how to implement lazy and eager loading in PHP 5. These two design patterns allow you to handle the resources for an application in very different ways. Through numerous code examples, I've demonstrated when it is appropriate to use each method.
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Windows Network Troubleshooting: Tips and Techniques
by Codex-M, 2009-09-30

Windows networking problems are very common in both LAN (local area network) and WAN (Internet) types of connections. Most of these problems are technical in nature and require in-depth troubleshooting, which could well be beyond the abilities of the normal or average Windows user. Keep reading; we're going to fix that.
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Windows XP Home Network Setup: Essential Steps
by Codex-M, 2009-09-29

One of the most common home network setups uses the Windows XP operating system. XP is also one of the most commonly-used operating systems installed on computers. This article will show you how to set up a home network with Windows XP - which, thanks to Windows 7's XP mode, may still be relevant after Microsoft's newest operating system is released.
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Using MS Excel for One-way Analysis of Variance
by Codex-M, 2009-09-28

In the first part of this tutorial you learned both basic and advanced techniques for doing statistical analysis using MS Excel. One of the most important techniques is the comparison of two data sets using MS Excel, which is a common application in engineering, IT and business sector. In this article, we'll continue our study and delve more deeply into doing statistical analysis.
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Comparing Data Sets Using Statistical Analysis in Excel
by Codex-M, 2009-09-24

Are you ready to try something really challenging with Excel? Can you handle basic statistical analysis, but find you want or need to dig more deeply into the data set? Keep reading; this three-part series will show you how to extract even more information from those numbers by using the principles of inferential statistics.
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Using the jQuery Library`s Animation Effects
by Alejandro Gervasio, 2009-09-30

Welcome to the conclusion of an eight-part series that introduces the jQuery JavaScript library. This versatile library lets you build robust client-side applications very rapidly, thanks in part to an extremely friendly programming interface. In this article, you'll learn how to use the library to build some excellent animation effects.
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Comparing Browser Response to Active Client Pages
by Chrysanthus Forcha, 2009-09-29

In this part of the series we look at the actual response of browsers to the technology of Active Client Pages. I shall also give you some recommendations for how to use Active Client Pages. This is the fifth and last part of the series.
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Building Collapsible Navigation Bars with the Prototype Library
by Alejandro Gervasio, 2009-09-28

Welcome to the second part of a four-part series on creating collapsible navigation bars with CSS and JavaScript. In this installment, I explain how to create a simple navigation bar that can be hidden and displayed alternately. We'll use the Prototype and Scriptaculous JavaScript libraries to achieve this effect.
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Adding and Deleting JavaScript Properties and Methods
by Chrysanthus Forcha, 2009-09-25

Did you know that after you have written the code for a JavaScript object, you could still add properties and methods to the object at run time? Did you know that the user can add properties and methods to a JavaScript object? In this three part series, I show you how to add JavaScript properties and methods at compile and at run time.
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JavaScript String Regular Expressions
by Chrysanthus Forcha, 2009-09-24

The regular expression object in JavaScript has the test() and exec() methods for regular expression problems. This object is called RegExp. The JavaScript String object has the match(), search(), replace() and split() methods for regular expression problems. The string object methods are actually better and easier to apply than the RegExp object methods. This two-part series takes a look at what you can do with them.
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LG Tritan
by wubayou, 2009-09-30

Are you desperately searching for a new cell phone that has it all but do not want to fork over tons of money in the process? Well, there's good news for Alltel and US Cellular subscribers in the form of the LG Tritan. The LG Tritan is chock full of features such as GPS, a full HTML browser, and 3-megapixel camera, just to name a few, that are sure to please even the most demanding cellular customer.
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Setting Up a VPN on a Mac
by Katti Gatto, 2009-09-29

Thanks to the iPod's and iPhone's popularity, many users have given Apple's products a second look. Some have even taken the plunge and purchased full-fledged Apple desktops and/or laptops. If you use your Apple for work, chances are you'll want to be able to use it on a virtual private network (VPN), which brings us to the subject of today's article.
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Garmin Nuvi 765T GPS
by wubayou, 2009-09-28

With so many GPS receivers on the market, one can become quite overwhelmed when trying to make a decision when shopping for navigational help. Just how much do you need from the device, and what do you want it to do for you? How much do you want to spend? Today we'll be reviewing a GPS that seems to do nearly everything, the Garmin Nuvi 765T.
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Kindle Crumbling?
by jkabaseball, 2009-09-25

Predicting the future is always hazardous; that's doubly true in the area of technology. What kinds of devices will we see in the future? And which of the ones we use today will fall by the wayside? This article takes a close look at one device that has been around for a couple of years, the Kindle, and a more general look at ebooks. Will we be reading ebooks five years from now, or will paper win out?
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Sonim XP3 Quest
by wubayou, 2009-09-24

Are you someone with a really bad temper and feel like throwing your phone at times, like me? Are you clumsy and drop things constantly? Do you take unexpected dips in the pool? Are you a thrill seeker that likes white water rafting and climbing, perhaps? If any of the above apply to you, you may want to take a look at the Sonim XP3 Quest cellular phone.
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Page Rank Optimization
by Ivan Strouchliak, 2009-09-30

This two-part guide will introduce you to page rank and page rank optimization (page rank sculpting) of a website using internal link structure. In the first part of this article we'll explain what page rank is, how it works and how it's distributed, while the second portion of the article will focus on page rank sculpting.
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Improve Google Indexing on Your Ecommerce Website
by Codex-M, 2009-09-29

Big ecommerce websites that sell and frequently update new products online are more susceptible to Google indexing problems. A combination of different factors can contribute to slow website indexing, most of which can be controlled by the webmaster. We'll go over these factors here, as well as what you can do about them.
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How to Effectively Monetize Your WordPress Blog for Better CTR
by Joe Eitel, 2009-09-28

Monetizing a blog effectively involves more than just plopping some ad code into your WordPress blog and waiting for clicks. Unfortunately, many beginning WordPress bloggers fail to monetize their blog correctly and don't ever see any real revenue. If you receive any amount of traffic to your blog, it is capable of making money. The keys to getting the most from each and every visitor that visits your site are to optimize your ad placements, choose the correct ad network(s) and/or products to promote and continue to provide useful content to your readers.
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Robust Open Source Firewall Solutions
by Tony Antal, 2009-09-30

It is not enough to protect ourselves from viruses, worms, malware, and other kinds of malicious applications. A dedicated firewall is a security measure that helps us to prevent unauthorized access to or from our network. In this article we are going to present six open source firewall solutions. These won't be simple apps that act only as firewalls, but rather feature-laden suites offering commercial-like functions.
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Protecting Yourself Online
by Tony Antal, 2009-09-23

Being online is the norm nowadays. Gradually we've even become addicted to being online all the time. A decade ago we'd just pop in and out of the online world to check our mail, search for something, or send some photos. But now we're accustomed to the comfort that comes from broadband connections. This article will tackle the possible dangers of being online and how to protect ourselves.
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ICANN Protecting Yourself Online
by Tony Antal, 2009-09-23

If you've been buying domains in quantity, speculating on how much money they'll bring you, you need to read this article. Likewise, if you've tried to buy a domain name and been frustrated because the domain that wasn't taken when you checked earlier got grabbed before you tried to buy it mere hours later, guess what? Things are about to change for the better.
Read the full article.

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Change Eye Color in Photoshop
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Creating a Pong Game - Part 1
This tutorial will teach how to Create a Pong Game in Flash ActionScript.
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Basic Outlining and Coloring
Color your illustrations in just minutes using these simple techniques with Illustrator.
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Create a Simple Flash Movie
In this video tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple Flash movie.
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Building a 3D album with FIVe3D and TweenLite
In this tutorial I will show you how to build a simple 3D photo album.
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Simple XML/RSS Parser
XML parser designed to parse most valid news and blog feeds.
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Effective Marketing with Twitter
by Joe Eitel, 2009-09-30

You may have heard of Twitter, a microblogging service. You may even have heard that it can be used to increase traffic to your web site. But just how can this strange social networking site, where users post short bits about some of the most mundane things, help you improve your bottom line? Keep reading.
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How to 301 Redirect Blogspot Blogs to Custom Domains
by Codex-M, 2009-09-28

One of the most inexpensive but effective ways to launch your own website is to use Blogger, a free blog hosting platform owned by Google. By default, if you do not own a domain name, Blogger will ask you to select your own blog name which will be hosted in Blogger, popularly known as "Blogspot." This article will show you how to get the benefits of using Blogger while looking much more professional to the world at large.
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Mobile Marketing with Cellit
by KC Morgan, 2009-09-25

Whether you have a small or large company or Web site, you still need to think about advertising. It's always a good idea to promote, whether you're doing so on a national or local level. If you don't get the word out, how will people know where and how to find you? There are lots of ways to advertise online, but why restrict yourself to just one medium? No matter what you're advertising and promoting, you can make use of mobile marketing with Cellit.
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A Web App Based on a Model for the CodeIgniter PHP Framework
by Alejandros Gervasio, 2009-09-30

Among the numerous features provided by the CodeIgniter PHP framework, its flexibility is probably one of the most appreciated by both beginners and experienced users. This flexibility gives them the liberty to develop their own custom model classes with minor restrictions. Precisely this characteristic is highlighted in this series of articles, which form a comprehensive guide that walks you through building a highly-generic model class. You'll be able to use this class for creating database-driven web applications without having to code multiple and redundant models. This article concludes the eight-part series.
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Completing a Model for the CodeIgniter PHP Framework
by Alejandros Gervasio, 2009-09-30

One of the most remarkable features offered by the CodeIgniter PHP framework is its great flexibility, which lets web developers build custom libraries that contribute to extending the framework's core functionality. In this group of articles you'll learn how to create a generic model class for CI. The class will permit you to perform CRUD operations against a number of database tables in a truly painless fashion, without having to spend a long time coding numerous and complex models.
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Validating Input Data with the CodeIgniter PHP Framework
by Alejandros Gervasio, 2009-09-23

Welcome to the sixth installment of the series that shows you how to build a generic model for the CodeIgniter PHP framework. Made up of eight parts, this series walks you through the development of a simple model class for the CodeIgniter PHP framework. This class will allow you to retrieve, save and delete rows of a specified database table with minor hassles by using a truly straightforward programming interface, along with a few basic child models.
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Send Up the Clowns

The latest tourist to the International Space Station confirmed, if there was any doubt, that they'll send up any clown with enough money. To be sure, though, Guy Laliberte isn't just any clown; he's the founder of Cirque du Soleil and the first space tourist from Canada. Blasting off a pad in Russia, the Soyuz spacecraft lifted Laliberte, cosmonaut Maxim Suraev, and astronaut Jeffrey Williams smoothly into orbit.

Laliberte, who has been known to whip out and wear a red clown nose, said in an interview that he was not afraid of going into space. Relating his experience of watching the first man walk on the moon he was 10 years old and at summer camp Laliberte said that it inspired him not to go into space, but nurtured the understanding and the belief that fairy tales are possible to live. Assuming all goes well, he'll stay aboard the ISS for just nine days, but he has big plans.

Ever the performer, Laliberte said that he will oversee a five-continent, 14-city extravaganza to make the world more aware of water as a cultural and environmental issue. He said that we will travel the world, unveiling part of a poetic tale to a voice of international personality and will also be giving artistic presentations linked to water as an inspiration and as a source of life. Celebrities expected to participate include former US vice president Al Gore, U2, Shakira, Peter Gabriel, and Canadian astronaut Julie Payette.

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Building Rome in a Day, Virtually

It can be hard to get the sense of a city just from photographs. Ideally, if you can't go there, you'd want to go through a computer simulation to get a feeling for the size of buildings and the way the space is used. A team from the University of Washington discovered that you CAN get the sense of a city from photos if you use enough photos and apply some computerized muscle to the problem.

The team came up with a way to create accurate 3D simulations of entire cities using thousands of photos. Fortunately, they had a ready source of photos: photo-sharing web site Flickr. As an example of what can be accomplished when lots of people take photos of the same landmarks, 150,000 images went into the team's simulation of Rome -- which, incidentally, WAS built in a day, at least in this version./p>

While 3D models have been created from photos before, it has been difficult to simulate an entire city. Using the existing system it would have taken years to recreate a whole city, notes Sameer Agarwal, head of the team. Their process uses 500 computers working in parallel. They also used the process to create simulations of Venice and Dubrovnik. With the world changing so quickly, the team hopes that their simulations will be seen by future generations so they, too, can appreciate the beauty of today's cities.

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Robo-One Competition in Japan

Why is it that the Japanese get all the cool toys? The Robo-One competition, held in Tokyo last week, highlighted this point. Robot makers presented their creations, many of which also fought each other (the robots, not the robot makers). The presentations demonstrated the state of the art for the field of robotics.

Notable among the robots was one by Takeshi Maeda. His latest creation is the Omni Zero 9. It is capable of autonomously walking a few steps; when it encounters a ramp, it can kneel down on the floor and roll itself up using the two wheels housed in its shoulders. It can also flip back its head and the front of its chest, revealing a seat for someone brave enough to ride it.

Omni Zero 9 was just one of many robots presented at Robo-One. Other builders demonstrated a thought-controlled robot, a robot capable of standing up smoothly after lying flat on its back (and striking some cool samurai poses), and more. The fights between robots met with an enthusiastic crowd, as the little machines shoved, slid, fell over, and sometimes performed victory dances.

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About Beauty: What Hairstyles Look Best at 20, 30, 40, 50 & Up?

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  from Julyne Derrick
Wondering what hairstyles are age-appropriate? This week, I have your answer. Get the scoop on styling secrets. For example, if you have super dry hair, try rubbing coconut oil in your hands and then palming them on the ends of hair. Find out other styling secrets of the pros this week, then find out how to get Emmy winner Kristen Chenoweth's red carpet ponytail.

In the Spotlight
Hairstyles By Age: What to Wear at 20, 30, 40, 50 on Up
Don't believe everything you hear out there. Just because you're 65, you don't have to immediately sign up for a helmet hairstyle. In fact, a younger look and lighter color can take years off your face...read more

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How to Style Hair: 13 Secrets to Styling Hair
Don't you just love it when your hair stylist teaches you a how to style hair trick that you just know you'll use for the rest of your life? Here we show you...read more

How to Get Kristen Chenoweth's Pretty Ponytail
Kristin Chenoweth's Emmy-winning red carpet hair is super trendy right now and just right for an evening out. Here's how to dress up a ponytail: Straighten hair with a flat iron. Create...read more

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