

Earlier today, the House approved an additional ...

Fri Jul 31 2009
Earlier today, the House approved an additional ... Earlier today, the House approved an additional $2 billion for the Cash for Clunkers program. Don't celebrate yet, though. Consumer Reports Cars warns that it's best to wait a while before trying to trade in your inefficient car to make sure that the program stays in place, and that you really will get your rebate.

POSTED: Fri Jul 31 2009 21:30

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CA Leads US on Right to Water | Privatizing the Seas | Desal Problems in Tampa

AlterNet: The Mix is the Message   Water
July 31st, 2009
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Why Can't the U.S. Guarantee the Most Basic of Human Rights -- the Right to Clean Water?  

Why Can't the U.S. Guarantee the Most Basic of Human Rights -- the Right to Clean Water?
By Peter Asmus, AlterNet
California is leading the way with new legislation to guarantee clean water for all, but the federal government is far behind. Read more »

Privatize the Seas? If Only Solving Overfishing Were so Easy  

Privatize the Seas? If Only Solving Overfishing Were so Easy

Merely having a market with clear private ownership rights does not protect against short-sightedness and greed. Read more »

Why California Can Have Healthy Farming Even as Water Supply Diminshes  

Why California Can Have Healthy Farming Even as Water Supply Diminshes

The Pacific Institute show how California's agricultural sector can flourish despite threats to water supply. Read more »

Desalination Creates More Problems than Solutions in Tampa  

Desalination Creates More Problems than Solutions in Tampa

Other cities considering desal would be wise to look at what happened in Tampa. Read more »

Finally, We May Get Funding for a Clean Water Trust Fund  

Finally, We May Get Funding for a Clean Water Trust Fund

After years of work, we finally have bill that would establish a dedicated, firewalled source of funding for water infrastructure. Read more »

Maine Community Rebuffs Nestlé Over Water Rights  

Maine Community Rebuffs Nestlé Over Water Rights

The water bottling giant has been dealt yet another set-back by the grassroots. Read more »


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Executives say the
president has been
willing to listen, but they
wonder whether he is
heeding their advice

Editor's Memo
What do businessmen really think about President Barack Obama? In the Insider Top Story this week, BusinessWeek's Washington bureau chief, Jane Sasseen, writes about how, six months into his term, the President is inspiring fear, anger, and hope among CEOs. BusinessWeek also landed an extensive interview with Obama, who talks about his business policies and says that "to return to some semblance of balance is hardly radical."

Software giant Microsoft seems to have gotten its wish at last. Thanks to a long-awaited deal with Yahoo!, Microsoft may now become the clear No. 2 in the most lucrative Internet market of them all: search. BusinessWeek's Technology channel has complete coverage of the agreement, including an article by Spencer Ante about the antitrust hurdles looming for Microsoft.
—Zoe Galland

Obama Tells BW He's Not Antibusiness
In a wide-ranging interview, the President says "to return to some semblance of balance is hardly radical"

Resveratrol: The Hard Sell on Anti-Aging
Online ads for resveratrol are using fake endorsements from experts and celebrities to promote the unproven anti-aging product

Apple's iPod: The Next Generation
Apple executives say they have a game plan to revive iPod's sagging sales. What might a new device look like?

Microsoft-Yahoo: A Rival for Google?
The deal, if approved by antitrust regulators, could give the Internet search giant a viable competitor. Advertisers are optimistic

Microsoft-Yahoo: Antitrust Hurdles Loom
The weak Web search-ad companies want to team up against No. 1 Google, but regulatory tradition and practice have long blocked such deals

Skilled Immigrants on Why They're Leaving the U.S.
A long wait for a green card, coupled with the soft U.S. economy, is prompting an exodus of some of the best and brightest


The Profits and Perils of Supplying to Wal-Mart
The world's biggest retailer works with thousands of small suppliers on a regular basis. But landing a contract comes with downsides worth considering before applying

The SBA's Karen Mills on Thawing Credit
How the Administrator says her agency is helping get banks to lend to small business again

Helping an Employee in a Personal Financial Crisis
As more Americans face distress, small businesses are trying to find solutions, including loans, that benefit workers and companies alike

ESPN's Global Soccer Ambitions
In a sign that soccer will be vital to its future global growth, ESPN is launching a channel to show English Premier League games to British fans

Japan Wants to Build Medical Tourism Market
The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry will oversee a small-scale project expected to start in September at 10 of the nation's largest hospitals

Airlines Face Traveler Crash Fears
A flurry of deadly plane crashes recently has passengers questioning airline safety. But statistics show that flight is safer than ever

Homebuilders Think Small
To attract buyers, homebuilders are slashing costs and square footage. KB Home is offering a new house in Tucson for $89,999

WNBA: Not Just a Punch Line Anymore
As it heads into its All-Star break, the WNBA celebrates its 13th season on the heels of higher ratings and attendance, and bigger endorsement deals

Almost 10 Percent of U.S. Medical Costs Tied to Obesity
Only return to healthy behaviors will bring expenditures down, experts say

IDEA 2009: Designing a Better World
Many of this year's International Design Excellence Award winners created products that could have a global impact

Recession: The Mother of Innovation?
How businesses can turn the troubled economy to their advantage

Honda's New CEO Is Also Chief Innovator
In an effort to stem its global slide, Honda introduces veteran engineer and R&D head Takanobu Ito to lead the automobile company

Bankruptcies: The Next Wave
Credit markets have already improved and the economy may be on the road to recovery, but that won't prevent a new run of corporate bankruptcies in the next year

Financial Literacy: Reaching the College Crowd
As experts debate the usefulness of teaching financial know-how to debt-strapped students, some undergraduates are doing it themselves

M&A's Long Road Back
Recent news from IBM, Amazon, and others suggests deals are being made, but conditions are still far from normal in the world of mergers and acquisitions

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The foreclosure crisis has entered a new phase. It's spreading beyond the wreckage of the housing bubble to metro areas in Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Arkansas, Illinois, and South Carolina where unemployment is rising, according to RealtyTrac's Midyear 2009 Metropolitan Foreclosure Market Report released on June 30.

Prashant Gopal—Hot Property

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    In today's market, there's more to trading covered calls than just buying a stock and selling a call. With a complimentary 3 month subscription to Bernie Schaeffer's "Covered Call Plus", you'll learn how to maximize income without limiting your upside while still reducing downside exposure.

The President at Six Months
Executives give their take on the job being done by President Obama after his first six months in office


Health Care in Crisis: Patients Are Pushovers
Patients must lose their blind faith in doctors and demand more information about the procedures being performed on them, urges Ed Wallace

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Career Suicide for 'Birther' Lou Dobbs | Gonzo Porn & America's Cultural Apocalypse | Corporate Media Hijacks Health Debate

AlterNet: The Mix is the Message   Media & Technology Newsletter
July 31st, 2009
More from Media & Technology »

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The Rise of Gonzo Porn Is the Latest Sign of America's Cultural Apocalypse  

The Rise of Gonzo Porn Is the Latest Sign of America's Cultural Apocalypse
By Chris Hedges, Nation Books
A culture that cannot distinguish between reality and illusion dies. A visit to a Las Vegas porn convention reveals we are dying now. Read more »

How Corporate Media, Sellouts in Congress and Industry Bigs Have Hijacked the Health Care Debate  

How Corporate Media, Sellouts in Congress and Industry Bigs Have Hijacked the Health Care Debate

If we let these powerful interests get their way, we'll see more outlandish increases in premiums and millions more people being denied care. Read more »

How Lou Dobbs Scared Rush Limbaugh Off the Birther Story  

How Lou Dobbs Scared Rush Limbaugh Off the Birther Story

The media backlash that Dobbs set off made sure that nobody will ever take the birthers seriously again. Read more »

Birther Whack Jobs: Citizens of Idiot America  

Birther Whack Jobs: Citizens of Idiot America

Join MoveOn's fight take on Lou Dobbs and put this paranoid and racist movement to an end. Read more »

Why Is a Slate Writer Shilling for Goldman Sachs? Taibbi Shreds the Latest Wall Street PR  

Why Is a Slate Writer Shilling for Goldman Sachs? Taibbi Shreds the Latest Wall Street PR

The winner of this month's Most Retarded Horsesh** Written In Defense of Goldman Sachs award goes to ... Heidi Moore. . Read more »

'I'm Pretty. You're Ugly. Buy This' -- Why Fashion Magazines Are on the Decline  

'I'm Pretty. You're Ugly. Buy This' -- Why Fashion Magazines Are on the Decline

Fashion glossies are about making their readers feel bad. Are women tired of their prettier-than-thou bullying? Read more »

  PEEK and Video: The hottest buzz and videos on the web  

A Few Words About the NY Times Profound Coverage of the 2009 'Beer Summit'  

A Few Words About the NY Times Profound Coverage of the 2009 'Beer Summit'

These stories are of earth-shattering importance. Read more »

Funniest Thing Published by a News Magazine in the History of News Magazines  

Funniest Thing Published by a News Magazine in the History of News Magazines

Swallow your milk! Read more »

Fox News Wipes Iraq Off the Map  

Fox News Wipes Iraq Off the Map

Literally! Read more »


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Money Rates

from The Wall Street Journal Online

Friday, July 31, 2009

International rates
Prime rates
Latest Wk ago
3.25 3.25

2.25 2.25

Euro zone
1.00 1.00

1.475 1.475

0.51 0.52

0.50 0.50

3.00 3.00

Hong Kong
5.25 5.25

Overnight repurchase
Latest Wk ago
0.23 0.18

U.K. (BBA)
0.432 0.463

Euro zone
0.32 0.31

U.S. government rates
Latest Wk ago
[ Effective Date: 12/16/2008 ]
0.50 0.50

Federal funds
[ Effective Date: 12/16/2008 ]
Effective rate
0.19 0.16
Target rate
0-0.25 0-0.25
0.3800 0.3800
0.0625 0.1000
0.2500 0.1000
0.3125 0.2500

Treasury bill auction
[ Auction Date: 7/31/2009 ]
4 weeks
0.130 0.150
13 weeks
0.190 0.190
26 weeks
0.275 0.285

Secondary Market

Freddie Mac
30-year mortgage yields
Latest Wk ago
30 days
4.82 5.05
60 days
4.93 5.14
One-year ARM
2.500 2.500

Fannie Mae
30-year mortgage yields
Latest Wk ago
30 days
4.915 5.020
60 days
5.005 5.101

Constant maturity debt index
Latest Wk ago
Three months
n.a. n.a.
Six months
n.a. n.a.
One year
n.a. n.a.

Bankers acceptance
Latest Wk ago
30 days
0.40 0.40
60 days
0.48 0.48
90 days
0.55 0.55
120 days
0.55 0.55
150 days
0.73 0.73
180 days
0.73 0.73

Other short-term rates

Latest Wk ago
Call money
2.00 2.00

Commercial paper
Latest Wk ago
30 to 30 days
0.22 ...
31 to 44 days
n.q. ...
45 to 59 days
0.23 ...
60 to 89 days
0.24 ...
90 to 119 days
0.27 ...
120 to 149 days
0.31 ...
150 to 179 days
0.35 ...
180 to 240 days
0.39 ...
241 to 270 days
0.39 ...

Dealer commercial paper
Latest Wk ago
30 days
0.30 0.32
60 days
0.33 0.37
90 days
0.35 0.40

Euro commercial paper
Latest Wk ago
30 day
0.12 0.12
Two month
0.30 0.31
Three month
0.49 0.49
Four month
0.60 0.60
Five month
0.72 0.68
Six month
0.82 0.82

London interbank offered rate, or Libor
Latest Wk ago
One month
0.27938 0.28500
Three month
0.47938 0.50188
Six month
0.92500 0.95063
One year
1.49750 1.48938

Libor Swaps (USD)
Latest Wk ago
Two year
1.472 1.455
Three year
2.085 2.109
Five year
2.898 3.001
Ten year
3.747 3.897
20 year
4.115 4.280
30 year
4.175 4.355

Euro Libor
Latest Wk ago
One month
0.494 0.516
Three month
0.862 0.899
Six month
1.131 1.168
One year
1.350 1.377

Euro interbank offered rate
Latest Wk ago
One month
0.532 0.553
Three month
0.893 0.921
Six month
1.142 1.170
One year
1.355 1.378

Latest Wk ago
One month
0.071 0.120
Three month
0.218 0.258
Six month
0.529 0.557
One year
0.939 0.966

Asian dollars
Latest Wk ago
One month
0.283 0.286
Three month
0.503 0.515
Six month
0.935 0.955
One year
1.498 1.493

Certificates of Deposit
Latest Wk ago
One month
0.280 0.300
Three month
0.350 0.370
Six Month
0.700 0.700

Merrill Lynch Ready Assets Trust
Latest Wk ago
Call money
0.040 0.040

Eurodollars (mid rates)
Offer Bid
One month
0.25 0.60
Two month
0.35 0.70
Three month
0.40 0.95
Four month
0.40 1.00
Five month
0.45 1.10
Six month
0.55 1.15

Freddie Mac
Weekly survey
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Latest Wk ago
30-year fixed
5.25 5.20
15-year fixed
4.69 4.68
Five-year ARM
4.75 4.74
One-year ARM
4.80 4.77

U.S. prime rate and discount rate are effective December 16, 2008. U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest U.S. banks. Other prime rates aren't directly comparable; lending practices vary widely by location; Discount rate is the charge on loans to depository institutions by the New York Federal Reserve Banks; Federal-funds rate is on reserves traded among commercial banks for overnight use in amounts of $1 million or more; Call money rate is the charge on loans to brokers on stock-exchange collateral; Dealer commercial paper rates are for high-grade unsecured notes sold through dealers by major corporations; Freddie Mac RNY is the required net yield for the one-year 2% rate-capped ARM. Libor is the British Bankers' Association average of interbank offered rates for dollar deposits in the London market; Libor Swaps quoted are mid-market, semi-annual swap rates and pay the floating 3-month Libor rate..

Sources: Merrill Lynch; Bureau of Labor Statistics; ICAP plc.; Reuters; General Electric Capital Corp.; Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd.


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