

Tumblr Thread: Octopuses Are Clever Brain Lords and more...

This quick and informative collection of Tumblr posts shines some light on the fascinating, slimy, intellectual behemoths that are the octopuses of this world. Basically, you better be ready for some eerie and deeply unsettling trickery if you're going ...
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Tumblr Thread: Octopuses Are Clever Brain Lords and more...

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Tumblr Thread: Octopuses Are Clever Brain Lords

This quick and informative collection of Tumblr posts shines some light on the fascinating, slimy, intellectual behemoths that are the octopuses of this world. Basically, you better be ready for some eerie and deeply unsettling trickery if you're going to be a security guard at an aquarium that houses octopuses. And you better make sure that there are no bad shrimp in the batches that you're feeding them. 

Check out some more gold from Tumblr with this thread about customers' mythically powerful coffee orders.


Text - tilthat TIL Marine biologists are claiming there is a rare instance of non-human warfare happening between octopuses in the waters off the coast of Australia. The octopuses are fighting in large groups over territory and even using projectiles such as seashells to spit at enemies. via reddit.com pain-and-missouri Octopi are intense bransrath I prefer octopedes celticpyro “Animals don't go to war because they're cinnamon rolls unlike ebil humans uwu" Check-fucking-mate Linda, cephalopods a


Text - arishok-s They're literally in the shell age copperbadge So...they're shelling each other? mamapluto *takes a long drag on a shitty cigarette* war is shell A mondrag-on Why isn't anyone even bothering to mention the countless wounded soldiers of this cephalopod war? Many come back missing tentacles and eyes! Some even return home with a bad case of...shellshock imperilysm ругорotter You are angry about something. "Clam down," I text you. You assume I have made a typo, but in fact I am hol


Text - giant pacific octopus - memescomedy HOsea SnatchedEdges @haking Put this back in the ocean. Google Facts @GoogleFacts An octopus named Otto caused an aquarium power outage by climbing to the edge of his tank and shooting a jet of water at a bright light that was annoying him. He's also been seen juggling hermit crabs, throwing rocks at the glass, and re-arranging his tank surroundings. 2500


Text - aproposnegro He doesn't wanna be there. broccoli-goblin Relatable satanslover Fun fact: scientists believe the only thing that stops some species of octopi from being classified as sentient is their relative lack of desire to teach other members of their species Source: memescomedy.com 29,841 notes




Text - wittyusernamed My buddy read an article about octopus intelligence. It was feeding time, and the handler dumped some shrimp into an octopus' tank. Then he went into another room and sat at his desk. A while later, a shrimp was tossed onto his desk. The octopus, upon finding one bad shrimp in the lot, had grabbed it, escaped its tank, crossed the hall, and threw the expired shrimp at its caretaker. Not only does this showcase their problem-solving capabilities, but also that it could have


Text - roseweasley7 I went to the aquarium once and we had a tour and we walked past the octopus tank and it was duct taped shut so I asked why and the guy was like. "Well, we had a problem before because these fish were disappearing randomly at night and we had no idea why. Turns out the octopus had memorised the night guards rounds and would creep out of its tank, crawl across the floor to the fish tank, have a little snack and be back in its own tank with the lid shut before the guard came ba


Text - cassandrashipsit I am both delighted and FUCKING TERRIFIED. ze-witch-arteest Once I went to the aquarium where they had a baby pacific red octopus in a tank. I had gone there to work on a few real life sketches, obviously I wanted to do one of an octopus. So I kinda just kneeled in front of the tank, and started sketching. The octopus didn't mind, he sat happily. Then, 5 minutes later, he started moving to the front of the tank, where I was. This tiny octopus faces me directly and starts

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Entitled Coworker Learns Lesson On Christmas Day

Jane was playing with fire. She thought she'd just go on and on, not helping out her teammates, and instead proactively making their work situations genuinely unpleasant environments. Just picturing the mystified look of pure confused, terror on Jane's face when this employee dipped out on Christmas Day is enough to put a smile on your face. Sounds like the manager wasn't doing anything to help the situation either, so it's not terrible he had to show up to address the meltdown on Christmas Day. 

Check out some more juicy revenge drama with this property manager who was terrible, and ended up getting canned.


Text - r/ProRevenge u/MorganLeFatal • 2y + Join Merry Christmas! I quit. Quite a few years ago, I moved into a house with a few of my best friends. One of my friends got me a job with her at the local gas station within walking distance of our house and I thought I was pretty set with my new arrangement - living with my best friends, able to walk to work and a job that should have been one of the easiest positions I've ever held... That is, until I met my coworker - Jane. I worked nights. We did


Text - gas pumps, sweep up the parking lot, and stock the beverages which entailed going into the walk in fridge and stocking it from inside the cooler (which could take 2 hours or more at times). There was always 2 people scheduled on night shift, most of my coworkers and I would split the work and one person would don their coat and gloves and go stock the cooler for a few hours and the other person would keep coffee made and sweep up the store and stop and ring up the occasional customer and


Text - Not Jane. Jane would usually hang out in the back in the manager's office for hours or stand behind the registers "doing inventory of the cigarettes" and make the other employees unfortunate enough to be scheduled with her do all of the tasks that needed to be completed in and out of the store and have to stop and run to the register to ring people up even when she was standing right there "counting the cigarettes" and couldn't be bothered to even acknowledge the customers.


Text - When people called off, it was standard to call the other employees and see if someone could come in and take the shift. Most people would give a legit reason why they couldn't when they declined - i.e. No sitter, family plans, etc. Not Jane. Jane would just answer with a flat no when she was called and would then hang up. My best friend came to me a few months into working at the place and told me that our manager told her that Jane said that I don't do anything during my shifts with her


Text - Jane fancied herself the second in command in our store under the manager. Now, mind you, we didn't have an assistant manager with that gas station chain. There was only a manager and there were supposed to be a few shift leads who really didn't have any power, just a few additional tasks to complete during the shifts where they were scheduled as a lead - inventory, ordering stock, etc. Jane was not ACTUALLY a shift lead but she was able to do most of the tasks of the shift lead and acted


Text - The best part of this "improvement" was that she would harp on my coworkers about it while NEVER stepping foot in the cooler herself to do anything that I saw in the entire time that I worked with her. Another of her "improvements" was that everyone had to attend a weekly mandatory team meeting because she read somewhere in one of her training books that it's supposedly policy - even though none of us, including the manager, had heard of this before she brought it up. These team meetings


Text - I came to work my shift at the gas station after receiving a call earlier in the day saying that I had passed my background check and employment verification and was offered the job that I had been seeking. I asked my shift lead how to put in my 2 Week's Notice and she smiled and asked who I would be working with on my last day? Jane. She asked if I already officially had the job and I confirmed that I did and that all of my background checks were complete. She then asked me if it really


Text - My last day was Christmas. I was scheduled as a split shift. From 7-10pm, I was scheduled with my best friend. My best friend was scheduled to get off at 10pm and Jane was to come in and work her normal night shift from 10pm-6am. I came in at 7 and worked as I normally would and had a fun time clowning with my best friend when we had a rare moment of downtown - being Christmas Day, there wasn't really anything else around that was open so we were swamped as a result. My best friend left a


Text - My best friend filled me in on what happened when I left. She went through the phone list calling everyone to see if they could come in to work my shift. Every single person just gave a simple No and hung up on her. She was left to run the store on her own for quite some time before the manager showed up to assist her. The next team meeting that she had after I left, she could not find her clipboard and had a melt down fit in front of all of the other employees as they all stood there loo


Text - Now, before you start feeling sorry for my manager having to lose time with his people on Christmas Day to clean up the mess from my revenge- Keep in mind that he has access to video recordings of every inch of the store and outside grounds and could easily verify how much work I was doing during my shifts before he felt the need to insult my work ethic to my best friend based solely on the lie of one person. I'm actually GLAD that he was caught up in my wonderful revenge, truth be told,

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Fastest Ways People's Co-Workers Got Fired

It's nothing short of a miracle that these people were able to weasel their way into getting jobs in the first place. You've got the dude with the next level situational awareness, who decided it'd be a good move to light up a smoke next to a bunch of hay. Or you've got the other prime job candidate who was hired, and then proceeded to just never show up. It's as if some people get hired just to see how long it'll take them to get fired. Try hard enough, and it really won't take too much time to get canned at all. 

Check out another entertaining AskReddit thread that's about the ways workers got their bosses fired.


Text - squeeeeenis • 2h He didn't show up the first day, second day, or third day. I had to work a double shift for three days straight. Not fun. I answered the phone when he finally 'called in' on the fourth day. He said, "I'm going to be honest with you, I've been in Orlando. My parents paid for a small vacation as a reward for getting the job. Would it be okay to start next week instead of this week?" Reply 938 ...


Text - KnightofShaftsbury • 2h New guy started on Monday and was gone by Friday. The guy hit some racking in the warehouse with the forklift, boss saw him do it, and the guy decided to lie about it when asked if he knew what happened. Reply 390 ...


Text - chungoglungus • 2h Had a girl show up for her first day then no call no show for the next 3 days. Needless to say she was off the schedule by the 4th day Reply 145 ...


Text - Ed_Rock • 1h About 35 minutes I hired a guy to work for me as quality inspector for merchandise headed to Walmart & Target. He bragged about everything he stole from his last job during training and how they paid him more than I did. Well, I'm not holding him back from all that money so I had some big guys escort him off the property Reply 34 ...


Text - jeff_the_nurse• 2h As a teenager, I worked at a bowling alley. Within an hour, a new girl was fired on the spot for dropping a ball on the foot of a complaining patron. Reply 280 ...


Text - The_Tell_Tale_Heart • 1h Guy had been working a few days at a barn. Decided to smoke right by bales of hay. Manager saw him and fired him right on the spot. At farms, you don't fuck around with fire. Reply 40 ...


Text - DifficultMinute • 1h Before their first day on orientation. I got hired for a manufacturing job through Manpower (a temp agency). Me and a friend of my wife were both supposed to start on Monday at the plant for a week- long orientation. She got into a fender bender on her way to orientation, and called them to say that she'd be a bit late, that she just needed to wait on the police to give a statement. The manager told her not to bother ever coming in. Girl was torn up. She took pictures


Text - JoeBear1978• 1h A shop I used to work at hired through a temporary agency,after a few months they either hired you full time or let you go. They brought this one kid in,he worked good and they were going to hire him full time. The supervisor brought some paperwork for him to get hired on, he filled it out but forgot to sign something. The supervisor brought the paper back to him to sign but couldn't find him at first. She found him smoking during shift by by the emergency exit door. Had t


Text - jbiggs107 • 1h 5 days. My boss hired an "Executive Chef".. dude didn't even know how to make a quesadilla... Reply 20 ...


Text - Hickspy • 2h This was just a summer job at a fast food place. We had a new girl start and within two days it was apparent she was an idiot and everyone knew that. You could already see the manager questioning his decision. Then on her third day of work she said she couldn't come in because her mom was in a car accident and in the hospital. Turns out that's an easy thing to disprove in a relatively small town. Reply 147 ...


Text - sum_muthafuckn_where • 1h First week, he's called over to the unstaffed truffle counter by a customer. Hasn't been trained in truffles, so he just grabs one from the display case and sells it to the customer. He doesn't know the display "truffles" are made of plastic and the customer has already payed $90 for it when he realises. Still not sure if it was an honest mistake or if he was planning to pocket the money. Either way, fired. Reply ...


Text - uitSCHOT • 1h I worked at a high security workspace for a while. Under no circumstance could you take photographs anywhere inside the building and you were strongly discouraged to post on social media were you worked. (Something to do with the competition finding things out) So this guy took a picture of his employee pass on his first day and posted it on his Facebook talking about how happy he was with his new job. Work found out (I think his FB wasn't even set on private) He was gone qu


Text - Revolutionary_Oil897 • 2h 3 hours into the first shift. Guy lost it serving an annoying customer in a grocery shop, throw a cabbage at her. The manager came and told him to go home cause he finished there. He wasn't surprised. I was standing next to him, it was an entertaining day. Reply 245 ...


Text - astrokade • 1h Incredibly strange office worker turned up each day with wet hair, wearing loose fitting pyjamas and shuffled around in her slippers. Lasted about a week before she was let go. Reply 20 ...


Text - Red_AtNight • 2h I used to do a lot of field work on site investigation programs - basically we'd hang out on a drill rig while the drillers took rock cores. We'd log the cores, take photos, do some down-hole tests, etc. New engineer gets sent to site and gets assigned the night shift (some people love night shift, but most people don't... hence sticking the junior with night shift.) After 5 nights he calls the office and says he wants to come home because he's freezing and he hates it an


Text - pdxchris • 1h Couldn't pass the simple tests given at the end of new hire orientation. Yelled at test facilitator when she wouldn't just take the test for him. Reply

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Guy Transforms Brother's Crazy Voicemail Into Music Video


It's videos like this that make us genuinely appreciative to have the internet around. What would've otherwise just been an insane voicemail from a dude's rambling brother has been transformed into nothing short of modern day art. 

Submitted by: (via Sam Seeger)


Americans And Brits Duke It Out On Tumblr

We always love a little good old cultures clash on Tumblr. So, comparing Hershey's chocolate to any chocolate sold back in England is a grave, mortal sin. Duly noted. Also, that whole bit about how the Brits call it "maths" while Americans call it math was a trip. If you enjoyed these funny Tumblr moments, check out this Twitter thread where cultures clash over canned chicken.


Text - impala-outside-221b: severalzygons: civilish: severalzygons: civilish: severalzygons: civilish: Do British people not drink ice tea as much as Americans do? What do they drink during the summer? tea But it's hot... only tea there are no other drinks only tea Wait.. What if you don't like tea? then the weak die natural selection


Text - nutrigrainbarf: serious question are there any other channels in england besides bbc bbc2 bbc3 ВВC Four bbc1 hd ВBC Five BBC News 24 BBC Parliament ВВC HD Birminghan UNITED KINGDOM Fstguard pswich Londud Reading Southampton Dun Calais ighton Portsmouth Cmou Weymouth Strat of Dover English Channel Aey Cherbourg Am CHANNEL ISLANDS Le Havre Sare Guemsy Rouen Aney Cag Brest Cbbc If you're not into TV there's BBC Radio 1 BBC radio 2, 3, 4 and 6


Text - England: "Fantastic. Cheerio, America." America: "Yeah. Fruit Loops to you, too, dude." s aphcanada-remade 153,269 notes Jul 17th, 2017 ...


Newspaper - Monday September 2, 200 METRO 27 Ship crashed 'after captain forgot about English coast' o l wey One minute each day for ONE extra minute of brik ativity can make nealy hall apound dfference average woman's weight new research shows Lots of short bouts of heart and lungworking activity stais instead ty HAYDEN SMIT CAPIAIN hi carge ship apoond aher ploting ped xpose has revealed san, an sipper f de MV Di lt abo a course Im Sodd to Belpum ccon astaking of a i had the same effect as les


Text - annyoung89: Raise your hand if you have watched so much British television that is has actually changed your speech patterns. I've not the slightest idea how you've come round to that idea. Exactly. I haven't the foggiest idea of how you've come to that conclusion. What in the bloody hell are you blabbering on bout you twat? Behold, people that have never been within 50 feet of anyone even remotely British. Fremdscham (German) Embarrassment felt on behalf of someone else (often someone so


Face - HERSHEY'S VIC COMICS CA fadingnebula: ninjagurlftw:




Text - i dont understand its just chocolate its not even dark chocolate its just regular old hershey's milk chocolate what where you expecting Just to clear things up I'm british and I was expecting a bar of chocolate that had some semblance of sugar or milk Hershey's just appears to be solid cocoa death wait so is british chocolate just like pure sugar or something Pretty much How do you think we survive such long periods of uninteresting bland politics and weather i love the real world news vi


Text - harrysgettinhead: british people are so fucking cute they called christmas lights 'fairy lights' they called sweaters 'jumpers' sneakers are 'trainers' they say 'you alright/you ok' instead of 'how are you' i quit fuck off you condescending twat They also have a very firm grasp on the words cunt and twat, as illustrated above Dickhead is another favourite, knobjockey perhaps too if you're feeling adventurous.


Text - snorlaxatives: quiettimeeverytime: snorlaxatives: do british people really eat beans on toast as a meal in america is everyone ignorant it was just a question damn no need to get hostile go eat some beans on toast 3 setheverman Source: snorlaxatives 558,006 notes Jul 17th, 2017


Text - Anonymous asked: BUT WHAT DOES CHEEKY NANDOS *MEAN* IT HAS TO HAVE A MEANING youngvlcanoes: ahrned: chavvesty:


Text - mate it's hard to explain mate it's just like one day you’ll just be wif your mates having a look in jd and you might fancy curry club at the 'Spoons but your lad Calum who's an absolute ledge and the archbishop of banterbury will be like 'brevs lets have a cheeky nandos instead." and you'll think "Top. Let's smash it." what the hell does this say im f*cking crying


Text - thinkinsidethebluebox: exprincesssammya: prinsenafnord: exprincesssammya: prinsenafnord: Britain is a strange place. #WE HAVE TO BOOST THE POWER AT A CERTAIN TIME TO COPE WITH EVERYONE PUTTING THE KETTLE ON FOR A CUP OF TEA yOU'RE JOKING RIGHT wow No, I'm not. It even has a wiki page. Oh my god.

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Dude Lives To Regret Staring At The Sun As A Kid

Man, this might get the anxiety flowing for anyone out there that ever did something similar to this as a kid. It's funny and unfortunate that as kids we're all just led along, sometimes down the wrong routes, due to our overwhelming curiosity. The lesson here is obviously to not stare at the sun! And if you have any kids, make sure they're not doing something similar to this! 


Text - r/tifu + Join u/eyedamagedsunwatcher • 2h 3 TIFU By starting at the sun over 12 minutes L As usual, this didn't happen today. This happened over 20 years ago and only recently am I noticing the impact. Don't stare at the sun kids... When I was around 11 I was fascinated by science, I still am. In particular I loved astronomy and the sun is a pretty cool object. I had heard that Galileo had gone blind by looking at the sun through a telescope, so you should never look at the sun. My intell


Text - As an 11 year old, I decided I was going to stare at the sun after it rose for as long as I could and see what happens, you know... for science. I did just that I stared at the sun after sun raise while waiting at the bus stop for school. It didn't seem to be impacting my eyes at all. I tried to avoid blinking as much as possible, but of course I blink a bit. I wound up looking at the sun for approximately 12 minutes. When I looked away there was a clear grey/black circle in the middle of


Text - What scared me is these filters (after image) and this black circle remained strongly in my vision past lunch. Then over the course of the afternoon the filters and black circle gradually began to fade and the world returned to its normal colors by the time I got home. If I looked at something fast enough or darted my eyes I could still see the dark circle. >>


Text - Over the years I forgot about this experiment and recently went to an eye doctor a couple of years ago because my vision has gotten blurry over the years. They took a picture of my retina and pointed out that my macula, I believe that's the word, the point where light focuses on the retina appears to have had how amounts of light exposure for someone my age. They noted it down and said if it gets worse there could be problems. I thought immediately to that long forgotten experiment where


Text - In the last year or so l've noticed more and more the black spot where the sun once was. I will quickly dart my eyes and see it for a second. The brain an the eye are amazing in the that brain wilIl hide or fill in any gaps in the vision with information around the gap, similar to your blind spot, https://www.scientificamerican.com/ article/brain-adapts-in-a-blink/ #:~:text=A%2Osimilar%20phenomenon%20called%20% 22filling,falls%20in%20the%20blind%20spot. Try this out to see what I mean htt


Text - It's interesting how one stupid "experiment" as a kid can come back and reveal the stupidity of it years later. Always wear sunglass, never look directly at the sun even if it seems like you can, you are doing damage to your eyes. TL,DR: Don't look at the sun kids, no matter how much it seems you can look at it without an issue. Always wear eye protection. The sun is damaging your eyes even if you don't notice it or feel it. 2.2k 96 1 Share

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Tagged: FAIL , sun , tifu , Reddit , regret

Karen Racks Up $16K Phone Bill, Rejects Help From Call Center

All we're missing in this story about a Karen racking up a disgusting $16K cell phone bill while on vacation in some remote island, is a picture of what Karen's face looked like when she learned she was only being given $25 in credit toward the bill. Mind you, this is $25 in credit compared to the thousands ($14K) she was previously offered by a tremendously helpful call center employee. But no, Karen got unbelievably greedy (if not fraudulent), and rejected the kindness being shown to her. Suffice to say, she certainly paid the price. 


Text - r/talesfromcallcenters Join u/DBMaxx • 151d 1 1 $14000 credit off your bill? Not enough for this Karen L Hey guys, I've lurked here for a little while now, and figured l'd share a story from my my call centre days that you guys might appreciate. the full interaction of the call was around 45 minutes, with a lot of talking in circles as Karens tend to do, so l'm going to try my best to condense it down to the interesting parts


Text - So this happened when I was supporting the floor for a team taking calls for a large American cellphone company. The last agent on my team is taking their last call, and l'm just getting things ready to head out for the night (around midnight-ish, we're the last team to finish for the night) when the agent comes to my cubicle with a look of absolute dread. Immediate escalation. I toss on my headset and tell my agent to send her over as soon as possible. She cold transfers her to me, which


Text - M-"Hey there, Karen. I'm DBMaxx, and I am currently supervising the floor, I understand you're looking to talk with me, how can I help you out?" I ask, but I have her account in front of me at this point, and see a bill coming due for a little more than $16000. I suspect this is going to be our issue.


Text - K-"There is absolutely no fucking way I'm paying this bill, this is unacceptable!" M-"Yeah no, I totally get where you're coming from. I definitely wouldn't be prepared for a bill like that, let me take a look and see whats going on here and get this sorted out." It's at this point when I open the bill in question and see a roughly $16000 charge for roaming data. Uh-oh. Karen here went on vacation to a very beautiful, yet very remote island. The going rate for data is an eye- watering $15


Text - Now I'm sure a lot of people are thinking "are there no protections that stop things like this from happening?" and you'd be absolutely right. We sent over 40 text messages warning about data use and notifying what the current charges for data were at the time, as well as turned off her data at the $500 mark, which she manually turned back on. While I'm looking through the account figuring out what exactly happened here, Karen screams obscenities about how evil we are, and how l'm persona


Text - M-"Well, taking a look here I see over a gigabyte of data usage on the week of 'the vacation', which, as you were advised, is billed at $15/mb" K-"Nobody notified me of anything. There was no I could have known it would cost that much." M-"I understand no employee advised you before your trip, but that is only because you never called us, and we had no idea your vacation was coming so soon." K-"I was too busy to call you guys. I don't work for you guys, I don't know these things." M-"I ge


Text - K-"Are you fucking kidding me? $750? That's fucking nothing. I go on facebook and watch a FEW videos, and get THIS bill? You're such a fucking idiot I'm not paying a cent for this." M- *sigh*"Let me put you on hold for a second, I'll see if there's anything else I can do." This is where things get interesting. I look through incredibly old policies on international travel, when I find one that actually lets me rerate charges from this particular country, for god-knows what reason, all the

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Roommate Refuses To Pay Rent, Gets Schooled In Court

Man, nothing is worse than realizing you've ended up sharing a roof with a completely terrible roommate. In this case, we've got a horribly smug roommate who simply refused to pay their rent. Well, they clearly didn't anticipate the fallout that'd eventually ensue back in court. Hopefully they learned their lesson, and won't go and try to pull this ridiculous stunt again. 

Check out some more juicy roommate drama with this guy who outwitted his roommate by using the Pavlovian method.


Text - r/ProRevenge u/Drumhedd • 173d + Join 1 You won't pay rent? Good luck finding a new apartment. So this happened to me about 10 years ago in a big city on the West Coast . Hopefully this counts as pro revenge. I had just finished grad school and was looking for a way to cut down on rent in an already expensive rental market. Now, mind you I was young, desperate, and inexperienced with roommates at the time and this was a huge life lesson for me and hopefully for my roommate too.


Text - I placed an ad for a roommate on Craigslist which in hindsight wasn't a smart move. Enter Bad Roommate. Bad Roommate was a few years older than me and at first seemed really cool with a stable job as a licensed masseuse. After interviewing her, hitting it off really well and getting to know each other for about a month, we rented a loft in downtown around October with the agreement rent/utilities would be split.


Text - Around the time our first rent was due (November) Bad Roommate said that her work had been slow and she would pay rent in the next two weeks. Luckily I had enough in savings so I covered rent. Well the two weeks came and went and still no rent. When I asked her about the rent, she yelled obscenities and accuse me of being abusive and harassing her. No kidding! While claiming she didn't have money for rent, she would be out of the house from around 9am until around 2am "visiting friends."


Text - Fast forward to the beginning of December and you guessed it, still no rent. This time in addition to yelling obscenities, accusing me of being abusive, and breaking my stuff, Bad Roommate called the police on me accusing me of making threats. The cops did not do anything as there was no evidence I did anything (for the record I didn't) but they did give me a "lecture" about making threats and said next time they come out I could be arrested or forced to leave the residence. By this time


Text - The final straw came when I came home from work to find her threatening my two cats who were cowering in the corner. I almost lost it, but due to what happened before with the police I didn't want to poke the fire. This is when I remembered the officer saying "I could be forced to leave the residence" and a lightbulb went off in my head. Now the revenge part:


Text - I alled my Best Friend whose father, "Best Friend's dad/attorney" was an attorney. After a phone consultation with him he told me to pay up the rent and utilities through December and then simply surrender my key, garage remote, etc with a signed note saying that I surrender possession of the property with a specified date. I snapped a photo of this note and left it with the secretary in the management office. I then proceeded to sign a new lease with the last of my savings. One week befo


Text - BOOM....dead silence until April. In April I was served with a summons for breach of contract for abandoning the lease by the landlord. I contacted the attorney (aka Best Friend's dad) and filed a response to the court with a hearing date set in late May. I showed up to the hearing with my friend's dad (attorney) and his two I'm guessing they were assistants. Bad Roommate was also there looking smug (think wine bottle incident smirk). Next thing I know the other attorney announces they ar


Text - The final cherry on top? I came to find out a month later via an angry voicemail from Bad Roommate that after being kicked out of a friend's house while couch surfing her credit was trashed, she had an eviction on her record, and subsequently could not get another apartment and that again I was a horrible irresponsible person. I never heard from her again afterwards but she was on the news a few months later (mugshot and all) for trashing a convenience store. Last I heard she moved to Las


Text - In the end my credit did take a small hit. Even though the suit was dismissed the debt was put into collections and reported to the credit bureau. For the next four years I tried unsuccessfully to have it removed. At the 4 year anniversary of the lawsuit, I petitioned the credit bureau under the advice of my friend's dad/attorney to clear my record as the statute for filing suit had expired at the 4 year mark. Failure to comply with the request would result in a lawsuit against the credit

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Choosing Beggar Takes Lowballing To New Extreme

Some people are blinded by their own entitlement to such an extent that it's generally impossible to reason with them. This conversation was clearly destined to go nowhere from the start. The choosing beggar came out waving all the red flags. Also, the whole delivery demand situation was truly mind boggling. 


Text - Text Message Today 12:22 PM Hey is your sofa set still available? Hi, yes it's available. How is the condition? How firm are the seats?


Text - It's in an excellent condition and the seats are more on the soft side but very comfortable Okay. How negotiable is the price and can you deliver? I am willing to negotiate but will only accept a reasonable offer. Also, it's only for pick up, I mentioned it in the ad. How much were you asking? $450


Text - Will you take $180??? I can do $190 if you deliver. Are you serious? I said l'll accept a reasonable offer and you're offering $180? And only $10 for delivery when renting a Uhaul truck will be at least $60-70? The lowest l'll go is $400


Text - I can do $200 but only if you deliver. I have a bad back and cannot lift anything heavy. Let's say I agree to deliver it, who will unload it and take it inside if you have a bad back? You can bring someone to help you to bring it inside my apartment. You've got to be kidding me $400 and you pick up plus bring someone to help you.

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Tumblr Thread: Dog Masters The Art Of Herding A Roomba

This dog is doing a whole lot better than our buddy who unsuccessfully tried to herd some sheep. That being said, give a dog enough time and environmental stimuli, and it's bound to try and herd something. Check out some more gold from Tumblr with these odds and ends from the brilliant minds of Tumblr.


Text - gallusrostromegalus So one of my neighbors has a lawn Roomba or whatever they're called, and this thing trundles around looking like a background robot in the background of the original trilogy, and ABSOLUTELY BAFFLING THE DOGS. They have concluded, I think, that it's some kind of prey animal because right after this video ended they decided to crouch down and stalk it, which means I'm 90% sure I'm going to have to stop Arwen from eating it at some point.


Text - theodorepython Of course it's a prey animal it fucking eats GRASS gallusrostromegalus While I can't fault your reasoning on robot taxonomy, apparently we're both wrong: Arwen, as much as she is a high-prey-drive animal, is foremost, a herding dog, and has decided that the Lawn Roomba is a SHEEP.


Text - What happened is the lawn roomba belongs to the guy that does most of the maintainence on the neighborhood park, and he had it out grazing on a different section of lawn when my parents came down for a walk and Arwen was siezed by 200 years worth fo Kelpie Instincts, rolled out of her Harness and proceded to herd the shit out of this tiny, oblivious robot. Everything was on display- mock-stalking, intimidating eye contact, barking, running in front of it to try to get it to balk, the scar


Text - After about ten minutes they realized she wasn't biting it, and decided to let her play Sheep Simulator 5000 for a while. She eventually figured out that It doesn't respond to Yelling, Posturing or Aggressive Eye Contact It does respond to having it's wheels or bump hazards hit It would respond to its side being nosed or slapped by moving in a different direction


Text - Conent that this was apparently some kind of blind, deaf and particularly stupid sheep, she could now manage the robot by smacking it if it got too close to the creek bed or fence for her liking, and was eventually content to sit on the highest point of the field and Supervise (TM) it. "Hey." Said Roger, owner of the robot. "Do you think if I put the ramp down she'll herd it into the back of my pickup?"


Text - Arwen was mostly asleep in the afternoon sun as roger put the ramp down but woke right up when mom Whistled, then pointed at the truck. She immediately went after the robot and did something that wouldn't have occured to me, an allegedly more intelligent being: the robot is roughly triangular, and when it hits an obstacle, will change direction so that one of its other sides (rather than points) is now the 'front'. So to get it to move in a straight line in the direction she wanted, Arwen


Text - "I didn't know you had a fully-trained sheepdog!" Said Roger "Me either." said Mom. So Arwen now has a Semi-Weekly Appointment to play with Sheepbot.

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Guy Predicts Future, Gives Colleague Nervous Breakdown

Man, sometimes you say something, completely kidding, and it ends up manifesting further on down the road. In this case, we can understand why the guy's friend had the initial reaction that he did. The dad had already been through the miraculous, shocking experience that is having twins, only to learn that he's about to have some triplets too. That kind of development will definitely do a number on most anyone. 


Text - r/tifu u/DeathclawTamer • 7d + Join TIFU by giving my colleague a nervous breakdown by predicting the future M Happened 2 weeks ago and concluded this morning Me and my collegaues have a 'good morning' call Mondays where we just have a chat about the weekend, talk about the football, rugby and interesting things we have done. All chat and banter going well when we start to talk about kids. Couple of my colleagues have twins (one has grown up twins, I think 23 and one, let's call him James


Text - Roll on Tuesday and I was scheduled to have a call with James and he wasn't answering his phone. Within 30 mins his boss called me and told me that James will be off for a bit while dealing with some family issues. Cue today when we have our 'good morning' call and James is back on the call. We all ask if he is OK and he replies 'yes but I have some news'. Confused we asked if he wanted to expand on it.


Text - A month ago his wife found out she was pregnant again, 2 weeks ago on the Tuesday morning was her 12 week scan. It apparently never crossed James' mind he could have twins again and went into panic mode after I joked about it on our good morning call. The scan came and it turned out he was having triplets. James went into a panic spiral as you would. He took some time off to get his head around it and then luckily had a week off for holiday to spend with his wife to talk about everything.


Text - He is so happy right now but, rightly so, his initial reaction was to panic thinking about have 5 kids in the house. We are all chipping for him for a 3 seat buggy and so he can buy some baby clothes as he only has baby clothes for 2 children and will need another set for number 3. TL:DR I joked on a call my colleague could have triplets. Next day colleague's wife found out she was having triplets and my colleague went into a panic spiral as he already has nearly 1 year old twins. Edit: A

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Old Lady Accuses Neighbor Of Smoking In Bathroom, Neighbor Proves Otherwise

While we don't exactly have the fairytale ending because the cops showed up, it still must've been satisfying for this tenant to repeatedly prove to their whiny neighbor that they weren't actually smoking inside. That being said, it does sound like the old lady neighbor finally stopped bothering her neighbor about something that they were never doing in the first place. So, there's that nice silver lining. 


Text - r/pettyrevenge u/CoherentDiscoPanda • 23h Join A 2 2 3 3 1 1 VOTED Neighbour tells me no smoking in the toilette. So I moved places a few month ago. I live on the top floor of a 5 storey building, and the subject of my revenge lives on the first floor, directly below me. I rent the place and according to the contract I cannot smoke in the house. Not even on the balcony. I'm fine with it, so I drag my ass down to the street and smoke there. No biggie. It all started on my third day in my n


Text - Me (confused) : Why would I do that? BN: I don't know, but every night we wake up from cigarette smoke, and we would appreciate if you would stop it. Me: I never smoke in the house, much less in the toilet. That's why I'm smoking right here. BN: I hope so. I never want it to happen again. Me: Sure.


Text - And for a few days I thought nothing of it. She is probably retired, bored, whatever. I never smoked in the house, never will. I tried being as nice as possible, not wanting to have fights with my neighbours on the first day. I even thought she might have smelled it because I was smoking in the door of the building, and her window was above it, so I even crossed the street, so it wouldn't be a problem later. And with it I thought it's over. But approximately a week later, she caught me, w


Text - In the end we both were pretty upset, and she said she will come knocking every time she smelled it. I was like, yeah sure. Then a week later she did come knocking. At 2 a.m. When I was sleeping. I was pissed, sent her to hell, then shut the door. The very next day, she did it again. Around the same time. and this continued for a few weeks, but not every day. So we come to the revenge part. Sorry the exposition took so long. My friend suggested a very good thing. What if I knock on her do


Text - And I did exactly that. For three days straight, every single time I had the urge to smoke. Which meant something like 5-6 cancer-stick. (outside work hours of course. I smoke much more at work) I can tell you, she was pissed. She shouted, threatened me, but all I did was making sure there is no misunderstanding from either part. But well. All fun had to stop. And it stopped when she called the police on me. They were really understanding, but obviously not approved of my actions. But now

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Tumblr Thread: Customers' Mythically Powerful Coffee Orders

The life of a barista is a weird one. When every customer you have is someone who hasn't had their first coffee of the day, there's no knowing what kind of people can lumber in. Some take on the challenge and become a barista that's the living definition of chaotic good. Others just stand in awe and watch a 46-year-old woman drink 8 Red Bulls worth of caffeine in a single swig.


Text - katjohnadams Actual conversation I had at register: Hi, welcome to [Starbucks]! What can I get you, today?" "How much is it to fill a Venti with Espresso?" 1-I'm sorry?" "A venti cup. How much to fill it with Espresso?" "Oh. uh. Well, it'd be I suppose.. I only have a button for a Quad. I don't have special pricing for twenty ounces of espresso in a single.. drink." "Price is the furthest thing from my mind right now. How many 'add shots is that?" *deep breath of fear* "If'd be a quad wit


Text - "How many can I add?" Futile though it is, at least I know the rote response to this. "For health reasons, we won't add more than one per drink and we cannot sell the packets individually." "One then." I alter the order and tell her the new price. She pays, dumps the change and five golden dollars into the tip box. I write the order on the venti cup and pass it silently to the girl working the hot beverage station. Normally we called and pass, but this was . not something to be spoken alo


Text - m4ge i walk into starbucks and order a pumpkin spice latte with 13 shots of espresso. i tell the barista that i intend to transcend humanity and become a god. i ask for no whip cream avantgaye you say this jokingly but i had a customer actually order a pumpkin spice latte with 9 shots of espresso (also no whip) and when i asked her to verify that she did indeed want 9 shots of espresso she looked me dead in the eyes and said i have 5 kids" witchcraft-with-space-bean I once had a woman com


Text - smartassjen Okay, Starbucks lore is my new favorite genre of literature. Please collect all these and more into a book. thesadanon @peach-orange-juice betaslovelythings ..I thought Venti Espresso Cryptid was a fever dream my manager had. Good lord. manafromheaven I had a man like that when i worked at j bean. Ordered so many shots in one drink i worried for his health. Wore a replica of wolverines leather jumpsuit from the first xmen movie and drove a 3 wheeled motorcycle he was def a tri

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Wildest Reasons Students Didn't Complete Assignments

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about the most unexpected excuses that teachers received from students. We've got our fair share of excuses that were clearly blatant lies, and then we've got the brutal, unexpected reasons that kids didn't turn in assignments that were just crazy enough to be actual truths. You never know what could be going on in someone's life!


Text - BlooooContra • 4h O 3 Awards Taught instrumental music down in South Texas, so I basically never game any sort of homework outside of practicing. 6th grade - gave the kiddos a super basic theory sheet to complete that was due back in two days since I had a dentist appointment the next day. When I'm collecting the sheets, a trombone kid tells me "My grandma stole my homework in Mexico and wouldn't give it back." Turns out they were visiting his grandparents over the border outside Metamoro


Text - kindsoberfullydressd • 5h I've got the opposite story. A teacher lost my homework he marked as he left it in his shed and it got eaten by slugs. He did show me the slug eaten paper, and gave me full marks for it so it wasn't all bad! Reply 1.2k ...


Text - Billbapawpaw • 5h I was a TA during uni. They sent me an email: Sorry - computer is broken l'll need an extension. This was early 2000s - so where were they emailing from? If it was the computer lab well then - that's where they could do the assignment. But more than they, they were on my ICQ (I let students add me for extra help) so I saw them online pretty much all weekend... I mean if their computer worked well enough for that and to look at pictures of kitties how could they not compl


Text - ledgerdemaine • 3h The student claimed he put it in a room in his house. He then forgot the room existed. He was at a loss to explain where his homework was. He was upset to think he must have imagined doing it. He apologized to me. The next week to his amazement he 'found' the room, and more amazingly he found his homework. He handed it in that week. Now this may seem like nonsense, but it turns out he had an operation to remove a tumor from his brain when he was ten. One of the outcomes


Text - icunicu • 4h Not a teacher, but we had a report due and I waited until the last minute like always. I slept through class mostly and one day I was abruptly woken up and asked for my report and I said half-asleep, "I didn't do it because my mom died." The teacher was disgusted that I would say something so cruel and sent me to the principal's office. The teacher was called into the principal's office after they found out I wasn't joking and was so apologetic. I wasn't trying to be a jerk a


Text - Cap_ultimate • 5h 1 Award Not a teacher, but one of my classmates said that their dog ate their homework... 1. she has a cat 2. the homework was online... Reply 808 ...


Text - sallan23 • 5h This is legit and too ridiculous to be a lie (This was from a parent at the Catholic high school where I taught at the time.) (paraphrasing because I can't find the original which I kept) "Please excuse the late homework. Our pet cat defecated on it." And yes, defecated was the word they used. Reply 1 172 ...


Text - Jose_Manuel • 3h Not a teacher, and I actually finished my homework. I was in 4th grade, and we were doing a "spring cleaning", and emptying our binders of anything from the previous unit. I guess I was being too slow, because my teacher just grabbed my binder, and shook all of its contents out into the garbage... Including my homework. I told my mom what happened, and she told me to just be up front about it, and to not worry. The next day I went up to my teacher (instead of collecting o


Text - Rufus_Everard • 3h Not a teacher but one of my classmates tried: "I was mugged on the way to school and they took my bag with all my homework in it." "What's that on your shoulder?" "... It appears to be my bag, sir." DETENTION Reply 208 ...


Text - myles5239 · 6h Not a teacher but... I had a classmate who was blind and had a seeing eye dog. One day he told the teacher that his dog ate his homework (he did homework through some Braille device thingy) and his dog looked genuinely guilty. She said "that's not good enough" and the dog promptly vomited up paper with typing on it all over the floor. He got a very quiet "sorry" and was never asked for his homework in that class for the rest of the year Reply 258 ...


Text - neocondiment • 19m Not a teacher anymore but I had a student tell me at the beginning of class, "Mr. Neocondiment? I didn't finish my homework last night on account of five of my family members got blowed up when their house exploded... Also, my cousin got shot and killed. Did you hear about the shooting at x yesterday? That was my cousin." None of this happened, of course, which I confirmed by offering my sympathies to her mother when she came to pick her up. I mean, why did she kill the


Text - Bells87 • 3h Similar story. In 6th grade social studies, we had to make "primitive tools" (AKA everyone made weapons because it was the 1999/2000 school year). I made a short spear using a rock and a stick. You weren't supposed to use "modern" materials, but my dad helped me and had me tape the rock in place. Anyway, day to turn them in comes and the teacher's out that day. Fine. We throw all our weapons in a pile in the corner of the classroom and we'll present tomorrow. Tomorrow comes a


Text - the_angshu_man • 3h "I did the homework the day you gave it to us (which is one week ago), except that I did in an old rough copy of mine and yesterday when I got back from school, dad sold all of our old stationaries for petty cash. I was so mad at my dad, I didn't do my homework to teach him a lesson. Could you please call home and tell him about this?" I couldn't help but laugh xD Reply 119 ...


Text - OverjoyedInsanity • 1h When I was a kid I once told my teacher, "I forgot to get around to it." to which she immediately scolded me and shouted, "YOU FORGOT OR YOU DIDN'T GET AROUND TO IT? WHICH IS IT!" scared the shit out of kid me. Reply ...


Text - GamingPig521 • 1h Not a teacher but, this kid in class literally stood up and said "I burned it," And yes he got detention. Reply 3 ...


Text - Cucurucho78• 1h A student nonchalantly told me he didn't finish his essay as he was just so busy that weekend because his dad died. My gut told me he was bullshitting me but I played along expressing my condolences and him told him to take as long as he needed. After class I called his mom and told her was so sorry for her loss, what a horrible tragedy for her family, etc. and mom was like "Wait, what? What are you talking about?" I recount to mom how her son told me about how his dad die


Text - nottherealusername • 5h When they say they're "busy". I tell them I teach full time, go to university on the weekend for my masters degree and work on my research papers at night. Then I ask them, "so tell me, why are you busy?" They usually can't say anything unless they were truly busy with something serious/ personal. Reply 1 10 ...

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Highly Questionable and Unsafely Done Jobs

When a job needs to get done, sometimes that need gives way to a wonderfully unprofessional "not my job" moment. And other times, a lack of critical thinking or need to get that job done quick results in a spectacular display of brash dudes engaging in risky maneuvers. Either way, you see some questionable stuff.


Land vehicle


Yellow - 12


Snapshot - RANDIke










Photocopier - BOB MARLEY MP C3003 RICOH www.ta please do not waste ink


Automotive tire
















Crane - www.


Blue-collar worker




Electrical wiring








Vehicle - 5COFF




Motor vehicle - TRUCKS NO RIGHT TURN




Electrical wiring - GEBERIT


Wire - OM3




Sport venue


Green - Green G rd'

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Tagged: wtf , FAIL , construction , lol , not my job , osha , unsafe

Company Demands Employee Get To Work On Broken Bike

This company learned their lesson the hard way when it came to demanding an employee turn up at work, in spite of having to deal with a broken bike. Nothing quite brings the blood to a boil like a company that refuses to recognize their employees will have curveballs pop up, and that sometimes meetings simply can't be made. 


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Truck Drivers' Spookiest Experiences

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about truck drivers' creepiest experiences from their time out on the road. Turns out if you spend enough time out on the road, you're bound to encounter some especially spooky phenomenon. 


Text - 73% i 8:14 AM r/AskReddit 48.2k 8.0k Share Award THREEkoalas • 11h 8 Awards Driving through an abandoned section of Baltimore at 3 in the morning, my CB radio turned itself on and crackled for a bit. Out of nowhere some voice over the radio said in a deep southern drawl, "I ain't got no panties on." I could see up and down the interstate for miles and saw not one set of headlights... - Reply 18.0k Jayson_Bonz • 11h 2 Awards That was Fred, he just wanted you to know he didn't have no panti


Text - 72% i 8:14 AM r/AskReddit 48.2k 8.0k Share Award Maxgirth • 8h 3 6 Awards Oh boy, did I go down the Google hole with this one. Apparently there was an older guy in Oklahoma City who went by the handle "Bamm Bamm" on CB radio channel 19, and had a recording of the "I ain't got no panties on" that would play every so often on his ridiculously, illegally overpowered CB radio setup. Later he had another creepy recording he'd play. He was infamous amongst truckers and amateur radio operators a


Text - 72% i 8:14 AM r/AskReddit 48.2k 8.0k Share Award The_user_of • 12h 1 Award Driving through rural NM, bisti area with the crazy melted rock look. No plants or anything, just rock and sand. Monsoon time, raining cats and dogs just pouring so hard you could barely see going 20mph. Thunder and lightning just rocking the car. Sometimes turning into hail and pounding you. Just a nasty storm. Came around a corner, and the whole country side legit on fire. Like 20' tall flames, hundreds of yards


Text - N O 72% i 8:14 AM r/AskReddit 48.2k 8.0k Share Award PenBandit • 11h O A 2 e 13 Awards Around 2006ish I was driving flatbed, picked up a load of construction material (drywall, roofing, don't remember but it was prepackaged in boxes and I remember having to use strap protectors on the load) in rural Tennessee, memory is foggy now but I want to say it was between Memphis and Nashville but closer to the intersection of the MS, AL, TN state lines. Tarp required so I strapped everything down,


Text - 72% i 8:15 AM r/AskReddit 48.2k 8.0k Share Award and hollow on the other, used for tightening straps and chains etc..) The guy gets to me and the first thing I notice is his hair. It's like a mullet but it's patchy as fuck. Like he tried to cut his own hair and had a seizure in the process and said fuck it "good enough to party". The next thing I notice were his eyes, which I can only describe as "off". Like they were clear, I didn't think he was drunk or high or anything, but it also gav


Text - N O 72% i 8:15 AM r/AskReddit 48.2k 8.0k Share Award I wait for him to get a little ways away from my truck and start working on finishing the tarp job. I still keep an eye on him and he's moving away from me. As I'm putting on the last of the bungee straps I look over to check where he's at and he's turned around heading back towards me, now about 100 yards in front of my truck and coming back my way. It looks like he's talking on a cell phone, has his hand up to his face and I can barel


Text - 72% 1 8:15 AM r/AskReddit 48.2k 8.0k Share Award mdp928 · 10h 2 Awards Years ago I read an answer on a thread with this question, about a guy who was riding with his truck driver father as a child; they were in the middle of nowhere and they were coming up on a person laying in the road with no one else around, no cars, etc. His dad blew the horn, they didn't move, he blew it again as he got closer, they didn't move, he told his son to put his head down and cover his eyes and he ran the p


Text - N O 72% i 8:15 AM r/AskReddit 48.2k 8.0k Share Award ScrewLucy • 12h 6 Awards My dad drove a truck between Edinburgh and London and tells this story often. He was driving down the motorway and looked to his right, saw a woman with a 'miss trunchbull bun' (as he describes it) staring at him with a terrified expression from a car next to him. Before he really knows how to react the car pulls off at the next exit and my dad, although shaken, carries on. About half an hour later a different c


Text - N O 72% 18:16 AM r/AskReddit 48.2k 8.0k Share Award 2rio2 • 11h 6 Awards The repeating nature of this one reminds me of one weird story back when I was in high school. It was summer and my dads birthday so we drove to a casino 2 hours away to watch a boxing match with my uncle. It finishes and we drive back the same night. We're nearing a canyon with no phone reception, so we call my mom and tell her we'll be home soon (canyon usually takes about 30 mins with no traffic). It's around midn


Text - 72% i 8:16 AM r/AskReddit 48.2k 8.0k Share Award ICollectTheDead • 11h O 8 Awards I was driving through eastern Washington on some state roads. There were no rest stops or cities but I had done the route enough to know there were these massive dirt areas every ~40 miles where you could park safely away from the road. I decided to call it a night and closed my blinds and laid down to watch something on my phone. After roughly an hour I hear someone try to open the drivers side door. I have


Text - 72% i8:17 AM r/AskReddit 48.2k 8.0k Share Award hoping to spook them off but it does nothing but add to the noise of door handles, fingers tapping on windows and chassis, and the hiss of air coming out of the suspension. Then suddenly it stops. A few moments where I can only hear myself breathing and my heart pounding before I hear another truck approach and then drive by. I spent the next few hours waiting for whatever it was to come back but it never did. In the morning I couldn't find


Text - 71% i8:17 AM r/AskReddit 48.2k 8.0k Share Award RubyRed13GT • 12h A 2 37 Awards Not a truck driver but l've spent the past 4 years driving every day/night for work. I was in a fairly rural part of Mississippi somewhere between Clarksdale and Greenwood, important note it's all 2 lane highway the 250 mile drive home. The weather had turned pretty sour as I was leaving Clarksdale. I alled my wife told her there was high wind advisories and very possible tornado threats thoughout the Delta an


Text - NO ? al 71% i 8:18 AM r/AskReddit 48.2k 8.0k Share Award We have all the time running cameras on our trucks. I got to the first safe place to stop and called my wife. I didn't want to scare her so I didn't mention the guy or the hail storm. I did however pull the SD card and check the cameras. I promise you this guy never popped up on my front or rear cameras. Ive always played it off as my imagination. I will say I don't drive through the delta in the dark anymore if I don't absolutely h


Text - N O 71% i 8:19 AM r/AskReddit 48.2k 8.0k Share Award Spirit_of_the_dusk • 11h * t 3 Awards Not technically a truck driver but my cousin works at a truck stop in kansas. She told me about some guy who parked his truck and got out. A woman got out of the passenger seat. It was kinda cold so the trucker was wearing a coat and hat. But the woman was wearing summer cloths. My cousin thought nothing of it and did her whole "hi welcome in." The trucker bought a coffee but the woman just stood th


Text - NO ? al 70% i 8:21 AM 9r/AskReddit 48.2k 8.0k Share Award tylerk135 · 13h 2 Awards Literally reposting my comment from another thread just like this: I work for a railroad. Not necessarily "remote" but sometimes its just a conductor and engineer cruising along +/-10mph on very isolated, fairly wooded track. I've heard a few older guys mention something about a family (or a man with a suitcase, something along those lines dont really remember) walking down the track with no concerns. Const

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