

Sun's Grid DDOS-Attacked

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Thursday, March 23, 2006

TODAY'S NEWS 1. Sun's Grid DDOS-Attacked 2. Dell to Acquire Alienware 3. Security Firm Caulks Sendmail Exploit 4. Microsoft Plans Patch For IE Hole 5. Firefox 2.0 'Bon Echo' Takes Its Baby Step 6. Warning on Malicious Bot Hitting Banks


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1. Sun's Grid DDOS-Attacked Sun's public grid launch was hampered by denial-of-service attacks on the company's grid pilot.



2. Dell to Acquire Alienware Dell looks to improve its position in high-end PC gaming with the deal.



3. Security Firm Caulks Sendmail Exploit Sendmail plugs a hole that will a perpetrator take control of computers.



4. Microsoft Plans Patch For IE Hole The company plans a patch for the 'highly critical' hole in the IE 7 beta.



5. Firefox 2.0 'Bon Echo' Takes Its Baby Step It's still an alpha but the new application shows where the open source browser is headed, as it faces off in the new browser war.



6. Warning on Malicious Bot Hitting Banks Security firm claims 'Metafisher' has spread to a million computers and growing.




HEADLINES FROM internetnews.com

1. DRAM Slam: Prison Time For Samsung Execs DoJ probe takes down three more for conspiring to fix prices in DRAM market.



2. A French Crack at FairPlay The French Parliament wants to decode Apple's FairPlay format.



3. Yahoo Phones Into Crowded VoIP Space The company breaks into a crowded field, but eyes wider horizons.



4. Lukewarm Response to Microsoft's Latest EU Offer Redmond proposes unlimited tech support, but EU still questions quality of underlying documentation.



5. Oracle Makes Intelligence Its Business The company moves aggressively into the business intelligence space with three product suites.



SEND FEEDBACK AND ANNOUNCEMENTS TO: Associate Editor -- Nicholas Carlson E-mail: ncarlson@jupitermedia.com Phone: 212.547.7850 AIM: NichCarlson

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