

WHQL Newsletter for April 3, 2006

WHQL and Windows Logo Program Newsletter Edition for : April 3, 2006

The WHQL & Logo Newsletter provides up to date information about WHQL hardware testing issues/submissions and the "Designed for Windows" logo program. Did you get this newsletter from a friend? Subscribe to the WHQL newsletter.

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Windows Hardware Logo Program Testing Requirement Changes With the release of Microsoft Windows Vista Release Candidate 1 (RC1), Microsoft will also offer a new driver kit, the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). The WDK will replace all previous driver development and test kits:

· Driver Development Kit (DDK)

· Hardware Compatibility Test kit (HCT)

· Display Compatibility Test kit (DCT)

The WDK contains a new test harness called the Driver Test Manager (DTM), which replaces HCT and DCT. Logo submissions for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 using the HCT and DCT will be allowed for 90 days following the release of Vista RC1, except for the retiring programs listed below. After this period, only the DTM will be accepted to qualify drivers. Further changes may occur in later versions of this announcement.

DTM Testing Requirements for Down-Level Operating Systems Partners can use the DTM to execute tests and prepare a submission package for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 logo qualification.

Windows Server 2003 Clustering Test Changes The Server Cluster logo program name will change to Failover Cluster Solutions. The DTM will provide tests for the Failover Cluster Solution. The retired Server Cluster HCT for Windows Server 2003 with SP1, version 12.1 can be used as a internal test tool, but this tool will no longer be supported and results will not be accepted.

Retiring Logo Programs If you wish to qualify for the following programs, you must complete testing and make your submission using HCT 12.1 prior to the release of Vista RC1. Upon release of the Vista RC1, these logo programs will no longer be in effect:

· Windows Server 2003 Multi-Cluster The Winqual Website will no longer include options to submit Multi-cluster test results for logo qualification.

· Windows Server 2003 Storage Block and Server Block The Winqual Website will no longer include options to submit Storage Block or Server Block test results for logo qualification. The Failover Cluster Solution or EQP logo program can be used as alternatives to the Storage Block and Server Block test programs.

· Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Device Qualification Program (DCDP) The retired (DCDP) 14-Day Device Stress test for Windows Server 2003 SP1, with HCT version 12.1 can be used as an internal test tool, but this test tool will no longer be supported and results will not be accepted.

· Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Systems The standard server tests can be used to qualify a system for server logo. There will no longer be a requirement to include Datacenter Driver Program qualified drivers in server systems.

· Media Center Edition Logo Program The Winqual Website will no longer include options to submit Media Center Edition test results for logo qualification.

Retiring logo programs where drivers can be submitted using the unclassified signature program after Vista RC1. If you wish to qualify your hardware for the logo for the following programs, you must complete testing and make your submission using HCT 12.1 prior to the release of Vista RC1. Upon release of the Vista RC1, these logo programs will no longer be in effect. However the drivers associated with these products may be submitted for signature under the unclassified signature program when available at Vista RC1:

· Antivirus

· CD Burning

· NDIS Intermediate

· NDIS Universal



· Cable modem


· SAN/ Winsock Direct

Getting Started Now is a great time to get ready for the release of the WDK and the Vista logo program!

1. Review the Vista logo requirements - http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/winlogo/hwrequirements.mspx <http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4749607>

2. Join the WDK Beta Testing Program - http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/resources/respec/betatest.mspx <http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4749608>

3. Establish a Winqual account - http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/GetStart/testing.mspx <http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4749609>

DTM Highlights

· DTM provides a platform for device testing

· Enables Microsoft to distribute additional tests for finding bugs

· DTM will be the only platform for Vista logo qualification

· Enables down-level OS logo qualification

· Windows Vista Community Technology Preview (CTP) version 5308 showcases the logo testing shell (Currently the test content is incomplete.)

· DTM allows distributed testing (You can greatly decrease the amount of time required to complete a logo pass by distributing logo tests across multiple clients.)

· DTM contains the Driver Reliability Signature (DRS) program (Enables digital signing for all device drivers that do not have a logo program.)

For more updates to the Windows Logo Program please visit: http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/GetStart/default.mspx <http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4749610>

Please Provide Feedback Send e-mail to: whqlplfb@microsoft.com <mailto:whqlplfb@microsoft.com>

More information about cluster related changes:

Storage Block, Server Block Program Removal

1. What change is occurring? a. Microsoft is removing the storage block and server block logo qualification programs at the release of Windows Vista RC1. The Storage Block and Server Block test and submission programs which created an algorithmically combined and logo'd Server Cluster Solution will be retired at Vista RC1 for Windows Server 2003. This means that HCT 12.1 or WDK DTM test results can no longer be submitted or accepted after Vista RC1 is released even though other HCT 12.1 results are accepted for other logo programs that are not being closed. The DTM will not include an option to test Storage Block or Server Blocks in the Vista RC1 release. The winqual submissions website will no longer include options to submit Storage Block or Server Block submission results after Vista RC1.

2. When is this change occurring? a. This change is occurring when Vista Release Candidate 1 is available for logo.

3. Why is Microsoft removing the storage and server block cluster logo program? a. Microsoft is removing the storage and server block programs at Vista RC1 in order to allow those that wish to make cluster solutions to be more successful in completing the cluster submission logo process, to improve logo submitters' satisfaction, and to more accurately reflect support for those submissions. The current algorithmically combined block cluster solutions are very difficult to view and very difficult to find. Microsoft projects that the current algorithm is producing block cluster solutions at a rate that may result in the backend process breaking and exasperating the current display and search issues. Microsoft partners have expressed dissatisfaction with the end logo'd products that the storage and server cluster block process is creating. The cluster block process is creating solutions in some cases that the partners did not intend to enter or support. Support ownership of the logo'd products may in some cases not be clear.

4. Wasn't the Block Program already deprecated? a. Yes, the Storage Block and Server Block program has already been closed for Windows 2000 and any new submission categories, such as iSCSI or Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) based cluster solutions. The storage block and server block programs were previously slated for complete closure for Fibre Channel and parallel-SCSI based solutions at Longhorn Server release.

5. How does this affect my company? a. Until, Vista RC1 is reached your company may use the existing storage block or server block process to make submissions for Windows Server 2003. After Vista RC1, your company may use the Failover cluster solution process (formerly named server cluster or Enterprise Qualification Process (EQP) to create cluster solutions. The EQP process is already the preferred cluster logoing process over the storage block or server block process by most external companies as this process takes a shorter amount of time for changed qualifications (many changes can be made to EQP cluster solutions without retest). For companies that can't utilize EQP they can utilize the failover cluster solution process.

b. I'm concerned about cost i. Will this mean that I have to make more submissions at an increased cost to validate many different cluster qualifications post RC1. 1. The storage block and server block qualification process required at least two submissions at a cost of $500.00 so this program is at least twice as expensive on initial submissions as the EQP or Failover Cluster Solution processes which are both $250.00 respectively. The changed hardware configuration EQP qualification process requires submissions with no test logs at a cost of $250.00. If additional storage hardware or storage block hardware qualifications were required, new submissions were twice as expensive as EQP or failover cluster solutions. 2. In order to validate many different server configurations we recommend that you use the EQP process, provided you are an EQP partner. 3. Storage vendors that cannot use the EQP process that have many different storage configurations should use the failover cluster solution process post RC1 and the storage and server block configuration process until RC1 to complete most submissions.

c. I'm concerned about test time. The new failover cluster solution process appears to take more time than the storage block process. i. It is true that failover cluster solution process and initial EQP submission does take slightly longer than the storage block process. 1. Initial submissions of EQP take 5 days of test time to complete however changed submissions require no test logs and are faster. 2. Initial storage block submissions of failover cluster solutions ran for a shorter test duration. However two submissions were required to create a complete logo'd block solution (storage block (8 hours), server block (5 days) ) so your test time on an initial submission is actually dropping by one day if the submissions are completed in parallel. 3. In conjunction with the closure of the block program, some changes are taking place to the failover cluster solution test suite that will reduce the overall test duration.

Multi-cluster Program removal

1. What change is occurring? a. Microsoft is removing the storage multi-cluster logo qualification programs at the release of Windows Vista RC1. The storage multi-cluster logo qualification test and submission program which created a storage solution that could be used in a cluster SAN environment will be retired at Vista RC1 for Windows Server 2003. The multi-cluster logo program has already been closed for Windows 2000. This means that HCT 12.1 or WDK DTM test results can no longer be submitted or accepted after Vista RC1 is released for Windows Server 2003 even though other HCT 12.1 results are accepted for other logo programs that are not being closed. The DTM will not include an option to test multi-cluster devices in the Vista RC1 release. The Winqual submissions website will no longer include options to submit multi-cluster topologies after Vista RC1. The Winqual submissions website will include a checkbox to indicate that the submitter supports the storage device in a SAN environment.

2. When is this change occurring? a. This change is occurring when Vista Release Candidate 1 is available for logo.

3. Why is Microsoft removing the multi-cluster logo program? a. Microsoft is removing the multi-cluster logo program per the decision of appropriate Microsoft product teams and WHQL. The reason for this decision is that the tests required for this program are not available in the DTM. The static configurations this program produces are in practice changing in the field invalidating the configurations used in this program. This program was also previously slated for closure at Longhorn Server release.

4. How will I prove that my storage device is qualified for use in a multi-host storage area network (SAN) cluster and how will Microsoft preserve the value of my completed and tested multi-cluster solutions as opposed to my non tested competitors? a. After Vista RC1, customers that are completing new base qualifications for RAID Systems may, at their option, select the additional multi-cluster qualification checkbox to indicate that the storage subsystem is supported in a SAN that contains multiple hosts and provides proper device isolation. No test logs will be required or accepted. The topology that was qualified will not be displayed or recorded. At their discretion vendors may use the legacy HCT 12.1 tests and test procedures to test and verify this multi-host SAN support. The PSS multi-cluster qualification support article that indicates that multi-cluster qualification is required for cluster support in a SAN will be changed to indicate while the storage device listing is required till Longhorn server for MS support, the specific topology listed in the multi-cluster qualification listing is no longer required or available. PSS may verify multi-cluster topologies for previous submissions prior to RC1 at their option. The value of previous submissions will be preserved while recognizing the actual state of the field. PSS or external customer may refer to the submitter's website for more and varied qualified topologies. Storage logo customers who check the box when they cannot pass these tests are placing their reputation on the line with end customers. If through PSS, customer report, or WHQL Audit, it is determined that the device does not correctly work in a multi-host SAN environment when the box was checked, vendor will be notified to correct the issue. If not corrected, the base device may be subject to removal of listing from the Windows Server Product Catalog.

5. How does this affect my company? a. This should have no effect on your company. If your company wishes to utilize the previous multi-cluster submission process, Microsoft recommends that you complete your testing and make your submission using HCT 12.1 prior to the release of Vista RC1.

Cluster Solution and Enterprise Qualification Program Changes

1. What change is occurring? a. Microsoft is changing the name of the server cluster solution program to failover cluster solution. b. Microsoft is changing the test suite for the failover cluster solution program in DTM. The Validate 1 Node test will be removed. The total test time will decrease to approximately 4 days. c. Microsoft will stop accepting Windows 2000 EQP submissions at the release of Windows Vista RC1.

2. When is this change occurring? a. This change is occurring when Vista Release Candidate 1 is available for logo.

3. How will the changes affect the Cluster Solution and Enterprise Qualification programs? a. If the DTM is used to complete cluster solution or EQP submissions your submission test time will be reduced.

4. How does this affect my company? a. This change will make it easier and more cost effective for your company to make EQP or failover cluster solution submissions.


WHQL Errata

· Added Errata 1513: Newer versions of the VDS test not present in HCT 12.1 can be executed from the command line <http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4749602>

· Added Errata 1514 : Audio or Video Capture Control test fails because the i420 codec is not included in x64 versions of the operating system <http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4749603>

· Added Errata 1515 : ACPI Stress-Device I/O (Extended) and ACPI Stress-Device I/O (Varied RTC) tests are not able to run when system is populated with more than 4GB RAM <http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4749604>


WinHEC 2006 Agenda and Session Details The new WinHEC agenda <http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4749611> provides the details that you need to design innovative hardware products and build drivers for Windows Vista and Windows Server Longhorn. Plan your daily schedule in advance to get the most value from your time at WinHEC.

Register for WinHEC 2006 today. <http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4749612>.


What's New on WHDC? <http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4749613>


WHQL References

· Recent WHQL Errata <http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4749605>

· WHQL Newsletter Archives <http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4749606>



· WinHEC 2006 <http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4749614> May 23-26, 2006 Washington State Convention and Trade Center Seattle, WA Registration is now open

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