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Dear Visitor,
Here is your horoscope
for Monday, May 1:

Is someone insisting on rocking the boat? It's up to you to figure out what's going on and why they feel the need to turn a smooth ride bumpy. Use your powers of observation before you start talking.

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Additional Horoscopes

Aries: Someone makes you a romantic offer you just can't refuse. And why should you? This offer is pretty darned fantastic. Questioning your luck will just put unnecessary doubts in your head. Move!

Taurus: Learn to do it yourself. Not only will it end up saving you a ton of dough, it'll give you insights into all kinds of ways to make your life easier. How-to books are a good resource. So are local experts.

Gemini: It's so easy to make someone else happy by saying yes, but is that what you want? You know that what you want and what this person wants you to agree to are incompatible. Be brave and say so.

Cancer: Your intellect cushions your ego from any blows. It's a great time to bounce ideas off of your biggest cheerleaders and most outspoken critics. It's all grist for the mill -- and your plans will be the better off for it.

Leo: Let that little light of yours shine bright. With a little more effort, you can illuminate some individuals who could be contributing more to a greater cause. Your efforts make the journey more pleasant.

Virgo: Making light of something that's been weighing on your mind won't dislodge the problem. Get outside. Take some long walks alone and breathe deeply. The fresh air and physical motion will help you get a grip.

Libra: Love's light is in your eyes -- or it very well could be. Don't force yourself to do anything that's uncomfortable (If you hate parties why go?). Just be receptive to the great gifts the universe has to offer you.

Scorpio: Acknowledge your feelings rather than try to disown them. Having feelings isn't shameful -- it's healthy and human. Once you learn to deal with them appropriately, you can take the right action.

Sagittarius: If you don't love yourself, who will? If you don't respect yourself, why should anyone else? Think about ways to develop your personal power that don't rely on outside indicators. Your resources lie within.

Capricorn: Just because someone asks doesn't mean you have to say yes. In fact, you might want to ask them why they need this favor or answer so much. A whole new set of circumstances will come to light.

Aquarius: Communication is the key element to making sure your relationships -- especially regarding your relations -- go smoothly right now. If someone's counting on you, make sure you're able to come through.

Pisces: Is someone insisting on rocking the boat? It's up to you to figure out what's going on and why they feel the need to turn a smooth ride bumpy. Use your powers of observation before you start talking.

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