

Developer Shed Weekly News for 2009-12-03

Dec. 03, 2009

Welcome to the latest issue of the Developer Shed newsletter! If you have a BlackBerry, you know you're on the cutting edge, and you're helping to usher in the end of an era รข€" an era of single-purpose devices. As discussed in eWeek, more people are carrying around just one device that handles phone calls, takes pictures, plays music, and on and on. What's behind the trend? Check out the article to find out.

We're back from Thanksgiving, pleasantly stuffed and ready to offer you the best articles we can find to help you get your job done. Check out Dev Shed for information on factory methods and method chaining, as well as TCP/IP protocol types. If you need some help administering SQL Server 2005, go to ASP Free for our multi-part series on this topic.

Website designers and developers interested in image replacement techniques need go no further than Dev Articles. If you're a hardware enthusiast, check out Dev Hardware for a diversity of topics, including Adobe photo editing software, gaming news, mobile device reviews, and more.

Professional SEOS and website owners will appreciate the information offered this week on SEO Chat. Check this week's articles and you'll find out how search engine spiders really treat robots.txt and certain other tags, and pick up a few tips you can use in your next SEO campaign. If you're new to owning a web site, you'll want to check out Dev Mechanic to learn how you can get your content in front of a wider audience.

That's not all. Be sure to visit both Web Hosters and Codewalkers this week. You'll find articles on ICANN's independence and understanding awk, respectively. Don't forget to visit Scripts and Tutorialized, either, for the best content from readers like you.

As always, thanks for reading. Until next week,

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Rational Build Forge Express eKit
Rational Build Forge Express Edition is an automation framework that packages the latest enterprise-grade technologies into a reliable, flexible and robust configuration designed and priced specifically for small to midsize businesses. The new Rational Build Forge Express eKit provides you with valuable resources - including a case study, podcast, demo, and articles - to help you increase staff productivity, compress development cycles and deliver better software, fast.
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Build Forge Express demo: Enabling software delivery excellence for small and midsized businesses
This demonstration gives you an overview of IBM Rational Build Forge Express Edition, a global offering that provides a framework to automate and execute software processes. Rational Build Forge provides a software assembly line that can support all of your tools, technologies, and platforms so you can achieve a repeatable, reliable, and traceable build and release process.
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Completing a CodeIgniter Library with Method Chaining
by Alejandro Gervasio, 2009-12-02

In this eleventh part of a 12-part series on method chaining, I will finish building the custom CodeIgniter library we have been working on by adding to it some very useful features. When we're done, the library will be able to autoload a specified model and validate input data.
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Using Singletons with Factory Methods in PHP
by Alejandro Gervasio, 2009-12-01

In this second installment of a six-part series on implementing the factory pattern in PHP 5, I explain how to build an improved version of a factory class that returns Singletons of itself to client code.
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Understanding TCP/IP Protocol Types
by Barzan "Tony" Antal, 2009-11-19

When two people are able to communicate we generally assume that they know the same language, and that is the key to understanding each other. This applies to the world of computing as well, where the set of standards are called protocols. During this article we plan to present in a nutshell the most common TCP/IP protocol types. We won't get in-depth, so don't expect university course-style material - just the basics.
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Adding Ordering and Grouping Clauses to the CodeIgniter Library with Method Chaining
by Alejandro Gervasio, 2009-11-25

Welcome to the tenth installment of a series on method chaining in PHP 5. Comprised of twelve tutorials, this series teaches you the key concepts that surround the implementation of chainable methods within PHP classes, and shows how to put them to work to create a custom library for the popular CodeIgniter framework.
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Handling Database Properties for the SQL Server 2005 Database Engine
by Sam Publishing, 2009-12-02

In this fourth part of a six-part series on administering SQL Server 2005 database engine, you will learn how to manage the database properties general page, and more. This article is excerpted from chapter one of the book SQL Server 2005 Management and Administration , written by Chris Amaris, Alec Minty and Ross Mistry (Sam Publishing, 2008; ISBN: 0672329565).
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Managing Permissions with the SQL Server 2005 Database Engine
by Sam Publishing, 2009-12-01

In this third part of a six-part series on administering the SQL Server 2005 database engine, you'll learn how to handle the permissions page and several of the important folders. This article is excerpted from chapter one of the book SQL Server 2005 Management and Administration , written by Chris Amaris, Alec Minty and Ross Mistry (Sam Publishing, 2008; ISBN: 0672329565).
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SQL Server 2005 Database Engine Security
by Sam Publishing, 2009-11-30

In this second part of a six-part series on administering the SQL Server 2005 database engine, you'll learn how to administer the security page, the connections page, and more. This article is excerpted from the book SQL Server 2005 Management and Administration , written by Chris Amaris, Alec Minty and Ross Mistry (Sam Publishing, 2008; ISBN: 0672329565).
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Administering SQL Server 2005 Database Engine
by Sam Publishing, 2009-11-25

The heart of SQL Server 2005 is its database engine. In this six-part series, you will learn how to administer this vital component of the system. This article is excerpted from chapter one of the book SQL Server 2005 Management and Administration, written by Chris Amaris, Alec Minty and Ross Mistry (Sams Publishing, 2008; ISBN: 0672329565).
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Image Replacement with Empty Span Tags
by Alejandro Gervasio, 2009-12-02

In this seventh part of a series that explains image replacement techniques, I show you how to use the enhanced version of Todd Fahrner's method. It uses two empty <span> elements to perform the image replacement process, thus efficiently addressing the problem that arises when the background image assigned to the targeted web page element is not downloaded properly by the browser.
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Wrapping Hyperlinks with Span Tags for Image Replacement
by Alejandro Gervasio, 2009-12-01

In this sixth part of a multi-part series on CSS-based image replacement techniques, I demonstrate, with some easy-to-follow code samples, how to apply Fahrner's image replacement technique to a group of web page links to make them look slightly more appealing.
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Spanning H2 Elements for Image Replacement
by Alejandro Gervasio, 2009-11-30

Welcome to the fifth part of a six-part series on CSS-based image replacement techniques. In this part, you will learn how to use Todd Fahrner's image replacement method with all of the H2 elements of a basic web page.
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Using Span Tags for Image Replacement
by Alejandro Gervasio, 2009-11-25

In this fourth part of a six-part series on image replacement, I explore a CSS-based image replacement method originally created by Todd Fahrner. It bases its functionality on using a couple of extra <span> tags to hide the text wrapped by a targeted web page element, while keeping its background image visible.
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Google`s New Music Search Feature
by Joe Eitel, 2009-12-02

No matter what your search engine of choice, there is no denying the fact that Google has made life - or at least navigating the web - a whole lot easier. There seems to be no end to the services that Google offers. Now the search engine giant has entered the music arena. What can we expect to see - or, more precisely, hear?
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Adobe Elements 8 and Premiere 8 Editing Software
by Joe Eitel, 2009-11-30

Adobe possesses a practically unrivaled reputation for photo editing software thanks to Photoshop, so new releases are something to talk about. The company released two new photo-editing packages that should let you do some cool new things with your photos and videos; you'll also appreciate several features that help you keep your photo library more organized. Let's take a closer look.
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Mac OS X Snow Leopard
by Joe Eitel, 2009-11-25

Is all the excitement about the recently-released Mac OS X Snow Leopard operating system much ado about nothing? Actually, in a way, it is - and that is a good thing. Keep reading to find out why Apple's insight that less is more could help them win new converts.
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Google AdWords: Keywords, Ad Writing and Landing Pages
by Ivan Strouchliak, 2009-12-02

In the last article we covered the basics of Google AdWords. In this one we willl touch on keyword research, writing ads, ad elements and landing pages. This is the second part of a four-part series.
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Ivan`s SEO Tips
by Ivan Strouchliak, 2009-12-01

Here is a collection of SEO tips covering some frequently-asked questions about Google, buying and building new websites, and building links. You will almost certainly find something in this grab bag you did not know before that you can use in your next SEO campaign.
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Study Results: Search Engines, Meta Robots Tag and Robots(dot)txt
by Codex-M, 2009-11-30

Welcome to the second part of a two-part series that tests search engine reactions to the meta robots tag and robots(dot)txt. In this part, the results of the experiment and testing we set up in the first part will be presented. For details about the experiment background, setup of the test pages and user-agents, please refer to the first part. You need to have read it very carefully to easily understand this one.
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ICANN To Function Independently From U.S. Government
by Joe Eitel, 2009-12-02

You've probably heard the news that ICANN is now an independent entity, no longer under the control of the US government. What does this mean, and what are the ramifications for you? Keep reading to find out.
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The New FCC Regulator`s Mobile Plan
by Joe Eitel, 2009-11-25

Just three months ago President Obama appointed Julius Genachowski to serve as the nation's new chief of telecommunications regulator. Recently, Genachowski took a major step by voicing his commitment to net neutrality and making public the administration's new rules and requirements regarding ISPs. These rules will be put in place as a way to treat traffic on the Internet equally by extending and codifying the agency's network neutrality principles for wireline broadband providers and extending those same rules to wireless networks.
Read the full article.
Security Vulnerabilities of Web Applications
by Tony Antal, 2009-11-11

We live a world where we're more frequently giving out our contact details like e-mail addresses, phone numbers, postal addresses, and even critical information such as our credit card numbers along with their expiration dates. We somehow think that prestigious companies do their best to secure their websites. While that may be true, the reality is that there are myriads of security vulnerabilities lurking everywhere.
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Tutorialized is dedicated to programming, designing, and many other
tech related tutorials.

Animation in Photoshop Part 1
Part 1 of how to create animations inside of Photoshop CS3.
Read the tutorial.

How to Build a Poll System
So today, we will be building a Poll System using PHP and mySQL.
Read the tutorial.

Create Cool Neon Effects
Using Photoshop warping and layer masks for great effects.
Read the tutorial.

Check Username in Real-time
Use AJAX and PHP to tell the user if the username they desire exists. Read the tutorial.

Make A Shiny Button
How to make a button in Flash and add a shine to make it look 3D.
Read the tutorial.

Animation Grab & Move Object
Maya animation tutorial how to grab an object and move the object.
Read the tutorial.


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Here's your chance to earn some cash, gain some exposure, and beef up your resume! If you would like to join our team, email your name, a description of your qualifications, and the topic areas you would like to cover to contact_editor@developershed.com.


Scripts is dedicated to developer and programming related scripts both commercial and free, and for all OS platforms.

Rapid PHP Editor 2008
Rapid PHP editor is full-featured, very quick and sophisticated PHP editor with a debugger and utf-8 support. Easy to implement.
Learn more.

Rapid CSS Editor 2008
You can quickly create and edit style sheets of any size and complexity. Code manually or let the program do it for you. Learn more.

PHP Auction Software
AJ Auction pro is the best and the professional auction site on the Internet. Bundled with many scalable products in one turn-key package.
Learn more.

Network USB Data Theft Tool
Alerts you by sound when any storage disk is connected and prevents unofficial or private data transfer from / to USB. Learn more.

Laptop FAT Partition Recovery
Notebook Vista FAT files recovery application retrieves photos, pictures, images, etc from corrupted hard drives and USB drives.
Learn more.

Build Web 2.0 Applications Without Hand-Coding
Create data entry and reporting .NET Web apps in minutes, straight from your database. Learn more.

Mint Review
by Kathy Gatto, 2009-12-02

When you own a website, everything revolves around your visitors - and you need more information about your visitors to do just about anything. Fortunately, there are special tools that can help with that. Mint is one of them. Keep reading to learn what Mint can do for you.
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No Blog Stands Alone: Why You Need Affiliates
by KC Morgan, 2009-11-30

Looking for ways to increase traffic to your blog? Have you considered getting affiliates? No longer just for businesses, affiliates can help you reach out to a wider audience. Keep reading to find out how.
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Earning on the Internet? Keep It Legal
by KC Morgan, 2009-11-25

PayPal buttons, eBay auctions, advertising agreements and all those other online extras you have in place on your Web site can certainly add up to a pretty penny. Revenue sharing, online writing, site donations - it is all there to help you earn. But if you do not learn how to keep your income legal, your earnings could get you into trouble.
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Understanding Awk in the UNIX Shell
by Gabor Bernat, 2009-12-02

So what is awk, and what does it have to do with UNIX? Plenty, as you'll soon learn. It is a tool that helps you get certain tasks done in the UNIX shell. But it's no mere tool; it's so developed that it's a programming language in its own right. Keep reading to learn how to make the most of awk.
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Stream Editor in the UNIX Shell
by Gabor Bernat, 2009-11-25

Making a change sometimes takes a great effort coupled with a great sacrifice. At other times, though, it simply calls for a little adjustment of what we already have. The stream editor does just this. Since inside the UNIX shell, the universal language spoken is the text stream, with the help of this tool you can make some easy and fast modifications to the shell. If you are interested in what you can change and how you can change it with the stream editor, you will have to read this article.
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Choosing a Web Host for Your WordPress Blog
by Gabor Bernat, 2009-11-18

So, you have decided to share your knowledge with the world by starting your own blog. You have just about everything picked out and you are ready to go. Now all that you need is a host for your blog. If you are not careful, you could make a big mistake. Keep reading for a helpful guide.
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DARPA Gets Social for Latest Challenge

How good are you at spotting balloons...and connecting with other people while doing it? That's what the latest challenge from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency seems set to test. They're prepared to award $40,000 to the first person who can accurately tell them the latitudes and longitudes of 10 red weather balloons set up in various positions across the skies of the continental United States.

The balloons will lift off at 7 AM on Saturday and remain in place until sunset. The contest will be open until December 14, giving contestants a week to collect the data. The key point is, since no one can be everywhere at once, competitors will need to rely on other people scattered throughout the states. DARPA expects people to team up, using their social networking skills to pinpoint the weather balloons.

DARPA's goal isn't so much to see if contestants can answer the question, but rather to learn how we use social networks to solve a problem. After all, they know where the weather balloons are. Norman Whitaker, DARPA's deputy director of transformational convergence technology, said that "It's the techniques people use to solve the challenge we're focused on. We have people who are going to be actively watching from the sidelines to see how this plays out." DARPA hopes that what they learn from this challenge can be applied to using social networks to help build teams to solve real-world challenges.

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Making Solar Cells Absorb More Power

If you've ever noticed how some solar cells reflect light, you know their biggest weakness: they don't absorb as much power as they could, so they yield less electricity. Indeed, much of the focus of solar cell research has been on making them more efficient. Now Yi Cui of Stanford University in California has come up with a way to get more light to a solar cell's silicon layers, increasing its efficiency by up to 25 percent.

Cui's team deposits a silver reflector layer onto a quartz base. The quartz base is studded with an array of nanoscale cones. The quartz and the reflector layer make sure that photons which would otherwise be wasted instead bounce up toward the active layer. This active layer features both transparent electrodes and ones made from active semiconductors. The result: a solar cell which appears black rather than reflective.

Lab tests confirmed that the new solar cells are nearly 6 per cent efficient, compared with 4.7 percent for traditional flat film amorphous solar cells. Cui thinks he can push that efficiency much higher. He also notes an important extra benefit to the layer of cones: it should cause water to roll right off the cells, taking any light-blocking dust with it. Cui thinks his technique can also be used to improve the efficiency of solar panels using polycrystalline silicon, which is more widely used than the flat film cells because it is more efficient.

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