

Alarming Poll of Republicans | Are Madonna and Jesus Over?

Recently on Daily Intel:

Volcker: Excessive Risk Is ‘Like Pornography, You Know It When You See It’

Humor at today's Senate Banking Committee hearing.


Joe Biden Saw Avatar in 2-D

He enjoyed it anyway, though.

Bons Mots

‘We Have in Place a Policy Which Forces Young Men and Women to Lie About Who They Are’

Admiral Mike Mullen on "Don't ask, don't tell" today.

Things Grandma Doesn't Tell You

Older People Are Now Sexting Each Other

You knew this day would come.

The Most Important People in the World

Has the Sun Set on Madonna and Jesus?

Are we facing a breakup of biblical proportions?

Plutocrats of Tomorrow

The Fruit of Lloyd’s Loins

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein's son will probably have kind of an awkward day today.

Neighborhood News

Somebody Ran Up the Empire State Building in Under Eleven Minutes This Morning

What have you done so far today?

Scary Things

The Ten Most Alarming Things in This Poll of Republican Values and Beliefs

What the GOP thinks of Obama, gays, and more.


Bankers at Davos: F**k the Volcker Rule

"They can go ahead and impose the rule on Friday, and I can assure you that by Monday, we’ll find a way around it."


Katy Perry Found Out Russell Brand Was Going to Propose From a Google Alert

And more celebrity marginalia, in our daily gossip roundup.


Military to Stop ‘Aggressively Pursuing’ Action Against Gay Service Members

In a presentation before the Senate, Pentagon leaders will announce some new plans today.

Early and Often

Chuck Schumer Is the Senate’s Most Thoughtful Giver

Because he really wants to be majority leader.

America's Sweetheart

Sarah Palin: ‘Fire Rahm Emanuel!’ [Updated]

The thrilla from Wasilla is belatedly angry about the White House chief of staff's use of a slur.

Traditiooooon Tradition!

Groundhogs Undermine Each Other’s Weather Predictions

Could it be that this system is flawed?

School Daze

Now Playing at P.S. 65 in Ozone Park: Fourth Grade Fight Club

The first rule of fourth-grade fight club? You don't talk about fourth-grade fight club.


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