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Amazon deal: PlanToys Crane Truck 48% off

PlanToys Crane If you've never seen PlanToys wooden toys before, you're in for a treat. They're beautifully produced in terms of material and detail, and they last forever. These are the toys your grandkids will be playing with someday.

This Amazon deal is for the parents of (or gift-givers to) construction-vehicle obsessed toddlers and preschoolers. The PlanToys Crane does everything a respectable construction vehicle should do (working pulleys, good maneuverability, etc.), but without the plastic, batteries, and worries about toxic paint. Even at almost half-off it's pricey ($43.91), but it's one of those toys that has the potential to be loved and played with for years to come.

Price good till May 28, 2010 or until they run out.

On Parent Hacks at: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/parenthacks/~3/7a6W3saPKtw/amazon-deal-plantoys-crane-truck-48-off.html

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