

Small Business Conversations by Network Solutions - Using .com to create her dream business after getting laid off


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Using .com to create her dream business after getting laid off

Liz LaClair had an awesome job for a long time and a few years ago suddenly found herself out of a job and wondering what was next. She found that her skills were perfect for this new concept called “Virtual Assistants” and formed her company Virtually Helps.

She posted this great story on HowDoYou.com:

“It may sound dramatic, but to a degree .com has saved my financial life. I had lost my favorite job in 2005, and went to another job. Then in 2006 lost that job. Then was without options and any hope for a job. It was in late 2007 I found out there was something called virtual assistants and that I could do that. I had the skills and the software – I just didn't know HOW to let anyone "out there" know I was here. In February 2009 I started my business – Virtually Helps, LLC. Your company has been a big help. I had no idea how to make a website, or what keywords and their importance were. Not to mention – what's a Google ranking? I learned that the social networking sites weren't just for nonsense stuff, that I could actually make business contacts this way. Because of this knowledge I found a business coach, she's helping me with marketing. She's the one who told me to write the articles to help me get seen! All of these things used to be done face-to-face, mail, and travel. Now much of this is done via the internet and having a .com business! This is a great way to help a small business – with no financial capital – get noticed and get business. Now, all I need is more business!”

Here is an article about Liz and her business:

Truly inspirational. It goes to show you that with a focus on what you love, a drive to succeed and a great .com address you too can do what only you mind can imagine. Go and visit Liz’s business at http://www.virtuallyhelps.com/ and tell her you heard about her from Network Solutions and HowDoYou.com.

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