

Thrillist CHI: Ancient Wisdom For Your Walls

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Thrillist Chicago
Monday October 4, 2010

Art from the past to make your pad presentable
Old people are full of valuable advice, but listening to them dispense it's so boring you inevitably tune out before learning how to cure your jaundice. Helping you absorb their wisdom through art, Senioritis.

From a trio of sibs who claim their inspiration first took hold at the top of Mt Everest with their Sherpa "Noomsey", Senioritis produces a wide array of posters (plus magnets, coasters, and other schwag) sporting significant pearls of wisdom from dozens of history's most accomplished "seniors", so definitely that dude who banged Anna Nicole Smith. Great thinkers from past ages include Aristotle, set in front of cracking pavement with the quote "No great genius ever existed without some touch of madness", and Alexander Hamilton, backed by the Constitution and the phrase "Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything", but maybe that's because paraplegics can't feel you pulling their legs. Athletes & entertainers also get their due, from a baseball card-steezed Jim Thorpe waxing poetic about the love of the game, to a rastafied "Three Little Birds" quoting Bob Marley, to a horn-blowing Louis Armstrong noting "If you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know", also Jerry Sloan's polite way of telling Jeff Hornacek he wasn't white enough for Utah.

If you prefer to decorate your person, they're also slingin tees/hoodies with a graffiti-styled image of Einstein with his tongue out, in all likelihood mocking you the same way he did all his other crazy hepatic friends.

There're way more to see in their online shop, so check 'em out, or Herman Melville will think you're a Moby Dick

-----------------Morning Quickie------------------
^ WIN GORILLAZ TIX - Follow @ThrillistCHI & Tweet w/ #ThrillistGorillazCHI to score 2 Tix to the cartoon crew's UIC Pavillion show 10/16.
http://themove.thrillist.com/link.php?M=2181171&N=241923&C=25f0fb7663659a52572fbc99fe5fd818&L=141848 Gorillaz hit UIC Pavillion on 10/16 and I wanna be there. http://themove.thrillist.com/link.php?M=2181171&N=241923&C=25f0fb7663659a52572fbc99fe5fd818&L=141849 <http://themove.thrillist.com/link.php?M=2181171&N=241923&C=25f0fb7663659a52572fbc99fe5fd818&L=141849> %23ThrillistGorillazCHI

* ALLIED QUICKIE - WIN CARIBBEAN GLORY - Score an all-inclusive 3-night stay at the 5-Star Veranda Resort in Turks & Caicos for you + a guest. Hit our Facebook to enter.


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