

Health and Fitness for Friday December 31, 2010

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A good kiss is like a drug

AUSTIN, Texas (UPI) -- A University of Texas researcher says a kiss is a good way to start the year because it provides a natural high by stimulating brain pleasure centers.

Sheril Kirshenbaum of the University of Texas at Austin and the author of "The Science of Kissing," says a kiss is a natural litmus test to help people identify a good partner because it requires two people to get close enough to "sniff out" a reproductive partner, detecting things about a person's health and DNA.

In an article in The Washington Post, Kirshenbaum writes that biologist Claus Wedekind found women are most attracted to the scents of men with a different set of genetic coding for immunity than their own. This is probably because when there is greater genetic diversity between parents, children will have more versatile immune systems and better odds for survival, Kirshenbaum says.

Kirshenbaum explains during a passionate kiss, blood vessels dilate, the brain receives more oxygen, breathing can become irregular and deepen, cheeks flush, pulse quickens and pupils dilate.

Not only can a couple smell each other, they can sample each others' taste, which can also reveal health and fertility clues.

In addition, kissing triggers the "love hormone," oxytocin, which promotes social bonding and maintaining a special connection between two people, long after novelty has waned.

However, a bad kiss triggers the "stress hormone" cortisol and can kill a budding relationship on the spot.

Copyright 2010 by United Press International

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Sex before marriage may hurt relationship

SALT LAKE CITY (UPI) -- Couples who start the honeymoon before the marriage have lower levels of relationship stability, satisfaction and sexual quality, U.S. researchers say.

Lead study author Dean Busby, a professor in Brigham Young University's School of Family Life, and BYU Professors Jason Carroll and Brian Willoughby say the study involved 2,035 married individuals who participated in a popular online marital assessment called RELATE.

A statistical analysis showed those who waited until marriage to begin sexual relations compared with those who started having sex in the early part of their relationship had:

-- Relationship stability rated 22 percent higher.

-- Relationship satisfaction rated 20 percent higher.

-- Sexual quality of the relationship rated 15 percent better.

-- Communication rated 12 percent better.

For the couples who became sexually active later in the relationship, but prior to marriage, the benefits were about half as strong, the researchers say.

"Most research on the topic is focused on individuals' experiences and not the timing within a relationship," Busby says in a statement.

"There's more to a relationship than sex, but we did find that those who waited longer were happier with the sexual aspect of their relationship. I think it's because they've learned to talk and have the skills to work with issues that come up."

The findings are published in the Journal of Family Psychology.

Copyright 2010 by United Press International

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At very least, this new year: Exercise

EAST ANGLIA, England (UPI) -- A British physiotherapist says making just one lifestyle change -- exercise -- can help improve health.

Leslie Alford of the University of East Anglia, England, who has reviewed 40 international studies on the value of exercise, takes issue with those who say: "What's the point? I've never been able to lose weight or give up smoking, why should I exercise?"

Of course, says Alford, it would be ideal to exercise, abstain from smoking, eat a healthy diet and have a body mass index -- a measure of body weight based on height -- lower than 25.

"The more of these healthy traits an individual has the less likely they are to develop a range of chronic disorders," Alford says in a statement. "It is obviously desirable for an individual to give up smoking and maintain a healthy weight range, but if they cannot, they will still gain health benefits from increasing their physical activity."

Alford says it is important patients understand the health benefits of losing weight or giving up smoking. However, if a patient cannot lose weight or give up smoking, he or she should still be encouraged to be more physically active.

Alford's review is published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice.

Copyright 2010 by United Press International

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Start year with mental health screening

BOSTON (UPI) -- The start of a new year is a perfect time to take stock of your emotions and address mental health issues, a U.S. psychiatrist advises.

Dr. Douglas G. Jacobs, associate clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and the founder of Screening for Mental Health Inc., suggests this New Year's, gauge your emotional well-being by taking a free, anonymous mental health self-assessment at www.HelpYourselfHelpOthers.org.

The Web site, sponsored by the non-profit Screening for Mental Health, offers brief questionnaires for depression, alcohol problems and other mood and anxiety disorders.

The questions are designed to assess whether an individual may be at risk for a disorder. For those who score positive, referrals to local treatment resources are provided.

"Everyone struggles with stress or the blues from time to time," Jacobs says in a statement. "It's a normal part of life. But if you have been feeling sad, anxious or irritable for more than two weeks, it could be a sign of a more serious health issue."

Copyright 2010 by United Press International

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