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Review and giveaway: Let's Panic About Babies!

Amazon: Let's Panic About Babies!Parent Hacks is all about poking friendly holes in the "expert parenting" racket. In their new book, Let's Panic About Babies!, Alice Bradley and Eden Kennedy point a flamethrower -- an exceedingly smart and funny flamethrower -- in the same direction.

Let's Panic is for anyone who appreciates the humor inherent in the messy parts of pregnancy and parenting. If you're a reader of Finslippy and Fussy, you know each author has her own distinctive voice and sense of fun. In Let's Panic, they've managed to combine their voices to hilarious effect. This is Laurel and Hardy-level teamwork, which is difficult enough in any writing project. But a humor book? Wow. These ladies are tal-en-ted.

But who cares about the writing! IS IT REALLY THAT FUNNY? This book is crazy funny for moms and dads who like their humor to bite back. In less skillful hands, a tongue-in-cheek screed such as this could fall flat, but this book keeps you laughing even as you're covering your mouth in disbelief that they actually just said that.

It's What To Expect meets The Onion...in a back alley. It's a bracing spoof (and reminder not to take this all so seriously) in a world of milquetoast parenting books that make us feel bad about ourselves while boring us to death.

At Amazon: Let's Panic About Babies!: How to Endure and Possibly Triumph Over the Adorable Tyrant who Will Ruin Your Body, Destroy Your Life, Liquefy Your Brain and Finally Turn You into a Worthwhile Human Being, by Alice Bradley and Eden Kennedy, $7.72

On the Web: Let's Panic About Babies! website

On Twitter: @letspanic_

On YouTube:

Win it! Three lucky Parenthackers will walk away with their very own copies of Let's Panic About Babies, and one extra-lucky Parenthacker (who's more deserving than the others) will win a "Panic Break" gift basket containing the following nifties:

To enter, leave a comment answering the following question:

Which parenting book has made the biggest impression on you, either good or bad?

On Monday, March 7, 2011, as soon as I get home from dropping my daughter off at school, I'll randomly choose and announce the three book winners and one gift basket winner. Good luck!

Note: Giveaway open to residents of the US and Canada only. One entry per person.


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Homemade "sock keeper" holds stray socks while they wait for their mates

Stray sock holder

Delia Creates via www.ohdeedoh.com

Cute way to keep track of single baby socks till their mates turn up. I can't help but imagine how my 11 year-old son's massive tube socks would engulf that frame!

For the full how-to, read the original post at Delia Creates. (Thanks to Ohdeedoh for the heads-up.)

How do you deal with stray sock singletons?

Related: Laundry room pegboard holds missing socks


Click to comment: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/parenthacks/~3/L6dcWFdrhyU/stray-sock-keeper.html?utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzEmail&utm_content=18560&utm_campaign=0

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