

BIZ BULLETIN: Michael Dowse Interview

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A to Z Guide to Hockey Terms by Tim, Perry, Sheldon, and Travis Moshansy
The A to Z Guide to Hockey Terms is the ultimate pocket-sized hockey reference book.

This unique book contains a glossary of over 600 hockey terms and phrases, as well as referee photos, diagrams, illustrations, history and trivia to inform, educate and entertain old and new fans of this exciting sport.

Learn the lingo of the game and find out info on all of the NHL teams, their farm teams, which arenas they play in and when they came into the League. This is the perfect gift (or stocking stuffer) for hockey moms and dads, new players and serious fans of the game.
A to Z Guide to Film Terms by Tim Moshansky

If you're looking for a comprehensive guide to movie production lingo, then you've come to the right place.

The A to Z Guide to Film Terms is a pocket-sized book of movie terms and phrases written by an industry professional. This updated 5th edition contains the latest research into filmmaking terminology and has new terms, as well as photographs, icons and illustrations that correspond to each department of filmmaking!

You will find every term, phrase and saying in the film industry in this book, making you an instant movie insider.

This book is required reading at schools, colleges and universities across Canada and the United States. Get your copy today and you'll sound like a Hollywood producer in no time!

Michael Dowse - Director of Goon

Goon is now playing in theatres everywhere (check it out!) and last week, we had the chance to speak with director Michael Dowse. He spoke in depth about his creative process for the film and the challenges that come with adapting a true story (and a book) for film.

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