

White House sure its energy policy is an election winner - Campaign 2012

The Washington Times Online Edition  

Monday, March 26, 2012

Campaign 2012

** FILE ** President Obama is introduced by White House Senior Adviser David Plouffe before the president speaks at a Democratic National Committee event in Washington on Wednesday, March 16, 2011. (AP Photo)

White House sure its energy policy is an election winner

The Obama re-election team believes the ambitious budget plan released last week by Rep. Paul Ryan will be a liability for the Republican presidential candidate this fall, and it began on Sunday to tie the controversial proposal to front-runner Mitt Romney.

Louisiana win steels resolve of Santorum to stay in race

Fresh off a big win in Saturday's Louisiana primary, Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum on Sunday hammered front-runner Mitt Romney by painting him as "the worst candidate" the party could put up against President Obama.

CURL: GOP's 2012 primary plan creates a colossal mess

After the exhilarating 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, the Grand Old Party decided it wanted a bit of that next time around.

Santorum wins Republican presidential primary in Louisiana

Rick Santorum won the Republican primary in Louisiana on Saturday, giving the former Pennsylvania senator additional crowing rights going forward in the GOP presidential fight and further cementing him as the biggest rival to front-runner Mitt Romney.

Poll: Santorum poised for big win in Louisiana

A new Rasmussen Reports polls gives GOP presidential contender Rick Santorum a double-digit lead going into the Louisiana primary on Saturday, putting the former Pennsylvania senator on solid footing to carry some additional bragging rights out of another Deep South nominating contest.

Critics rip Obama claim that drilling in U.S. won't drop gas prices

President Obama has been touring the country this week touting increased oil and gas production numbers during his time in office — but his selective quotes and figures tell only part of the story.

Evangelical states sketchy for Romney

Mitt Romney's lopsided victory in Illinois this week showed again that he's hard to beat in states with more moderate, less evangelical-minded voters — a good sign for the former Massachusetts governor when that describes most of the big prizes left on the Republican primary schedule.

Specter says Santorum not 'up to being the president' as barbs flow

Former Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, who has been trading barbs with Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum the last few days, said Wednesday his former colleague and fellow Pennsylvanian isn't ready for the Oval Office.

Romney's super PAC still outraising his rivals'

Fifty wealthy persons and companies gave at least $100,000 each to affect American politics last month, overwhelmingly to Republican super PACs, making the attack-ad weapons far stronger than that of their Democratic counterparts, new disclosures show.

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