

4 ways agencies and clients can avoid a death match

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  April 4, 2012 issue Forward this newsletter  |   Subscribe  |   View online
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4 ways agencies and clients can avoid a death match
By Josh Dreller
No one should get held back from doing great work because of simple issues that can be solved with effective dialogue. Here's how you can evolve the conversation and get rewarded for it.
Why your analytics strategy is failing
By Josh Williams
In this age of online excess, marketers are being inundated with data. Here are four ways to improve your analytics through "data science," so you can get your company back on track.
The great debate: The next step for email marketing
By Wikus Engelbrecht
A hosted solution is not for everyone, but it still has a lot of perks. Read ahead and decide what's best for you.
TrendWatch: Why video is bigger than search
By iMedia Editors
We're watching 4 billion YouTube videos per day, but how does that compare with Google search? We were surprised. Here's what marketers need to know.
This is the Year of… "Everything"
By Sean X Cummings
From the activity on the floor, to the bravado of its attendees, the marketing industry, and more specifically the digital marketing business is thriving. The floor is packed with new exhibitors, new faces, and new energy. Of course the big boys are...
Amazon: Insist on relevance
By Gretchen Hyman
Lisa Utzschneider, global head of advertising for Amazon, imparted a few words of wisdom for digital marketers: It's day 1 for advertising and personalization will fuel the growth and process of discovery for customers -- words written by Jeff Bezos...
Observations from ad:tech San Francisco 2012
By Diane Anderson
The ad:tech San Francisco 2012 conference kicked off with a special surprise guest. San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee showed up at the conference and gave the opening welcome remarks to get the party started at Moscone West this morning! He wants to work to...
The Kawasaki-Scoble Bullet Train
By Sean X Cummings
The Kawasaki-Scoble bullet train hit AdTech in full force keynoting AdTech SF 2012. Like bulls in a china shop they illuminated ways to facilitate connections that mean something, and connections that make a lasting impression. For what is...
Mad Men: 2012 Style
By Julie Roehm
Did you see the latest episode? I of course did. Mad Men is an obsession much like Starbucks and my "i" devices. I have even been to Banana Republic where I was swayed to purchase a great pencil skirt that was part of their, you guessed it, "Mad Men...
1. A social media planner's guide to pleasing the boss
2. 11 agency buzzwords you need to know
3. 3 insane Starbucks campaigns
4. 14 intriguing ways to use QR codes
5. 10 words you should never use on LinkedIn

Rich Kim, VP, Associate Media Director, Digital, RPA
Jason Berkowitz, Director of Sales, Southwest Region, Viewable Media

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