

Rating Services in the Cloud - A Cloud Rating Strategy for "Greenfield" Mobile Operators and MVNO's

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Rating Services in the Cloud - A Cloud Rating Strategy for "Greenfield" Mobile Operators and MVNO's
In the highly competitive small-to-medium mobile communications market, it is imperative that carriers and operators are able to quickly package, promote, and deploy new and innovative communication services based upon their unique operational requirements - and do this with minimal investment.

Operators in smaller markets, especially new or "Greenfield" operators, struggle to provide features and services that are commonplace in larger mobile markets. One key reason for this seeming disparity is that traditional full-featured solutions are generally designed for a much larger subscriber base, and include equipment and levels of redundancy in both hardware and software beyond the budget capabilities of smaller operators and MVNO's. These traditional systems are cumbersome, offer little flexibility, are cost prohibitive, and require intensive support resources.

The following whitepaper will explore a different technological approach which mobile operators can leverage to provide a truly full-featured solution at a greatly reduced cost, thereby enhancing the subscriber experience, and becoming far more competitive in their market.

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