

Former Goldman Sachs Trader - Free Webinar

This former Goldman Sachs trader is going to show you why you need to

Stop Trading Market Direction!

in a special webinar presentation brought to you by Trading Advantage Options.

Thursday, October 4th @ 3:30pm CT

Join Scott Bauer, the former Goldman Sachs trader, Chicago Board Options Exchange market maker, and seasoned educator at the University of Illinois Business School as he presents his easy-to-use, simple rules-based trading system:

- Be able to calculate the maximum risk on your trades
- Potentially profit when the market doesn't move
- Get the exact method by which Scott finds, evaluates, and trades the stock options that qualify for his unique approach including his proprietary "bird" signals - all five of them

Register for this webinar - at absolutely no cost to you - by clicking here. There are a limited number of spots available so register now!

Options Risk Disclosures
As with trading other financial instruments, there are risks associated with trading options, such as economic, market or demand risks. Trading options may actually lead to losses in excess of the option premium plus transaction costs. If the purchased options expire worthless, you will suffer a total loss of your investment that will consist of the option premium plus transaction costs. You should carefully consider whether trading options is appropriate for you in light of your experience, objectives, financial resources, risk tolerance, and other relevant circumstances. This brief statement does not disclose all of the risks and other significant aspects of trading options.

This email was sent to ignoble.experiment@arconati.us by Trading Advantage
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