7 awesome Gangnam Style parodies By Bethany Simpson The next big parody is here! Before the song drives you crazy, check out some of our favorites including Gangnam Style goes to university, Gangnam Style London, Nerd Style, Obama Style, and Gangnam Style on Coke. Gangnam Style goes to... Can Facebook Really Triple Its Ad Revenue by Embracing Retargeting? By Tom Hespos Um, no. It can't. In a tragic example of what happens when one looks at ad models from 50,000 feet without zooming in for a closer look, Business Insider's Nicholas Carlson postulated that Facebook could sell most of its ad inventory via retargeting and... Mobile Phones, Primetime TV, and Domain Names: There Is A Connection By Heather DelCarpini Remember Carnac the Magnificent, one of Johnny Carson's most famous characters? He'd hold a hermetically sealed envelope to his forehead and before ever opening it, he'd spit out an answer to the unknown question it contained. The answers were always... Business Models Cord Cut, Too. Google's Move Away from TV Advertising By Atul Patel Cord cutting isn't just a consumer topic. Business models can fall victim to the trend, as well. Google recently announced that it will be shutting down its marketplace for traditional television advertising to focus on digital video solutions such... Embracing the Attribution Revolution By James Green Last week, Magnetic hosted the Attribution Revolution, an event in New York City that featured a panel discussion comprised of some of the greatest minds in digital ad measurement, to debate the hottest topic in today's digital space attribution. But... What works in rich media mobile advertising [INFOGRAPHIC] By Matevz Klanjsek As all advertising, mobile advertising is all about achieving the desired marketing goals, however simple they might be. You might want the consumers to browse your products, to watch your promo video, to find your store, or to simply just go to your... Money Down the Drain? The Dangers of Paying for Links By Jeriann Watkins With all of the commotion about SEO, it can be difficult to decide what methods are best to use to promote your site. Some things are obviously taboo. Article Directories seem to be on their way out, link directories are mostly filled with spam, so... The DMA (Designated Market Area) and Local Targeting By Leslie Van Zee A Designated Market Area, or DMA, is a term used to describe a particular geographic area comprised of counties in which the amount of hours of television viewed by the inhabitants of that area is to television stations located in that same area.... |
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