

Canada Nixes Palestinian State.. Economic Doldrums.. Airline Sues Canadian

Friday, November 30, 2012
Long before Luka Magnotta became a household name in Canada and the subject of an international manhunt, he was pursued by a group of online vigilantes desperate to stop a man they were convinced had killed animals for pleasure.
Canada Threatens Retaliation As UN Votes For Palestinian Statehood
Canada's Economy Dead In The Water
Gen Y Natives Fight To Save Languages
Wikileaks Has Changed The World For Better
U.S. Airline Sues Unhappy Canadian
Dyanoosh Youssefi: Should the Mentally Ill Be Put in Jail?
In the House of Commons, Minister of Public Safety Vic Toews said "Individuals with mental health issues do not belong in prisons but rather in professional health facilities." He made this sweeping and dramatic claim in the wake of the release of the Ashley Smith videos, which portrayed her horrendous and inhumane treatment while she was in custody. Toews's comments might give an observer hope -- hope that soon we will stop putting people with mental health problems in jails. But in reality, the actions of the federal government lead to a different, bleaker conclusion.
Julian Assange: Two Years of Cablegate as Bradley Manning Testifies for the First Time
The information WikiLeaks has disclosed frustrates the controlled political discourse that is trumpeted by establishment media and Western governments to shape public perception. We will continue our fight against the financial blockade, and we will continue to publish.
Alex Gibney: How Park Avenue Billionaires Spend Their Money
2012-11-22-whypovertybanner.jpgI tend to make films about perpetrators, rather than victims. Therefore, on this subject it seemed to be important to make a film that would investigate whether wealthy interests in the United States actually create poverty. There is no question that income inequality is increasing in the US. I wanted to find out why.
Julie Blais Comeau: Sticky Situation: How to Behave at an Office Party
Fortunately, the days of holiday office party photocopying remorse are long gone. It is also safe to assume that you will nobody on your team will be wearing a lampshade for the group photo. But, are you all free from texting, tweeting or tagging remorse, during or after the party? Here are sticky situation solutions to maneuver this year's get together.
Desmond Tutu: Architecting the End of AIDS
History shows when we take action before the peak of disaster, enormous gains can be realized. If more world leaders support a bold plan like the "Blueprint for an AIDS-Free Generation," we could find ourselves on the flip side of the global disaster of AIDS that much faster.

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