

Allergy-Friendly Recipes For NYE.. Best Kisses Of 2012.. World's Oldest Twins

December 31, 2012
Our friends in the "allergic generation" have skilfully navigated the complexities of the grocery aisle. They have handled themselves with grace on dates where they needed more time with a menu or their own version of a veggie burger. Now, they deserve a break. Continue reading...
SUPERCUT: TV's Best Kisses Of The Year

LOOK: World's Oldest Identical Twins Celebrate 103rd Birthday

The 5 Most Ridiculous Divorce Rumours Of 2012

New Year's Eve With Kids? Six Ways to Make it Fun for Everyone
Gone are the days when you waited for New Year's Eve with anticipation. No, you are in a different stage of your life now. You are a parent of children. Young children. Though it may seem this way as you approach December 31 with the family, all hope is not lost. There are things that you can do with the kids where you and the little ones can enjoy the celebration. Continue reading...
A Simple and Meaningful New Year's Resolution
I am not a strong believer in New Year's resolutions. However, it became clear to me as 2012 was winding down, that I had some cleaning up to do. 2013 is going to be the year that I truly show up for. Why don't we all make that deal with ourselves when the clock strikes midnight on Monday night? Continue reading...
The 20 Things I Learned About Sex After Baby
Six weeks after my second son was born in 2009 I embarked on a "Six Month Sex Challenge." For six months I attempted to have sex with my husband at least once a week. The time was truly a roller-coaster ride and I've learned why it is just so darn difficult to have sex after baby. I also appreciate why it's important to make the effort. Here are the 20 things I learned about having sex after baby. Continue reading...
An Affordable Weekend Wine Guide
This weekend is traditionally known as one of celebration -- even with that pesky working Monday coming along before the official parties of New Year's Eve. So what better time than now to show off some wine knowledge? Continue reading...
Instead of New Year's Resolutions, Try Words to Live By
For years I would come up with the usual New Year's resolutions -- you know the ones -- lose weight, get healthy, not work so hard, and by February, they were a thing of the past. So in 2012, instead of making New Year's resolutions that I never keep, I decided to pick three words to live my life by. Continue reading...

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