

Thank You Westboro Baptist Church! And More!

January 3, 2013
Nothing gets people more riled up, on and offline, than a small church comprised largely of one family that calls itself the Westboro Baptist Church.
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Money Laundering Concerns Leads To 'Cash Only' Vatican

Frankincense, Myrrh And A Toothbrush? Matthew 2:1-12

Conservative Group To Christians: You Will Be Treated 'Like African Americans Were Prior To Civil Rights'

The Right to Bear Dreams: It's Time to End the Nightmare of Child Gun Deaths
When did we as a nation allow the right to bear arms to supersede children's right to bear dreams? There are more gun dealers in our nation than there are houses of worship. When did the hunger for weapons outstrip our hunger to glimpse God's dream for us as a people? Continue reading...
Love in the New Year
I am building on the love from my Creator who I chose to call God, who made me and gives me everything I need and more. It is God's love that I will return to again and again in meditation and prayer, when I need love, and when I want to give love. Continue reading...
Science's Sacred Cows (Part 1)
Over the long arc of history, science has initially embraced -- then discarded -- most of the following tacit assumptions: dualism, determinism, reductionism, absolute time, absolute space, the principle of locality, materialism and, most recently, realism. Continue reading...
God Is Not a Control Freak
Do we want a God who is all-powerful or all-loving? We can't have both and be satisfied with a God who permits the Holocaust, genocide, war and tsunamis. Continue reading...
Christmas Comes to the Americas: Now What?
As American Catholics enjoy the Christmas songs and carols that will continue until the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, it would be worthwhile to reflect on how seriously the Church's teachings are being put into practice. Continue reading...

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