

Thursday's Daily Brief: Time Warner Cable Drops Current TV Upon Sale To Al Jazeera, House GOP Lets Violence Against Women Act Die

Thursday, January 3, 2013
House GOP Lets Violence Against Women Act Die
Drone Strikes Kill Top Militant In Pakistan
Sandy Hook Students Returning To Class For First Time Since Shooting
5 Face Murder Charges In Gang-Rape Death
Julianne Hough Reveals Abusive Childhood
Joel Diaz: The Incredible Story of What Happened When Two Gay Men Were Harassed While Waiting for Pizza
Ethan and I were holding hands and we were laughing about all the fun we'd had that night, when all of the sudden the guy in front of us turns around and tells us to cut our "gay shit" out. I was a bit startled by his words but I didn't expect what happened next.
Paul Brandeis Raushenbush: Thank You Westboro Baptist Church!
You see, whether the anti-gay movement and the biblical literalists of our country like it or not, Westboro Baptist Church has become their most visible and vocal mouthpiece.
Jill S. Brown: Fourteen Rules of Gym Etiquette for 2013
Whether you're a newbie to gym culture or regular fixture at your fitness facility, there is such a thing as "gym etiquette." Remember, everyone who comes to the gym is there to de-stress and have a positive experience.
Matt Stoller: Eight Corporate Subsidies in the Fiscal Cliff Bill, From Goldman Sachs to Disney to NASCAR
The negotiations over the fiscal cliff involve more than the Democrats, Republicans, the middle class and the wealthy. The corporate sector is here in force as well.
Tavis Smiley: My Afternoon With Nelson Mandela, Muhammad Ali and Sidney Poitier
I don't even have a language to describe the chants, the dancing, the full-faced smiles, the love, the joy, the sheer ecstasy in that hallway as we walked toward Nelson and Winnie Mandela.

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