



Bunny - Mother / Daughter Apron Set

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 04:00 AM PST

Bunny - Mother / Daughter Apron Set

Easter is a hop, skip, and a jump away. Make this year's Easter celebration a real family affair with the Bunny - Mother / Daughter Apron Set from the NeatoShop. This adorable apron duo features three-dimensional rabbit ears and bow tie. It is perfect for whatever fun holiday projects you plan to cook up. 

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more great Aprons



Posted: 28 Feb 2013 04:00 AM PST


Do-Ho Suh, an innovative artist that we've featuredpreviously, just unveiled this amazing sculpture at the New Orleans Museum of Art. "Karma" is a 23-foot tower of 98 men perched on each other's shoulders and obstructing each other's vision. What does it mean?

Link | Photo: Alan Teo

Life in the Deepest Ocean Vents Ever Discovered

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 03:00 AM PST


Deep sea hydrothermal vents provide geothermal warmth to ocean water that doesn't get much warmth from the sun. These mineral-rich vents are like "the oases of the deepest ocean," and are thought to be places where many life forms -and maybe life itself- got its start.

A few weeks ago, a group of scientists on a National Oceanography Centre expedition in the Caribbean stumbled across this vent, the deepest ever found at 5,000 meters below the ocean's surface. Since then, the group has been plumbing the depths of the Beebe Vent Field with remotely-operated submersibles, taking pictures, discovering new species, and finding some unexpected surprises.

That's over three miles down! See plenty of pictures from the expedition at io9. Link -via Daily of the Day

(Image credit: National Oceanography Centre)

Pony Portal Connects Germany and Argentina

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 02:00 AM PST

Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie

M99moron's clever photography project lets My Little Pony's Pinkie Pie easily escape the winter cold. He worked with ShinodaGE, the famous brony street artist based in Argentina. When you look through the German side, you can see a beach in Argentina. When you look through the Argentine side, you can see the snowdrifts of Germany.

Do you want to send Pinkie Pie on more travels? At the link, you can find the template that M99moron used. Now if you'll excuse me, I must begin squealing with delight.

Link -via Equestria Daily

Scientists Uncover Invisible Motion in Video

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 01:00 AM PST

A team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have developed a computer algorithm the detects movements that are so small or subtle as to be imperceptible to human eyes. The program then amplifies these movements kinetically or by color changes to the point that we can see them in video recordings. The program is called  Eulerian Video Magnification.

The team originally developed the program to monitor neonatal babies without making physical contact. But they quickly learned that the algorithm can be applied to other videos to reveal changes imperceptible to the naked eye. Prof. William T. Freeman, a leader on the team, imagines its use in search and rescue, so that rescuers could tell from a distance if someone trapped on a ledge, say, is still breathing.

“Once we amplify these small motions, there’s like a whole new world you can look at,” he said.

Some of the applications suggested for this new technology include medical diagnosis, finding oil, seeing how much a building sways, detecting lies, assessing manufacturing processes, and even determining whether a poker player is bluffing. See a video with more examples at the New York Times technology blog, Bits. Link -via Digg  

Robotic Bat Wing

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 12:00 AM PST

Photo: Breuer and Swartz labs/Brown University

The Batwing is still a few years off, but researchers have got the basics down with this robotic bat wing:

Bat wings are complex things. They span most of the length of a bat’s body, from shoulder to foot. They are supported and moved by two arm bones and five finger-like digits. Over those bones is a super-elastic skin that can stretch up to 400 percent without tearing. The eight-inch robot mimics that anatomy with plastic bones carefully fabricated on a 3-D printer to match proportions of a real bat. The skin is made of a silicone elastomer. The joints are actuated by servo motors that pull on tendon-like cables, which in turn pull on the joints.

The robot doesn’t quite match the complexity of a real bat’s wing, which has 25 joints and 34 degrees of freedom. An exact simulation isn’t feasible given today’s technology and wouldn’t be desirable anyway, Bahlman said. Part of why the model is useful is that it distills bat flapping down to five fundamental parameters: flapping frequency, flapping amplitude, the angle of the flap relative to the ground, the amount of time used for the downstroke, and the extent to which the wings can fold back.

Experimental data aside, Bahlman said there were many lessons learned just in building the robot and getting it to work properly. “We learned a lot about how bats work from trying to duplicate them and having things go wrong,” he said.

Video clip below:

Link - via Futurity

Adorable Family <i>Doctor Who</i> Cosplay

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 11:00 PM PST

Doctor Who

Why is the mom dressed as the TARDIS? Because the Doctor has only one true love: her. This supercute family was spotted at Katsucon in Washington, D.C.:

As I asked to take this photo, Dad says “OK girls, point your plungers” and they promptly looked at me and said the keyword to my heart … EX-TER-MI-NATE!

Link -via Fashionably Geek

P.S. Here, you can see photos of the Dalek girls slaying the Tenth Doctor. The crowd seems the enjoy the downfall of our hero.

The Tongue-Eating Parasite

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 10:00 PM PST

(YouTube link)

We told you about the tongue-eating fish parasiteCymothoa exigua. Now, PBS made a cartoon about this isopod that not only explains the tongue thing, but also the creature's sex life. Gross!  -via Gamma Squad

Ninja Salt & Pepper Shakers

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 09:00 PM PST

Ninja Salt & Pepper Shakers

Are you looking to wage a covert war against the decor of your kitchen? Enlist the Ninja Salt & Pepper Shakers from the NeatoShop. This fierce set is made of glazed ceramic and features striking hand painted details. It is the perfect way to spice up your table. 

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more great Salt & Pepper Shakers.


Internet Famous

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 09:00 PM PST

cat videos

But, honestly, it's not like you were doing anything with it? Amirite? Haha...ha...


I'll be under my desk with a bottle of whiskey. 

Link -via Daily of the Day

Hummingbird Hawk Moth

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 08:00 PM PST

Photo: Thomas Bresson/Flickr

You'd be forgiven if you thought the picture above is of a hummingbird. It's actually a moth aptly named the Hummingbird Hawk Moth (Macroglossum stellatarum).

Ark in Space has more on this marvelous species:

With no legs or claws – and certainly no beak what you have here is a moth. No ordinary moth either – just take a look at that tongue. In truth, it isn’t actually a tongue. You may well ask, then, if it isn’t a tongue, what on earth is it?

There aren’t many – if any – tongues that can do that and it has a different function. What that amazing body part is called is a proboscis. That is the name given to an extended appendage from the head of an animal. This elongated organ is for sucking (more about that later) and it is also known as a haustellum. It is made up of two tubes that are held together by hooks. Strangely (and even scarily) enough these tubes can be separated – unhooked – when the moth needs to clean it.


Previously on Neatorama: World's Weirdest Moths

The Street Art of Brad Downey

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 07:00 PM PST






Think of Brad Downey as an uncooperative urban planner. Here's how he describes how the city calls to him:

For me, everything is inspirational, But, mostly the city. It is the place that humans dump all their vices and virtues. It is a completely human world. It tries to shut out all other forms of life. Art is about the human experience. But, Art lives on longer than one lifetime. It has the power to change things about the past, present and future. It can affect life that follows it. Art is not life it is the product of life. It is meant to teach and question the nature of the human experience. 

Artist's Website and Interview -via Rebel Art

Bear Grylls Flight Safety Video

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 06:00 PM PST

In case of emergency, drink your own urine. Bear Grylls takes us on the adventure previously known as flight safety video. Here's The Bear Essentials of Safety for Air New Zealand: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks Cole!

Harlem Shake Your Website

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 05:00 PM PST

vIt's impossible to keep up with all the creative videos of the Harlem Shake meme, but you can do the dance yourself, virtually, by making your website (or any website) do the Harlem Shake. Results vary, but you can see Neatorama doing it as an example. Just enter a URL at the generator site. Link  -via the Presurfer

Ron Swanson Mona Lisa

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 04:00 PM PST

Add this to the Swanson Pyramid of Greatness. After all, it's full, thick and square facial hair as well as thick and impenetrable torso. It's good to see that Leonardo da Vinci gave 100% and not 110% when he created this. Because 110% is impossible. Only idiots give that.

But don't cry at the beautiful sight of the Ron Swanson Mona Lisa. Because crying is only acceptable at funerals and the Grand Canyon.

Looping Vespa

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 03:00 PM PST


Indonesian artist Eddi Prabandono has a love for the eccentric and absurd. We've previously featued his 25-ton sculpture of his daughter's head. This piece, entitled "After Party #3," adds just a bit of sheet metal to a Vespa scooter.

Link | Artist Bio

Shriner Cookie Jar

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 02:00 PM PST

Shriner Cookie Jar 

Are your homemade cookies so delicious they can only be trusted to a member of an elite fraternal order? Place the Shriner Cookie Jar from the NeatoShop in charge. This deliciously fun cookie jar is shaped like a rosy cheeked gentleman wearing a fez and sport coat. 

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more great Kitchen Stuff


Borrowing Seeds From the Library

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 02:00 PM PST

Photo: Dylan Johns

Borrowing books from libraries is old hat. The new hotness is borrowing seeds to plant in your garden. That's what the Basalt Public Library and the Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute in Colorado are offering:

Here's how it works: A library card gets you a packet of seeds. You then grow the fruits and vegetables, harvest the new seeds from the biggest and best, and return those seeds so the library can lend them out to others.

NPR's Salt Blog has the story, but no mention on what happens if your plantings failed to produce the seed that you need to return to the library: Link

More of Ol' Jay's Brainteasers

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 01:00 PM PST

Uh-oh. It looks like Jay has written the BRI team into another bunch of puzzles. Let's see how we do.


Kait is the newest member of the BRI team. To test out whether whether we were really as smart as she's heard (we're not), she asked us a math question that even her 11-year-old son C.J. answered correctly: "Three Bathroom Readers are stacked vertically next to each other on a bookshelf, with their spines facing out. The covers of the books each measure 1/8". The pages of each book measures 2". If a bookworm starts eating at page one of the book on the left, then eats through the books in a straight line until he gets to the last page of the book on the right, how many inches of book will he have eaten?"


Uncle John strolled into the office and announced, "Civics quiz, everybody!" After we whined a bit, he asked a question that sounded tough, but he assured us it was not. "According to the U.S. Constitution," he said, "five conditions must be met for a candidate to become president. He or she must: 1) be born in the United States, 2) be 35 years old or more, 3) be an American citizen, and 4) have resided in the U.S. for at least 14 years. What's the fifth condition? You may think you don't know it, but you do."


Julia is riding a horse. Directly to her left is a hippo traveling at the same speed. In front of her is an elephant, also traveling at the same speed. Following behind her -at the same speed- is a lion. And to her right is a ledge. How will Julia make it to safety?


JoAnn, Melinda, and Monica each purchased a new home in Porcelain Estates, an exclusive community consisting of nine shiny houses. But the builders forgot to add an important part of the houses, forcing the three new homeowners to buy the part at the hardware store. One thousand would have cost $4.00. Fifty would have cost $2.00. But JoAnn, Melinda, and Monica needed only one each and paid a combined total of $3.00. What did the builders forget to add?


Two-eyed Jeff was sitting in a chair in the middle of the room. One-eyed Jeff walked up and said, "I'll bet you a dollar that before I run around your chair three times, you'll get up. And I promise I won't push you or throw things at you. When you get up, it will be by choice." Two-eyed Jeff took the bet, thinking he'd make an easy dollar. But it was soon obvious that One-eyed Jeff had won. Why?


Amy challenged us with this classic riddle:

Black as night I'll always be,
Until my mother smothers me.
Then clear as ice I will become
In the rough. Thank you, Mum!
What am I?


Thom drove all the way from Crappo, Maryland, to Flushing, New York, without realizing that his car had a flat tire, but arrived safely with four fully inflated tires. How?


vTrying to figure out the answers to these questions tired us out, but then along came Angie with a large pot of freshly brewed coffee. Yay! "I can give you one gallon," she said. "But you'll have to measure it out yourselves." Then she handed us a three-gallon bucket and a five-gallon bucket. As we were sitting there dumbfounded, Maggie told us not to worry -she'd do it. How?

Continue reading when you want to see the answers.

Highlight the area after the teaser title to see the answer.


The bookworm only eats through 2.5 inches of book. That's because he started at page one of the book on the left (which is facing the right side) and only has to eat through the front cover of book 1, the back cover of book 2, all of the pages of book 2, then through the front cover of book 2, then through the back cover of book 3. At that point, he will have reached the last page of book 3 and can stop eating.


The person must also be elected.


Julia will just have to wait until the merry-go-round ride ends …and then dismount.


The house address numbers were missing. Each number costs $1.00. So 1000 would have cost $4.00 and 50 would have cost $2.00. But since their new neighborhood only had nine houses, their addresses were a single number, costing them a total of $3.00.


One-eyed Jeff ran around the chair twice and then said, "I'll be back in a week to run around it a third time," knowing that Two-eyed Jeff wouldn't be able to sit there for an entire week.


The answer is coal, which starts out black, but becomes a diamond in the rough after Mother Earth "smothers" it for a few million years. Thanks, Mom!


The flat tire was Thom's spare tire -in his trunk the whole time.


Maggie filled the three-gallon bucket with coffee and then poured it into the five-gallon bucket. Then she filled the three-gallon bucket again and carefully poured it into the five-gallon bucket until it was full, leaving exactly one gallon of coffee in the three-gallon bucket. And then we had coffee!


The article above is reprinted with permission from Uncle John's Unsinkable Bathroom Reader. The Bathroom Readers' Institute has sailed the seas of science, history, pop culture, humor, and more to bring you Uncle John's Unsinkable Bathroom Reader. Our 21st edition is overflowing with over 500 pages of material that is sure to keep you fully absorbed.

Since 1988, the Bathroom Reader Institute has published a series of popular books containing irresistible bits of trivia and obscure yet fascinating facts. Check out their website here: Bathroom Reader Institute.

Why Atheists Need A Temple

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 12:00 PM PST

Even if religion isn't true, asserted writer and philosopher Alain de Botton, why can't we enjoy the best bits? To that end (and to circumvent the "boring debate between fundamentalist believers and non-believers" about religion and God), de Botton proposed in his new book "Religion for Atheists" that what atheism needs are ... temples!

As religions have always known, a beautiful building is an indispensable part of getting your message across. Books alone won’t do it.

De Botton argues that you definitely don’t need a god or gods to justify a temple.

You can build a temple to anything that’s positive and good. That could mean: a temple to love, friendship, perspective, calm, generosity…

This proposal is part of a wider argument de Botton makes that atheists should stop being merely negative about religion and engage with what people actually enjoy about religion. They should then copy it – simply without the God-bit.

With architect Tom Greenall and artist Jordan Jon Hodgson, de Botton proposed a Temple to Perspective, a 150-foot (46 m) tall black tower in the heart of the City of London. Each centimeter of the tower's height equates to one million years of life. At the bottom, there's a single line of gold - no more than a millimeter thick - that represents the entire existence of humankind.


The Breaking Bad Tour of Albuquerque

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 11:00 AM PST



Josh Kurp and photographer Nadia Chaudhury went to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to see the places where the TV series Breaking Bad is shot. They saw (and photographed) plenty of locations, and since the show was in production at the time, they also got to meet series star Bryan Cranston. You can take the tour yourself, in a virtual sense, at Uproxx. May contain spoilers for those not up-to-date on the series. Link

(Images credit: Nadia Chaudhury)

LEGO Hogwarts by Alice Finch

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 10:00 AM PST

Now this is fantastic! Seattle LEGO builder Alice Finch spent a year building a replica of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter book series out of 400,000 pieces of LEGO.

It would've been impressive enough had she just built the exterior of the building, but Alice also recreated the interior in stunning details. The Brothers Brick interviewed the LEGO artist:

TBB: Do you have any idea how many bricks you used?

AF: 400,000 bricks give or take a few. When dealing with this large of a structure, it is very difficult to know how many bricks there are. Some experienced builders have said more, some less, so this is about the middle of the guesses. I do know there are about 10,000 bricks just in the big central staircase to give you a sense of scale. It is built in the shape of an L, where each side is about 13 feet (nearly 4 meters) long.

TBB: That’s a lot of bricks. How much did it cost, and where did you get all that LEGO?

AF: I do not know how much it costs and I don’t really want to know, although lots of other people do. I have ordered most of the tan by the box, and many other parts by the hundreds or thousands from all over the world. For example, most of the sand green roof slopes came from Germany.

Feast in the Great Hall

Potions Classroom

Grand Staircase

Transfiguration Classroom

Hungarian Horntail: there are 3,500 cones on the roof of the Grand Staircase

Wobbly Bridge and Stone Circle


Take a look at Alice's Flickr set for more, then head on over to The Brothers Brick fo the rest of the story: Link

Rope Swinging in a Canyon

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 09:00 AM PST

(YouTube link)

Devin Graham, also known as devinsupertramp, brings us the adventures of a group of extreme cliff jumpers and their 300-foot rope swing. And they did it over and over to make sure they got all the right camera angles. You can see a behind-the-scenes video with more information. Do not try this! I saw Wile E. Coyote pull this stunt in a film more than once, and it always ended with him slamming face-first into the cliff wall.  -Thanks, Dallin Smith!

Mr. T's Commandments

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 08:00 AM PST

I pity the fool who missed Augie Pagan's awesome rendition of Mr. T keepin' it simple with the T Commandments: "Drink Yo Milk" and "Stay in School." Link - via Popped Culture

Greatest Love Story Ever Told - Cinderella

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 07:00 AM PST

Greatest Love Story Ever Told - Cinderella

Attention Cinderella fans. Celebrate your love of this 1950 Walt Disney classic film with the Greatest Love Story Ever Told - Cinderella sculpture from the NeatoShop. This highly collectible piece showcases Prince Charming kissing Cinderella's hand. It is part of the Storybook Princess Collection by artist Jim Shore. The sculpture is double-sided and features amazing hand-painted details.

Undersea Dreaming - The Little Mermaid and Love Endures Beauty and the Beast sculptures also available. Buy all three and make it an incredible set. 

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more fantastic Disney items. 


My Costume? I'm George Lucas

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 07:00 AM PST

(YouTube link)

Todd Bieber tells the story of how he entered a Star Wars costume contest at a movie premiere by declaring himself to be George Lucas. That makes him a hero to the audience …until they actually watched The Phantom Menace. Contains some NSFW language. -via Laughing Squid

Pop Culture Bridal Bouquets

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 06:00 AM PST

Angry Birds


RBK Creations (the initials stand for real bad kitty) makes custom bouquets and boutineers out of felt and satin. I want to attend a wedding where Animal officiates.

Link -via When Geeks Wed

A Few Things You May Not Know About Seth MacFarlane

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 05:00 AM PST

Seth MacFarlane made quite a splash as the host of the Academy Awards Show.  You'll soon know more about him, as Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website.

v(Image credit: Flickr user Gage Skidmore)

Seth MacFarlane is the highest-paid talent in the history of the animation industry. He started his professional animation career writing for the Cartoon Network's various shows, including Johnny Bravo, Cow and Chicken, and Dexter's Laboratory. But he really put his name ion the animation map with the creation of his series Family Guy, which made its debut in 1999. Cancelled twice, Family Guy survived both times, and is now rightly acknowledged as one of (if not "the") funniest cartoon shows in the history of television. Seth voices several characters on the show, switching back-and-forsth from one character to another, as if possessed.

He also created the shows American Dad (2005) and The Cleveland Show (2009). Seth made his feature film debut ion 2011 with the smash hit Ted, voicing the title role of a smart ass, wise-cracking teddy bear. Okay, let's take a look at a few things you may not have known about the multi-talented Seth MacFarlane.

* His full name is Seth Woodbury MacFarlane. The Woodbury comes from a beloved town drunk in Gardiner, Maine, where his mother's family was raised.

* He started his animation career at the ripe old age of two, drawing his first cartoon characters.

* MacFarlane didn't drink his first beer until he was 23.

* His favorite group is Queen, who he considers a superior group to the Beatles. He says his friends really give it to him on this one!

* MacFarlane doesn't really watch TV much, but loves movies, including the films of Woody Allen, the Bob Hope and Bing Crosby "Road" pictures, John Wayne's Red River, Caddyshack, and Steve Martin's The Jerk.

* His all-time favorite movie is The Sound of Music.

* MacFarlane was scheduled to be a passenger on American Airlines flight 11 on September 11, 2001. His travel agent mistakenly told him his flight was at 8:15 AM, when it was actually a 7:45 AM flight. This misinformation caused him to miss the flight. Tragically, flight 11 was hijacked by terrorists and flown into the World Trade Center, killing all passengers. After hearing about the tragedy, Seth was able to get through to his parents and inform them that he was alright.

* In 2004, People magazine included him in its "Sexiest man Alive" issue.

v* MacFarlane is a skilled pianist, and has a nine-foot piano at home which he plays every night after work.

* He discovered Frank Sinatra while in college and is a huge fan of "Old Blue Eyes." He once threw a "Rat pack" themed party and hired Frank Sinatra, Jr. to perform.

* A gifted singer who has performed at Carnegie Hall, Seth released his first album of classic standards Music is Better Than Words in 2011. He recorded his songs on a microphone once used by Frank Sinatra and was trained by a couple in their 90s who had trained Frank.

* MacFarlane has a huge desk at home, which he never uses for writing. "Ever since I was a kid, I've always used the kitchen counter."

* According to his Family Guy co-star Alex Borstein, who play's Peter's wife Lois, Seth's tastes in pop culture are "very retro." He "doesn't have email, doesn't own a computer, and despises most new music."

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