

7 Little Ways To Change Your Life.. Meditation For Stress.. Accessing Your Intuition

April 3, 2013
Just like a loaf of bread that's been left out too long, life can sometimes seem stale if we let routine take over. We get comfortable with what is and ignore what could be. Being present is important -- it's the foundation of Power Living and experiencing the special moments in life. However, actively claiming your future is key to growth. Balancing the two modes is the trick. Whether you're looking for a complete overhaul or simply a fresh outlook, here are seven ways to renew your life today:
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In Praise of Not Planning
I have taken pride in my ability to plan. Whether the plan is big (when and how to buy a house or get a graduate degree) or small (where and when to go on vacation and the details of what to do), planning plays to my strengths. Scope it out, write it down, follow the script. Continue reading...
How to Connect With Your Intuition
Checking in with your intuition is a matter of checking in with your body and energy. What do you feel when a big decision or opportunity is presented to you? Not what you think you feel or think you should feel. Continue reading...
Why the World Needs You to Be the Real You!
Being the real you might cause some discomfort and change. Not everyone will like it when you are more connected and genuine. That's okay. You will now attract just the right people -- those who will love you, support you, and lift you up. Continue reading...
A Formula for Making the Law of Attraction Work for You
The only things holding us back are our repetitive thoughts of doubt and negativity which, with some determination, can completely turn around into repetitive thoughts of possibility, in which we have sole creative control. Continue reading...
The Fitness Myths That Hold You Back, and How to Succeed
There is no question that in order to become skillful at any sport or fitness activity, you need to participate in and practice the activity. But if that is all that is required -- practice, practice, practice -- how come not everyone that practices a lot excels at what they do? Continue reading...

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