

Hope Fades.. Death Of Freedom.. A Cruel, Cold Month

April 29, 2013
SAVAR, Bangladesh - Rescue workers in Bangladesh gave up hopes of finding any more survivors in the remains of a building that collapsed five days ago, and began using heavy machinery on Monday to dislodge the rubble and look for bodies -- mostly of workers in garment factories there. Continue reading...
Is the Bangladesh Factory Too Far for Us to Care?
The death toll from the collapse of a garment factory in Bangladesh now stands at over 350 people. In a wonderfully sensitive essay, Jian Ghomeshi raised the question of proximity when it came to our response to human tragedies. Distance may have become arbitrary, but how we draw the lines to connect our dots to one another has not. We can easily grieve, and most rightfully so, with the victims of Boston because we can all picture ourselves there. A feeling of complete and utter vulnerability. But when it's market forces or the lack of regulations that inflict terror, how are we to feel? Continue reading...
Can You Respect a Religion You Disagree With?
How can the adherent of any religion (or even the atheist) -- who believes that his faith (or lack thereof) defines the true reality and offers the correct perspective on what is ethically and morally correct -- even accept a value of freedom of religion when it permits behaviour that this person deems incorrect? Continue reading...
Don't Let Quebec Get Away With This
The government of Quebec is attempting yet again to further its agenda of imposing the supremacy of one language group above human rights. We are getting perilously close to losing this country if we continue to appease Quebec by giving in to these violations. Continue reading...
You Got Me What for Mothers Day?!
At PTPA, we are all about being a family friendly resource so we took to the streets (okay, we took it online) to over 400 moms and asked them some questions about their best/worst gifts and what their ideal mothers day would include in the hopes that the men out there will read this and heed our warnings and suggestions! Continue reading...
This Is What Would Happen If You Didn't Pay Your Taxes
If you don't pay your taxes, Canada Revenue Agency will send you letters asking for their money. They won't give up, and if you owe a large amount and don't pay, they have the power to freeze your bank account, garnishee your wages, and put a lien on your house. Continue reading...

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