

Webinar: The US Economic Effect on Service Providers

This week's FierceTelecom is brought to you by Equifax.


Webinar: The US Economic Effect on Service Providers – An Equifax Outlook

Date: Monday, April 15th 2013  |  Time: 2pm ET / 11 am PT  | Duration: 1 hour  |  Register Now!

The year is off and running and it's necessary to keep the big-picture in perspective as it relates to the US economy. You'll gain a clearer understanding of current and future economic indicators along with a high-level analysis of the big issues facing markets today. It's a data-driven market forecast that can strategically advance your performance by discussing how macro trends impact your day to day business.

  Attend this concise discussion, and you will explore:
  • Key economic issues facing markets today including the sequester and its potential impact on the U.S. economy
  • Vital market trends and year-over-year performance metrics in the areas of employment, consumer spending, consumer credit, mortgages and more
  • Broader business implications of current and forecasted consumer trends and how to realistically align your performance goals with those trends

Equifax speaker Amy Crews Cutts, PhD, Senior Vice President & Chief Economist, Equifax

Register for this Webinar Today

Can't attend?
Sign up here for full access to the on-demand presentation and slides available after the live event.

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Contact jfordi@fiercemarkets.com or call 202-824-5041.


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