

West-East Pipeline.. Euro Contagion Spreads.. India's Rich And Taxes.. 'Racist' Lego

April 2, 2013
CALGARY - TransCanada Corp. is trying to determine whether there is enough interest in its proposal to convert its existing natural gas pipeline and ship oil from Alberta as far east as New Brunswick. Continue reading...
They're Not Lovin' It: Striking Workers May Be McDonald's Worst Nightmare
McDonald's workers across the country are demanding that the company take responsibility for the working conditions it puts in place, and begin paying workers a living wage. Continue reading...
Undercover Shopper: Apple vs. Microsoft Store
I felt bad for the Microsoft Store. The devices and accessories looked sharp and smart. But they were heavy to hold and didn't work as advertised. Continue reading...
The Next Media Gamechanger
The biggest heist in history was when newspapers and magazines allowed Google to "crawl" their content to readers, to pay nothing and to sell ads around their stories. Google became, in other words, the ubiquitous newspaper right under the noses of proprietors who should have charged. Continue reading...
How Startups Could Fix Canada's Consumer Debt Problem
The banks aren't going to innovative. It wasn't Blockbuster that disrupted the movie rental business. It wasn't the record companies that revolutionized the music industry's business model. If we're going to find a solution, we need more startups introducing compelling alternatives. Continue reading...
Five Tips For Landing the Job You Want
In just a few weeks, the latest batch of millennials will graduate from post-secondary institutions across the country in one of the most challenging job markets young Canadians have ever faced. Below are some tips I offer soon-to-be and recent grads as they enter the workforce. Continue reading...

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