

Why You Shouldn't Stay Together For The Kids

April 3, 2013
Stay together for the sake of the kids? Generations of miserable parents followed that advice, hoping their sacrifices would pay off for their children in the end. In my opinion, parental divorce is preferable to years of living in a home where parents fight, disrespect one another and children are surrounded by sadness and anger.  Continue reading...
8 Signs You're Addicted To Love
Whether you're addicted to a substance or a person, the effects of addiction are similar in that they are harmful and have far reaching, negative consequences. Continue reading...
Why I Went To Bat For My Ex (And You Should Too)
I understand how angry people can feel in the midst of a divorce, how vicious they can behave when they feel hated, betrayed and cheated. Because when I got divorced, I shared many of those sentiments. Continue reading...
Why Children May Feel Cheated By Their Dads
The "Uncle Dad Syndrome" is not just about indulging the kids. It's the entire personality of this dad and how he parents. Continue reading...
How To Tell The Kids You're Dating
Telling your children that you are beginning to date or introducing them to a new man in your life be stressful -- for both you and the kids! Continue reading...
Are Men Threatened By Their Wives' Success?
Traditional assumptions about gender roles may be weakening in today's marriages, but they are going strong in divorce. Women who were the higher-earners in their marriage don't want to pay alimony, and many men are uncomfortable receiving it. Continue reading...

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