

Did Florida Just Pass An Unenforceable Texting Ban?

May 3, 2013
Florida is just a signature away from banning texting while driving, joining 39 other states and D.C which already have restrictions on held-hand use behind the wheel. Continue reading...
America's Real Deficit Crisis
Are you busy right now? Are you already behind on what you wanted to accomplish today? Or this week? Or this year? Are you hoping this will be a short post so you can get back to the million things on your to-do list that are breathing down your neck? Okay, I'll get on with it: Our culture is obsessed with time. This is our real deficit crisis, and one that, unlike the more commonly discussed deficit, is actually getting worse. In fact, researchers have given this crisis a name: "time famine." And feeling like you're experiencing a time famine has very real consequences, including increased stress and diminished satisfaction with your life. On the flip side, one can enjoy "time affluence," the feeling of having enough time, or even a surplus of time. So how about redefining success to include a third metric, beyond money and power -- time affluence, which will lead, without doubt, to greater well-being and deeper wisdom. Continue reading...
Going Green, Shrinking the State: Florida Leads the Way
With the stroke of his pen on a piece of insurance reform legislation, Florida governor Rick Scott will soon have the opportunity to begin writing another chapter to a rich and under-appreciated history of small-government environmentalism. Continue reading...
ReThink Review: Pain & Gain -- Meatheads and Mayhem
With a $25 million budget that's probably less than what a Transformers sequel spends on fake sweat for Shia LaBeouf, Pain & Gain tells the true story of a trio of Miami weightlifters whose dreams of quick money turned into a crime spree. Continue reading...
On the Fly: Breaking Up With Your Phone Number
We have a relationship with our phone numbers. We are engaged in an unrealistic romance with them where we boast of our fidelity to them and then abuse them with complete disrespect. Heck, we are so attached to them that we even use them to define ourselves. Continue reading...
Steve Lawler Q&A: On DJing, Fatherhood and the Problem With 'EDM'
The Birmingham native is one of England's most accomplished veterans in the house and techno world, a globe-trotting DJ who is on the road nearly every weekend of the year. Continue reading...

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