

Innovation in Drug Discovery Challenge: Harnessing Endocytosis for Drug Discovery

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Innovation in Drug Discovery Challenge: Harnessing Endocytosis for Drug Discovery

Active transport via endocytosis is a key process for drugs larger than traditional small molecules to enter or pass through cells. A lack of mechanistic understanding of this pathway -- and most importantly how drugs can intercept and use it -- has hindered efforts to rationally develop new classes of macromolecular drugs against targets that are inside cells or protected by a cellular barrier.

Following up on the recent SciBX Summit on Innovation in Drug Discovery & Development in the field of Macrocycles and Constrained Peptides, SciBX, in collaboration with InnoCentive, is asking the larger scientific community to propose ideas that will help progress the understanding of how large therapeutic molecules can effectively intercept and use the endocytosis process to achieve class-wide cell permeability.

Make your ideas on drug transport and endocytosis count! The winner of this Challenge will receive a $5,000 cash prize.

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to read more about this Challenge.
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