| | | | Volume 21, Issue 6 (June 2013) | | In this issue Editorial In This Issue Research Highlights Commentaries Review Original Articles
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*Terms & conditions apply | | | | | | Editorial | Top | | Introducing Molecular Therapy— Methods & Clinical DevelopmentRobert M Frederickson and Malcolm K Brenner Mol Ther 2013 21: 1105; 10.1038/mt.2013.97 Full Text | | In This Issue | Top | | In This IssueMol Ther 2013 21: 1106; 10.1038/mt.2013.98 Full Text | | Research Highlights | Top | | Research HighlightsMol Ther 2013 21: 1107; 10.1038/mt.2013.99 Full Text | | Commentaries | Top | | FX and Host Defense Evasion Tactics by AdenovirusAndrew H Baker, Stuart A Nicklin and Dmitry M Shayakhmetov Mol Ther 2013 21: 1109-1111; 10.1038/mt.2013.100 Full Text | | | | The Expanding Repertoire of Circular RNAsPaul N Valdmanis and Mark A Kay Mol Ther 2013 21: 1112-1114; 10.1038/mt.2013.101 Full Text | | | | T Lymphocytes Are Not ImmuneGianpietro Dotti Mol Ther 2013 21: 1114-1115; 10.1038/mt.2013.102 Full Text | | | | Further Proof for an Unpopular Concept: A Single Cell From Bone Marrow Can Serve as a Stem Cell for Both Hematopoiesis and OsteogenesisDarwin J Prockop Mol Ther 2013 21: 1116-1117; 10.1038/mt.2013.103 Full Text | | Review | Top | | Endocytosis of Gene Delivery Vectors: From Clathrin-dependent to Lipid Raft-mediated EndocytosisAyman El-Sayed and Hideyoshi Harashima Mol Ther 2013 21: 1118-1130; advance online publication, April 16, 2013; 10.1038/mt.2013.54 Abstract | Full Text | | Original Articles | Top | | Transient Photoreceptor Deconstruction by CNTF Enhances rAAV-Mediated Cone Functional Rescue in Late Stage CNGB3-AchromatopsiaAndrás M Komáromy, Jessica S Rowlan, Amanda T Parton Corr, Shelby L Reinstein, Sanford L Boye, Ann E Cooper, Amaliris Gonzalez, Britt Levy, Rong Wen, William W Hauswirth, William A Beltran and Gustavo D Aguirre Mol Ther 2013 21: 1131-1141; advance online publication, April 9, 2013; 10.1038/mt.2013.50 Abstract | Full Text | | | | Mouse Otocyst Transuterine Gene Transfer Restores Hearing in Mice With Connexin 30 Deletion-associated Hearing LossToru Miwa, Ryosei Minoda, Momoko Ise, Takao Yamada and Eiji Yumoto Mol Ther 2013 21: 1142-1150; advance online publication, April 16, 2013; 10.1038/mt.2013.62 Abstract | Full Text | | | | TALEN-based Gene Correction for Epidermolysis BullosaMark J Osborn, Colby G Starker, Amber N McElroy, Beau R Webber, Megan J Riddle, Lily Xia, Anthony P DeFeo, Richard Gabriel, Manfred Schmidt, Christof Von Kalle, Daniel F Carlson, Morgan L Maeder, J Keith Joung, John E Wagner, Daniel F Voytas, Bruce R Blazar and Jakub Tolar Mol Ther 2013 21: 1151-1159; advance online publication, April 2, 2013; 10.1038/mt.2013.56 Abstract | Full Text | | | | Mature T-cell Lymphomagenesis Induced by Retroviral Insertional Activation of Janus Kinase 1Tim Heinrich, Benjamin Rengstl, Alexander Muik, Mina Petkova, Frederike Schmid, Robin Wistinghausen, Kathrin Warner, Giuliano Crispatzu, Martin-Leo Hansmann, Marco Herling, Dorothee von Laer and Sebastian Newrzela Mol Ther 2013 21: 1160-1168; advance online publication, April 23, 2013; 10.1038/mt.2013.67 Abstract | Full Text | | | | Liposome Delivery of MicroRNA-145 to Mesenchymal Stem Cells Leads to Immunological Off-target Effects Mediated by RIG-ITommy A Karlsen and Jan E Brinchmann Mol Ther 2013 21: 1169-1181; advance online publication, April 9, 2013; 10.1038/mt.2013.55 Abstract | Full Text | | | | Nanoparticle-mediated Gene Silencing Confers Radioprotection to Salivary Glands In VivoSzilvia Arany, Danielle SW Benoit, Stephen Dewhurst and Catherine E Ovitt Mol Ther 2013 21: 1182-1194; advance online publication, March 19, 2013; 10.1038/mt.2013.42 Abstract | Full Text | | | | Gene Silencing via RNAi and siRNA Quantification in Tumor Tissue Using MEND, a Liposomal siRNA Delivery SystemYu Sakurai, Hiroto Hatakeyama, Yusuke Sato, Mamoru Hyodo, Hidetaka Akita and Hideyoshi Harashima Mol Ther 2013 21: 1195-1203; advance online publication, April 9, 2013; 10.1038/mt.2013.57 Abstract | Full Text | | | | Chemically Modified Synthetic microRNA-205 Inhibits the Growth of Melanoma Cells In Vitro and In VivoShunsuke Noguchi, Junya Iwasaki, Minami Kumazaki, Takashi Mori, Kohji Maruo, Hiroki Sakai, Nami Yamada, Kazuyuki Shimada, Tomoki Naoe, Yukio Kitade and Yukihiro Akao Mol Ther 2013 21: 1204-1211; advance online publication, April 30, 2013; 10.1038/mt.2013.70 Abstract | Full Text | | | | Oncolytic Adenovirus With Temozolomide Induces Autophagy and Antitumor Immune Responses in Cancer PatientsIlkka Liikanen, Laura Ahtiainen, Mari LM Hirvinen, Simona Bramante, Vincenzo Cerullo, Petri Nokisalmi, Otto Hemminki, Iulia Diaconu, Sari Pesonen, Anniina Koski, Lotta Kangasniemi, Saila K Pesonen, Minna Oksanen, Leena Laasonen, Kaarina Partanen, Timo Joensuu, Fang Zhao, Anna Kanerva and Akseli Hemminki Mol Ther 2013 21: 1212-1223; advance online publication, April 2, 2013; 10.1038/mt.2013.51 Abstract | Full Text | | | | Transplanted Murine Long-term Repopulating Hematopoietic Cells Can Differentiate to Osteoblasts in the Marrow Stem Cell NicheTed J Hofmann, Satoru Otsuru, Roberta Marino, Valeria Rasini, Elena Veronesi, Alba Murgia, Jill Lahti, Kelli Boyd, Massimo Dominici and Edwin M Horwitz Mol Ther 2013 21: 1224-1231; advance online publication, April 16, 2013; 10.1038/mt.2013.36 Abstract | Full Text | | | | HLA Engineering of Human Pluripotent Stem CellsLaura Riolobos, Roli K Hirata, Cameron J Turtle, Pei-Rong Wang, German G Gornalusse, Maja Zavajlevski, Stanley R Riddell and David W Russell Mol Ther 2013 21: 1232-1241; advance online publication, April 30, 2013; 10.1038/mt.2013.59 Abstract | Full Text | | | | Inhibition of PTEN Tumor Suppressor Promotes the Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem CellsJiyuan Liao, Tomotoshi Marumoto, Saori Yamaguchi, Shinji Okano, Naoki Takeda, Chika Sakamoto, Hirotaka Kawano, Takenobu Nii, Shohei Miyamoto, Yoko Nagai, Michiyo Okada, Hiroyuki Inoue, Kohichi Kawahara, Akira Suzuki, Yoshie Miura and Kenzaburo Tani Mol Ther 2013 21: 1242-1250; advance online publication, April 9, 2013; 10.1038/mt.2013.60 Abstract | Full Text | | | | Bone Marrow Cells Expressing Clara Cell Secretory Protein Increase Epithelial Repair After Ablation of Pulmonary Clara CellsMTOpenMartha L Bustos, Marco Mura, Paula Marcus, David Hwang, Olga Ludkovski, Amy P Wong and Thomas K Waddell Mol Ther 2013 21: 1251-1258; advance online publication, April 23, 2013; 10.1038/mt.2013.53 Abstract | Full Text | | | | Genomic Editing of the HIV-1 Coreceptor CCR5 in Adult Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells Using Zinc Finger NucleasesMTOpenLijing Li, Ludmila Krymskaya, Jianbin Wang, Jill Henley, Anitha Rao, Lan-Feng Cao, Chy-Anh Tran, Monica Torres-Coronado, Agnes Gardner, Nancy Gonzalez, Kenneth Kim, Pei-Qi Liu, Ursula Hofer, Evan Lopez, Philip D Gregory, Qing Liu, Michael C Holmes, Paula M Cannon, John A Zaia and David L DiGiusto Mol Ther 2013 21: 1259-1269; advance online publication, April 16, 2013; 10.1038/mt.2013.65 Abstract | Full Text | | | | CD34+ Expansion With Delta-1 and HOXB4 Promotes Rapid Engraftment and Transfusion Independence in a Macaca nemestrina Cord Blood Transplant ModelKorashon L Watts, Colleen Delaney, Veronica Nelson, Grant D Trobridge, Brian C Beard, R Keith Humphries and Hans-Peter Kiem Mol Ther 2013 21: 1270-1278; advance online publication, April 16, 2013; 10.1038/mt.2013.40 Abstract | Full Text | | | | Phase 1/2 Open-label Dose-escalation Study of Plasmid DNA Expressing Two Isoforms of Hepatocyte Growth Factor in Patients With Painful Diabetic Peripheral NeuropathySenda Ajroud-Driss, Mark Christiansen, Jeffrey A Allen and John A Kessler Mol Ther 2013 21: 1279-1286; advance online publication, April 23, 2013; 10.1038/mt.2013.69 Abstract | Full Text | | | | | Please note that you need to be a subscriber or site-license holder to enjoy full-text access to Molecular Therapy. 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