

Update | Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, Sales & Customer Service Judging, How to Help Women Advance

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Schedule Revised for First Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards
  It's Time to Judge the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service
  Top 5 Ways Employers Can Help Women Advance, by HR Awards Winner Randstad
  IN BRIEF: German Stevie Awards Are Coming; Apply to Judge Stevie Awards Competitions.
  Upcoming Stevie Awards Calendar
Schedule Revised for First Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards


We have decided to change the schedule for the 2014 Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards, to allow more time to solicit entries, recruit judges, and ensure that the first edition of these awards are a success.

APSA LogoThe Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards are the first new Stevie Awards program to be launched in seven years.  The competition is open to all organizations operating in the 22 nations of the Asia-Pacific region.  The website at Asia.StevieAwards.com is available in seven languages, and entries may be submitted in, and will be judged in, all of those languages.  The competition features 18 categories.  Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners will be chosen on a national basis, and Grand Stevie winners on a regional basis.

Here is the revised schedule:

The entry deadline that was originally scheduled for December 4 has been changed to February 19.

The late entry deadline, originally scheduled for January 21, has been changed to March 12.

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It's Time to Judge the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service


The first round of judging has begun for the 2014 (8th annual) Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, and we invite you to apply to participate in the judging.

Learn more and apply to be a judge here.

SASCS LogoThe Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service are the world's top honors for customer service, contact center, business development, and sales professionals. The first round of judging, to determine the Finalists, will continue through January 19. As a judge you'll be able to judge online at any time, day or night, at your convenience. You'll read and rate many inspiring and motivating case studies about sales and customer service success around the world.

All judges will be acknowledged on the awards website and in the awards banquet program book, and will receive a certificate of appreciation, suitable for framing. The two judges who score the most entries will be offered two free tickets to the February 21 awards banquet at the Bellagio in Las Vegas.

There are many entries to be judged now, and there'll be even more to review after the January 14 final entry deadline.

Apply to be a judge today!

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Top 5 Ways Employers Can Help Women Advance, by HR Awards Winner Randstad


Randstad, the second largest HR services and staffing company in the world, won two Stevie Awards in The 2013 American Business Awards: a Gold Stevie for HR Executive of the Year in the Human Resources awards categories; and a Silver Stevie for Brand Experience of the Year in the Marketing awards categories. (Entries to The 2014 American Business Awards are now being accepted. Find out more here.)

Randstad recently published a survey showing how important a factor it is for a company to have women in positions of leadership when it comes to their prospective employees.  We asked Randstad for more information from their survey.

Lisa CrawfordEqual pay, more visible female leadership, and more family-friendly work policies are among the most beneficial ways in which companies can help women advance, according to male and female respondents to the latest Randstad US Employee Engagement Index study. More than three-quarters (76%) of the women surveyed felt whether a company “has women in positions of leadership” is important when considering taking a position with a new company.

When asked about the ways in which their company could best help women advance to leadership levels, following were the top 5 responses:

  1. Not surprisingly, equal pay was cited most often among women (49%) and men (37%).

  2. Having more women in leadership positions was the second most cited (named by 34% of women and 31% of men).
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IN BRIEF: German Stevie Awards Are Coming; Apply to Judge Stevie Awards Competitions.

The Stevie Awards will soon launch its sixth awards program, the German Stevie Awards. This program will be open exclusively to organizations operating in Germany. Join the mailing list for these awards and we'll send you the entry kit next year, as soon as it's available...

You're invited to apply to be a preliminary-round judge in the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service and/or the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards. As a judge you'll see how many individuals and organizations around the world are innovating and achieving success, and you'll receive a certificate of appreciation suitable for framing...

Upcoming Stevie Awards Calendar

December 18: Second early-bird entry deadline for 2014 American Business Awards

January 14: Final entry deadline for Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

January 20 : Entries open for IPRA's Golden World Awards for PR Excellence, managed by the Stevie Awards

February 19: Entry deadline for Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

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