

Expert advice: Licensing for Windows 8, Office, and DaaS

Track Microsoft Licensing for Desktops Running Windows 8, Office 2013
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Microsoft licensing schemes are constantly changing and always complicated – each version of Windows, Office, and other Microsoft applications brings new editions and options for payment and licensing. And if you're thinking about virtualization, licensing can play a huge role in your strategy.

In this three-part handbook, take a look at what enterprises need to know about licensing for Windows 8 and Office 2013 and how it affects Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS). Hear from experts including consultant Paul DeGroot and SearchVirtualDesktop editor Alyssa Wood on topics including:
  • Licensing rules updated for Windows 8
  • Software assurance and remote access rights for Office 2013
  • Why licensing prevents DaaS from really taking off
  • And more


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