

Make money EVERY time Wal-Mart sells a product

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Make money EVERY time Wal-Mart sells a product
By Briton Ryle | Thursday, October 2nd, 2014

Briton RyleWal-Mart, one of the world’s leading retailers, made roughly $10 billion last year in online sales.

That amounts to nearly $1 billion per month.

And thanks to a now-available profit loophole known as "Internet Royalties," you can legally skim a small amount of cash off of each sale Wal-Mart makes and deposit it into your bank account.

Now, the portion you earn per sale won’t be a lot. In fact, it’ll likely amount to something in the neighborhood of 1/40th of a cent.

But while that may seem like a tiny amount — and it is — consider this:

If you were to earn just 1/40th of a cent EVERY time Wal-Mart sells something online this month, you’d pull in $2,500, free and clear.

Do it every month, and you’re looking at $30,000 per year in pure profits.

Some folks are already using this strategy to make some HUGE payouts...

  • In May of 2014, Jerry L. Martin received a check for $153,406 thanks to "Internet Royalties."
  • In January, Robert Webb collected $287,751 by taking advantage of this loophole.
  • And just before that, Thomas Teague pulled in $265,213 after learning about this secret.

Now, I realize those dollar figures are pretty staggering.

But that’s because this loophole allows you to take advantage of more than one company at a time.

After all, this isn’t limited to Wal-Mart alone.

Click here to see what other companies (including Netflix and Amazon) you can collect "royalties" from starting today.

Good Investing,

brit's sig

Briton Ryle
Managing Editor, The Wealth Advisory

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