Is it Really Possible to Live to Age 1,000?
For more than 10 years, scientists have been unlocking the mysteries of why some people live longer than others do. Now a tiny company located near the campus of MIT is using Nobel Prize-winning science to actually let us live radically longer than anyone ever believed possible. The science behind this is real. The new medical treatments are real. And the billions in future profits are real. Click here to see what this is all about. | |
Freedom vs. Liberty Andrew Snyder, Editorial Director, The Oxford Club We often hear about the idea of "financial freedom." I argue it's the most overused and ballyhooed phrase in the personal finance industry. In fact, following most of the mainstream advice that supposedly leads to financial freedom leads to nothing but mediocrity. Pay off your debt... Create a budget... Save your money... Hmmm... Earth-shattering ideas, right? That must be how Buffett made his fortune. Let me explain all of this in a different way. When I'm done, I think you'll clearly see where so many of these debt-free, get-rich-slowly pitches go wrong. Let's start by defining two key terms: freedom and liberty. We often think the two terms are interchangeable. Really, they are not. There are critical differences. Understanding them will change the way you think about money. Freedom is a word with German origin that simply means the ability to make decisions or perform actions without external control. But liberty, with its French roots, means freedom that has been granted by some sort of external element, typically our society or government. Boiled down... freedom is something we are born with. Liberty is something we must fight for.
This Week's Best-sellers:
"Hyper-Fi" Revenues Set to SKYROCKET Wi-Fi bandwidth is running out. Nobody's talking about this... but experts predict that our wireless traffic will soon leave us 2,800% over the network's capacity. That's a critical overload. That's where the next step in Wi-Fi's evolution comes in. It's a technological miracle. And it will completely revolutionize the $1.5 trillion market - very soon. You have mere days before the company with a monopoly on this technology blasts off. Get the details here.
Detroit... Atlanta... Baltimore... Bankrupt Pensions Could Jeopardize Your Retirement! The Motor City was just the first domino to fall. Others such as Atlanta, Baltimore and Providence are in line to tumble next. Of course, good old Uncle Sam (funded by your taxes) will end up bailing them out. But what happens when there's no money left for the rest of us? That's why we recommend you check out a new retirement plan. Over time you could see gains 6 to 21 times higher than you're getting now. Full details here. | |
For example, America's Founding Fathers believed freedom was a God-given right, and that it is up to the government to grant its citizens the liberties to take advantage of that right. But we argue they got it wrong. Yes, it's up to some sort of external force. But no government will ever grant true liberty. The true answer is wealth. Nothing has liberated more people than wealth. At this point, I hope you're seeing huge gaps between the ideas of financial freedom and liberty through wealth. By the very nature of our being, we all have the freedom to travel where we want and when we want, and to do what we want. We simply don't have the liberty to do it. And it's not our government holding us back. It's our wealth. Likewise, we're all free to pick the occupation we want. There's no law that says one person must be a teacher and another must be a doctor. If we've got the freedom, then why are most folks toiling at a job they don't love? You know the answer... It's because their wealth has not liberated them. In his book An Embarrassment of Riches, The Oxford Club's Chief Investment Strategist Alexander Green lists four primary benefits of wealth accumulation. They are all forms of liberty. The first is that, if you have money, you don't have everyday anxieties about it. "Folks who aren't sure they can make the rent, afford insurance or ever retire comfortably," he writes, "are plagued by worries that never cross the minds of those with some level of financial security." Money offers peace of mind. It's liberating. The second is that money liberates you to pursue your passions. "One of the reasons I was able to save a lot as a young man," Alex says, "is that my primary pastimes were reading, swimming, tennis and hiking. These require very little financial commitment." Because he focused on low-cost activities, it wasn't hard for Alex to liberate his passions, even with the limited wealth of youth. But as we mentioned above, it's not just our hobbies. Financial liberty also gives us the ability to take a job that may be less lucrative but more fulfilling. Third, we're all free to spend as much time with friends and family as we like. But it's money that truly liberates the idea. Only with wealth can you take advantage of your freedom. "And finally," Alex writes, "money is not just about doing well. It is also about doing good. You can aid a friend or family member who needs a helping hand. Or you can donate to some worthy cause." Again, we're all free to give until it hurts. But only wealth offers the liberty to make it happen. Of course, all of this begs a very tough question. How do you get there? The answer, from my own experience, is where the idea of "financial freedom" fails and "liberty through wealth" thrives. All those high-polished pitches for financial freedom are not wrong. But they are far from right. They'll get you out of poverty, but they won't get you where you truly want to go. They won't push you above mediocrity. To escape that trap, you absolutely must think differently. It takes risk. It takes a shrewd understanding of the markets. And it takes a very real commitment to build wealth. You already have freedom. You were born with it. Now you - and only you - must liberate it. Good investing, Andrew Snyder Editorial Director, The Oxford Club P.S. If you're looking for Steve McDonald's popular "Slap in the Face" Award (SITFA) segment, we have some good news and some bad news. First, the bad news: While Steve will continue to share his thoughts on bonds and other income-generating strategies with Investment U, the weekly SITFA video will no longer appear in our Sunday mailing. The good news, however, is that Steve will be producing MORE video content for our sister site Wealthy Retirement. The site has been growing by leaps and bounds lately. If you haven't checked it out, you can do so by clicking here. | |
| | On February 24, President Obama officially vetoed the Keystone XL. Did he make the right call? Our Energy and Infrastructure Strategist says no way. Read On... | |
| | Talk to the average investor on the street and you'll hear the same lament: "How can I earn a decent yield in this market?" The answer is simple. Read On... | |
| | It's hard to ignore the mainstream media - especially in times of crisis. But the unfortunate truth is that, for the long term, it's killing your ability to achieve liberty through wealth. Read On... | |
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