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Download embedded emails in a message in Gmail

Posted: 31 Aug 2015 01:11 PM PDT

Some third-party email clients can embed a whole message as an attachment. This creates a MIME part of "message/rfc822" content type. The content disposition header on these messages can be set to display either inline, or as a downloadable attachment typically with a .eml extension.

Previously, if the message was set to inline, the Gmail web UI showed the contents of the embedded message after the message's main text, prefaced with "Forwarded." However, if the embedded message was marked as an attachment, it would not be shown and instead only a download link for "noname.eml" would be shown.

With this launch, if the content disposition header is set as an attachment, these messages can now be viewed both as an inline expansion and as a full downloadable attachment. Please note that this new functionality works only for new messages.

Launch Details 
Release track:
Launched to both Rapid release and Scheduled release

Rollout pace: 
Full rollout (1-3 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Change management suggested/FYI

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

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Deprecating web hosting support in Google Drive

Posted: 31 Aug 2015 11:15 AM PDT

Beginning August 31, 2015, web hosting in Google Drive for users and developers will be deprecated. Google Apps customers can continue to use this feature for a period of one year until August 31, 2016, when serving content via googledrive.com/host/doc id will be discontinued.

In the time since web hosting in Drive was launched, a wide variety of public web content hosting services have emerged, and we think better options are available to people today. As a result, we have decided to discontinue this feature and focus on the core Drive and Google Apps experience.

For those who have used Drive to host websites, Google Domains can refer you to third parties for website hosting functionality. For those who use this feature to serve non-user content to web and mobile applications, Google Cloud Platform offers a solution for this purpose.

To identify active use of Drive web hosting in their domain, Google Apps admins can use the Account activity reports in the Admin console. These reports can pinpoint users who own items that are publicly shared in order for Admins to contact and assist them with alternate solutions.

Launch Details
Release track:  

Rollout pace: 

All end users

Admin action required

More Information
Help Center: Host webpages with Drive
Help Center: Account activity reports
Developer Documentation

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

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