

Another way to practice when you don't have your guitar

Guitar Control - Is Guitar Playing Your Passion? Serving Guitarists Since 2004
Another way to practice when you don't have your guitar

Claudius here and its a great day to be alive.

In the past I've talked about different ways you can improve your playing and musicianship when you don't have your instrument.

Stuff like music theory, fretboard visualization, rhythmic drills, etc.

Yeah, I'm kind of a guitar geek like that lol. Always thinking and philosomiphizing.

Here's another powerful thing that you can do if you're stuck at the office or something:

Work on memorizing song lyrics!

It REALLY helps when your goal is to learn songs.

As far as everything else you need to play songs, well that's all in my Ultimate Guitar Song Collection.

I've often said "over 200 smash hit songs" but actually theres 225 songs.


I'll go deeper into this lyrics idea in a sec.

Before I forget, here's a nice mini lesson of the day from Uncle D:


Oh, and if you missed yesterday's message, got a brand spankin new course comin out soon, and I would love your comment:


Ok, so back to this idea of working on song lyrics when you don't have your geetar:

I'm talking about simply doing a Google search on the lyrics to some of your favorite songs.  Memorization of lyrics really isn't that hard, but its one of those things that can hold you back from really having an instantaneously available repertoire of complete songs. 

Just look up some lyrics and then when you're playing you'll have em!

Just take it in small bites.  For example, if you don't know how a song begins, then focus on that.  If you do know how it begins, focus on the second verse.

Whether you stay on one song, or bounce around to a bunch of songs doesn't matter. Whatever keeps your mind engaged.  That's the ticket.  Personally, my mind gets bored pretty quickly so I find it good whenever I'm memorizing anything, to look at a bunch of different things and then circle back.

(I'll talk more about memory in an upcoming email.)

But anyway, once you learn the lyrics it makes learning songs easier.

And as I was saying, you'll get all the chords, progressions, licks, riffs, strum patterns, step by step instructions, charts, and tabs, and everything you need to play 225 songs right here:


This course will save you so many hours of your valuable time, its crazy.

Ok, That's about it... Gotta do a bit of things around the house here.  Mundane stuff but feeling very blessed in life with the baby and everything so zero complaints from me!

Hope you have a great week.


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