

Learn about Marine Corps Rank, Pay, and MORE

February 3, 2016
RecruitParents.com Newsletter

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Congratulations to our newest Marines, 3rd Battalion Lima Company from San Diego, who will be graduating this Friday, February 5. A big Ooh-Rah goes out to you all!  


We would also like to congratulate 1st Battalion Bravo Company of San Diego, as well as 1st Battalion Charlie Company and 4th Battalion Oscar Company of Parris Island, who will be graduating next Friday, February 12. 


For those of you who are just beginning your journey, we would like to welcome you and extend our congratulations! You're on a new journey to becoming a Marine Parent. The pride is indescribable, but you may feel you are in an unfamiliar world with a whirlwind of emotions and never-ending questions.

If you've been looking for answers to your questions, we can help you.




  Web Signature

Tracy Della Vecchia

Founder and Executive Director
MarineParents.com, Inc.


The Chain of Command

The Chain of Command
Knowing, understanding, and following the chain of command in the military is crucial. The chain of command is the system that controls the happenings, tasks, and logistics of the military. The chain of command is also the tasking authority for subordinates. The chain of command is what gives the ultimate authority to warriors to engage during conflict. It is imperative to the success of our military that the chain of command exercises the correct leadership and appropriate discipline in order to ensure success.

There are many occasions in your soon-to-be Marine's career that he or she will not be available for you to converse with or ask questions. Those situations may be during training, school, field exercises or deployment. For this reason, the Marine Corps also implements a civilian chain of command for family members called "Family Readiness" once the recruit has graduated from boot camp.     


Click here to read the full article...
USMC Challenge Coins

Among the Marine Corps' many traditions is the carrying of the challenge coin, rooted in history dating back to World War I.


The most common story of the first challenge coins tells of a wealthy lieutenant in the United States Army Air Corps, the predecessor of the Air Force. He had given the men in his unit bronze medallions, and one young pilot wore his medallion in a leather pouch around his neck. One day, following an emergency landing of his aircraft behind enemy lines, the pilot was captured by the Germans, and his personal identification was confiscated.  


The pilot managed to escape the Germans by donning civilian attire and he found his way to a French outpost.  The French, however, had seen many enemies masquerading as civilians, and since they didn't recognize his American accent they planned to execute him.


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Click here to broswe the EGA Shop's challenge coins...
Marine Corps Rank and Pay

Marine Corps Rank and Pay Your recruit learns loads of information during boot camp and Marine Corps rank structure is among the topics covered.
From Private (Pvt) to General (Gen), we've compiled the Marine Corps ranks so they're easy to view and understand and we've included pay grades and abbreviations in the style used by the Marine Corps.
Along with Marine Corps ranks, we've compiled some helpful links and information regarding Marines' hazard pay, per diem rates, housing costs, W2 forms, and more.
Use these pages as a reference and take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about Marine Corps rank and pay.

Click here to learn more about Marine Corps ranks...

Click here to learn more about Marine Corps pay...
Mail Call During Boot Camp

Mail Call during bootcamp
Need some help understanding what's okay and what's not okay to send to your Recruit at boot camp? We've compiled years of experience from parents of recruits to help you get it figured out.


Stick to letters only. Resist sending packages unless your recruit has specifically asked you to send something.


Though your recruit may move from one location for training to another during boot camp, you will always use the same mailing address for him/her (see the page at the link below for exceptions).

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Combat Conditioning:
Training Phase I

Combat Conditioning

The Combat Conditioning program for recruits at the Marine Corps Recruit Depots serves as an introduction to strenuous activity for many recruits. Recruits will conduct Combat Conditioning exercises almost every other day during recruit training.

The program has as its goals not only success as measured by the Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test, or PFT, but also those physical skills necessary to excel in a modern military environment, and in combat.
The focus is on functional exercises, and uses a progressive method to build a strong foundation in general fitness.

 Click to learn more...
Complete Care During Boot Camp: Training Phase II

Complete Care During Bootcamp

From Health and Wealth to Religious Ministries


Recruits in Marine Corps boot camp receive the best training possible.


With that said, recruits are very well cared for throughout the course of their thirteen weeks on the Recruit Depot. From injury prevention and dental treatment to recruit pay and the Thrift Savings Plan, every base is covered, including Religious Ministries.


The Marine Corps' Sports Medicine Injury Prevention program is in place during recruit training to ensure this rigorous training is completed with as few musculoskeletal injuries as possible. Specialists in the fields of physical conditioning and injury prevention are part of the recruit training staff.

 Click here to learn more...
Prac App Test & Written Testing: Training Phase III


Prac App Test & Written Testing

Recruits spend a great deal of time in the classroom during recruit training and, during weeks 10 and 11 of boot camp, they must prove they have retained the abundance of information they were taught.


Recruits must perform a Final Practical Application Test, as well as a Final Written Academic Test.


The final practical application test is a series of test events where recruits are required to demonstrate their knowledge and mastery of the subject. These areas include: First Aid skills, Customs and Courtesies (like saluting or boarding a ship), Marine Corps Uniform and rank identification, and weapons assembly and disassembly.


The final written academic test is second of two written tests recruits take during their training.

Motivational Run &
Family Day

Training Day-69 (Family Day) starts off with a motivational run, referred to as the "MOT Run" throughout the Depot.

Motivational Run and Family Day

All graduating recruits run a 4-mile course which passes by all four training battalions, as well as Support Battalion. At each battalion, selected recruits ring each of the Battalion Bells as the rest of the Company runs by singing cadence, loudly signaling successful completion of Recruit Training.  

As recruits run to the cadence of their Drill Instructors, parents, family members and friends line the streets and cheer as they try to find the face of their loved one among the crowd of new Marines.

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In This Issue
Did Your Marine Graduate?

A special note for parents of newly graduated Marines:


If your son or daughter has already graduated from Boot Camp, you can opt out of the "Recruit Newsletter" by entering your email address after clicking the "Safe Unsubscibe" icon at the bottom of this email.


Change your options to remove "Recruit Newsletter" from your selections. Then, make sure to sign up for our Marine Parents newsletter to continue your journey!
Parris Island
Graduation Dates 
San Diego 
Graduation Dates 
Spread the Word!

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Shop at the EGA Shop!   Where 100% of the proceeds are used to support the outreach programs of Marine Parents. 







Custom Engraved Coin 

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We hope this week's edition of our email newsletter has been useful for you and your family. If there are topics you would like us to address, or if you have other suggestions for the newsletter, please contact us.

The banner used at the top of this newsletter is a March, 2005 USMC photo by Lance Cpl. Joseph L. DiGirolamo. See  www.marines.mil for additional credits.


MarineParents.com, Inc. is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) public charity. MarineParents.com, Inc. was founded in January 2003 in response to parents' needs to find information and to have a Place to Connect and Share® with one another during deployments. Our free online services and connections have expanded to support and educate Marine moms and dads, spouses, families and friends. We've helped more than 100,000 Marine and recruit families during boot camp, training, active-duty and deployments. We've shipped more than 39,000 care packages overseas to our Marines in Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa, sent thousands of prayers and letters to injured Marines and served thousands of meals to wounded heroes and their families on the East and West coasts. You've found a Place to Connect and Share.®    

God Bless and Semper Fidelis,


  Web Signature

Tracy Della Vecchia

Founder and Executive Director
MarineParents.com, Inc.

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MarineParents.com, Inc. | P O Box 1115 | Columbia | MO | 65205

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