

99 Problems, But A Rigged Election Ain't One

Eight. Days.
October 31, 2016
99 Problems, But A Rigged Election Ain't One
With just eight days until Election Day Trump continues to (falsely) claim the election is rigged against him "at many polling places" and by the "dishonest media." Trump has many problems, but a rigged election isn't one of them. Starting today, CAP Action is going to be reminding Trump what his real problems are. Follow @CAPAction on twitter and #99problems to see the list grow.
  1. He launched his campaign by calling Mexicans rapists and criminals.
  2. Twelve women have accused him of sexual misconduct and/or assault.
  3. He called for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States."
  4. He wants to deport the more than 11 million unauthorized immigrants currently living in the United States.
  5. He has called women "fat pigs," "dogs," "slobs," "animals," and "disgusting."
  6. His so-called student debt plan could cost borrowers 78 percent more on their loans.
  7. Under his tax plan, the top 1 percent would get 47 percent of the benefits.
  8. He thinks he knows more about ISIS than generals do.
  9. His threat to not pay the U.S. debt could lead to the next financial crisis.
  10. He said there should be "some form of punishment" for women who get abortion care.
  11. He mocked a reporter with a disability.
  12. He suggested "Second Amendment people" could stop Clinton from nominating a Supreme Court justice.
  13. He thinks climate change is a hoax perpetuated by China.
  14. He championed the birther movement.
  15. His tax plan would increase the national debt by more than $20 trillion over two decades.
  16. His hate rhetoric sparked a rise in school bullying and racial and ethnic tensions.
  17. His mass deportation plan would cost the country at least $4.7 billion in lost GDP over 10 years.
  18. He said Putin has been a better leader than President Obama.
  19. His child care plan gives the wealthy a tax break three times larger than that for the middle class.
  20. He wants Mexico to pay for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.
There's more. Add your own problems to the list by tagging @CAPAction and #99problems on twitter!
Raise The Wage. You've probably all heard the conservative talking point that raising the minimum wage will kill all the jobs. Perhaps something along the lines of Speaker Ryan's claim that "When you raise the minimum wage, you'll lose over a million jobs." These lines are commonly used to block progress toward raising the minimum wage, but they don't appear to actually be based in reality. New analysis from CAP Action takes a look at how cities fared after minimum wage hikes. In 74 percent of the minimum wage increases in cities from 1993 to the second quarter of 2015, the unemployment rate did not increase in the corresponding city a year after the wage hike. And academic evidence also finds that raising the minimum wage has no discernible effect on employment. Plus it reduces poverty and inequality, boosts incomes, and grows the economy.
HOCUS SCOTUS. What makes Halloween actually scary? A broken Supreme Court. After more than 225 days of obstruction from Senate Republicans who refuse to give President Obama's nominee Chief Judge Merrick Garland (the most qualified nominee in history), we still have a vacancy on the Supreme Court. Millions of people have already been impacted by the vacancy. #WeNeedNine
We all know this election has been tough. One way to close this year's fun deficit is by having a big, national dance party. Halloween could be a good time for that. It could also be a good time to make your plans to vote on November 8 (or early)!
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